Accessories and Stores.
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Acetylene Illuminating (157).
The Acetylene Illuminating Company, Limited, of 268-270, South Lambeth Road, S.W., shows dissolved acetylene outfits as one of the principal exhibits upon this stand. The object of the patent is to introduce a means of lighting vehicles, by acetylene gas, without having to carry a generator, carbide of calcium, or water, and, to this end, the gas is compressed into cylinders, which can be attached in any convenient position on a vehicle, and the gas conveyed to the lamp burners by means of tubes. The special feature of this system lies in the fact that acetone is introduced into the cylinders. Acetone has the power of absorbing about 25 times its own volume of acetylene gas, so that a small cylinder, measuring 12 inches long by six inches in diameter, holds no less than 20 cubic feet of useable gas. A governor, which really acts as a reducing valve, keeps the pressure at the burners constant, and, at the same time, a meter with a dial, which is attached to the governor casing, registers the contents of the cylinder. The advantages of this system are manias it is clean, simple, comparaIyely inexpensive, and last, but not least, the quality of the gas can always be relied upon. There are already in existence 350 agents who stock spare, ready-filled cylinders, which will be exchanged for exhausted ones. Outfits can be obtained, fitted into wooden boxes, if desired, but, as in the case of one of the London Motorbus Companies, the cylinders are more often placed beneath the drivers' seats.
Samples of autogenous welding, performed by the oxv-acetylene
blowlamp, are staged. The process can be used for every class of work where welding is suitable, and it is claimed that joints and repairs done by this means are stronger than when done in the ordinary way. The company is,
also, sole agent for a means of inflating tires by carbonic acid gas, contained under pressure, in cylinders. Its stand should be carefully inspected.
Benton and Stone (170).
On the stand of Messrs. Benton and Stone, of Bracebridge Street, Birmingham, there may be seen a display of " Enots " specialities, which include lubricators, sparking plugs, petrol filters, etc. A new patent lubricator is amongst these. and this is made for either exhaust or .force-feed systems of lubrication. The glasses which cover the feeds can be removed in a moment, and a small electric glow-lamp is placed in such a position that the feeds can be illuminated at night when the driver wishes to ascertain whether each feed is passing its correct amount of oil.
Cowey (145).
The Cowey Engineering Company, Limited, of Archer Works, Mew Gardens, S.W., has, among the numerous speed indicators manufactured at its works, one which has been designed purely for commercial work. The instrument, none the less, registers up to 40 miles an hour, and totals up to ro,000 miles, after which it automatically returns to zero. This indicator is thoroughly well made, and at the price of 4-7 ms, will, no doubt, have an extended sale.
Another pattern of speed-recording device is shown -under the name of the
" extension '' indicator this consists of a supplementary dial, in addition to the usual one, but is quite distinct from it, and can be attached to any part of the vehicle. The two dials are interconnected by an adaptation of the Bowden wire system.
Donisthorpe (156).
The Donisthorpe Patents Company, of 5, Southampton Street, Strand. W.C., shows examples of its combined
petrol gauge and meter which, whilst it is not at present widely used on commercial vehicles, could probably be employed with advantage to any commercial vehicle users whose fleet is not sufficiently large to warrant the en
gagement of a store-keeper. The gauge, although fitted in the same case as the meter, is a separate instrument, and consists of a float which is attached to one end of a long light lever ; at the pivoted end of this lever, a small toothed quadrant is secured, and this meshes with a vertical rack, at the end of which is a pointer that indicates, on a scale, the amount of petrol in the tank.
The meter, when used separately, can be fitted either on the tank or on the dashboard, and . it registers the amount of petrol which is put into the tank. It consists of a drum which is divided, longitudinally, into four compartments, and in each of these a float is fitted; when one compartment is filled with petrol, the drum is released by the rising float, and the weight of the liquid causes it to turn and bring another of the compartments under the filling socket, the petrol which was in the earlier compartment having, in the meantime, been discharged. The reve: lutions of the drum are automatically recorded, and, consequently, the quantity of 'petrol which is put into the tank.
Easton ard Melville (172).
Easton and Melville, Limited, of 85,, Shaftesbury Avenue, W., shows "Ilo" motor lubricants, put up in various forms; also, speedometers and the McCord mechanical lubricator. The features of this lubricator are that it can he set to deliver a given quantity of oil, and that, if necessary, it will deliver the oil against a pressure of 1,000 lb. on the square inch. The lubricators are equally suitable for either steam or internal-combustion engines, and the bodies, combine strength with lightness.
Gama ge (160).
The varied contents of the stand of A. W. Carnage, Limited, of Holborn, E.C. as is usually the case, defy enumeration. There is an almost endless variety of accessories staged by the company, but there are one or two things which merit special attention. The " Evquem " sparking plug, sold at s. 6d., combines in one a plug, a compression tap, a spring terminal, and a short-circuiting device. The Garnage accumulators are shown in many sizes, and are reasonable in price. An accumulator with a capacity of 20 ampere
hours is listed at is., whilst one which will " run " double that time on one charging is priced at Z.1 t6s. Heavy lamps, burning paraffin, and fitted with spring mountings and Barton burners, are made a feature of, and a large pair of these lamps, suitable for lorries, with a japanned finish, cost
16s. A new rug, which can he strapped across the shoulders, practically so as to form a coat, is named the " Oteley," and is sold for Li rys. 6d. Gratze (147).
Gratze Patents and Engineering Syndicate, Limited, of 44 to 46, Whitfield Street, W.-, shows its speedometers, which can be supplied to register a maximum of 40, 5o, or 6o miles per hour. These instruments are fitted with a "pointer clamp," which, upon being pressed, causes the finger to remain fixed in the position of the moment until released. The advantages claimed for the Gratze indicators are : simplicity of construction ; accuracy ; immediate response to variations in speed; and every instrument has its own number, so that absolutely interchangeable parts can be obtained for it if required.
The stand contains some very excellent examples of die-finished casting, which are manufactured in steel moulds and under hydraulic pressure. The castings leave the machine in a finished state, and require no further labour. Other exhibits include : the A.D.L." patent headlights, for acetyTone ; contact makers ; coils; distributors; and tachometers.
Harvey Frost (158).
Harvey Frost and Company, Limited, of 39, Great Eastern Street, E.C., shows the vulcanising apparatus for which this company is so well known, and one type of machine is shown upon the stand for the first time. The "Re treader No. as the plant is called, has a capacity for dealing with six average-sized tires at one and the same time; it is, therefore, a very suitable size for cab garages and the like. The feature of this Harvey Frost machine, in common with others made by the company, is that it is self-contained, and very compact, which may be judged by the fact that only four square feet of floor surface are required for the complete apparatus. One man only is necessary to attend to the operation of vulcanising, and the heavy pan cover is made to rise and fall by Means of worm gearing and a hoist. The price complete is Other exhibits on the stand include a smaller type, which has been manufactured for three years, and, also, a combined plant for vulcanising by electric heat, and re-charging accumulators, the dynamo of which is driven by a rh.p. oil engine.
"Jupiter" Fire Extinguishers (169).
Messrs. The "Jupiter " Fire-Extinguishing Company, of 35, Cannon
• Street, E.C., shows two distinct types of apparatus, which are respectively termed a petrol fire-extinguisher and a chemical fire-extinguisher. The firstnamed is guaranteed to put out burn. ing petrol without fail, whilst the apparatus can be cheaply re-charged when empty. It is made in two sizes, to hold one gallon and two gallons of fluid.
The chemical fire extinguisher is coated internally with lead, and each cylinder is tested to withstand a pressure of about 22o1b. on the square inch. The apparatus is at present made in one size only, viz., to hold 2.+ gallons. Lucas (161).
Joseph Lucas, Limited, of 224, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C., and Birmingham, has a number of different lamps and fittings which have been specially designed for use on commercial vehicles, and, for that reason, these are stronger than is generally found to be the case. A solid lamp, with round sockets, and finished in black and brass, is well worth the sum of Li ios, at which it is listed. It is only on close inspection that one se...s the care that has been expended upoa the details of its construction. For instance, the glass beds upon a rubber cushion and is held in place by a circular spring-wire fixing, whilst the pinching screws for holding the lamp to the arms of the bracket are expanded at their inner ends, to prevent the possibility of their being lost.
Duplex " King of the Road " lamps are also shown, and these, a large number of which have been supplied for mail-van services and private station motorbuses, can be had either with the generator attached to the lamp itself, or separate from it. The " King of the Road " lamps are fitted with the Maugin lens parabolic reflectors. The component parts of all the different types of lamps made by the company are interchangeable, a feature which has already borne fruit in many directions.
"New Era." (177).
The Valor Company, Limitrd, of 9, Bush Lane, Cannon Street, E.C., has in place examples of the latest application of the " New Era " system, which takes the form of a corridor engine. This consists of a truck, having two wheels, the body of which is divided into six compartments. Each compartment contains a standard three-gallon extinguisher. It is claimed that this plant can be rapidly pushed Ito the scene of action, and that the fact of applying six distinct streams of liquid gives an ordinary fire no chance of spreading. The development is an interesting one.
Drop forgings are shown for the first time, although the company has manufactured them for a considerable period.
Non-Explosive Reservoir (148).
The Safety Non-Explosive Reservoir Company, Limited, of 62, Frith Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W., shows various shapes and sizes of vessels for the transportation of inflammable liquids. These are fitted with the " Snercold " safety device, which is made under the Henze patents. The device is in reality an adaptation of the Davy miners' lamp principle. The essential point is that every opening in a tank, such as cocks, gauge-glass fittings, and the like, have an inwardly projecting tube of metal, which is pierced with holes close together, and this tube is covered with a sleeve of fine gauze wire. The idea is simple and highly efficient, and the use of such devices has been made compulsory in Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy, for the carriage of all inflammable liquids.
Pearson (175).
Messrs. Pearson, of 154, Abbott Road, Poplar, E., exhibits many examples of the accumulators manufactured by the company ; specimens of incomplete accumulators are also included, to show the method of oonstruction. The firm's clients number many of the most important motor manufacturers in the country. Every part of the various accumulatcrs is made throughout at the firm's works at Poplar.
Premier Taximeters (i.55).
The Premier Taximeter Company, Limited, of 32, Hamsell Street, Cripplegate, E.C., displays the "Kosmos" taximeter. The dial of this instrument has three openings, viz. : for hire, or when in service, hired; fare ; and extras. Fares up to „..3 are registered, and the amounts of fares and extras are shown side by side to obviate any dispute. The case is made of aluminium-bronze, and the apparatus is well constructed in solid fashion.
Prested (142).
The Prested Miners' Gas Indicating Electric Lamp Co., Ltd., of tot, Elthorne Road, Holloway, N., has a stand on which may be seen the ignition specialities manufactured by the company at its extensive works. The coils and accumulators are made in every detail from the best material only, and the different sizes and types are very numerous. Special lighting sets are supplied for motorcars and tnotorcabs, and apparatus can be made to individual design. This company's list of customers includes a large number of commercial vehicle owners.
Ross-Courtney (165).
Ross, Courtney and Company, Limi_ ted, of Ashbrook Road, Upper Holloway, N., has various accessories upon this stand, including lubricators, oil pumps, sight-feed lubricators, valves of different designs, sparking plugs, and many others. The company's tire-inflating pumps are well known, and these can be obtained in numerous sizes, and with or without pressure gauges. A double-barrelled rotary pump, for depOt use, is exhibited.
Salsbury (183).
Salsbury and Son, Limited, of 124, Long Acre, W.C., has a stand, which contains the front portion of an ordinary chassis fitted with lamps having the Salsbury " Anti-dazlo " lens, which is patented in most countries. New patterns of side and tail lamps are also exhibited, the whole forming a handsome and interesting collection.
Samuel Brothers (143).
Samuel Brothers, Limited, of 65 and 67, Ludgate Hill, E.C., makes a feature on this stand of the " Omne Tempus " cloth, which is claimed to be absolutely waterproof. The cloth is not treated chemically, but the yarn from which it is woven is prepared in a special way, so that air but not water can pass through it. S. Smith (157a).
S. Smith and Son, Limited, of 9, Strand, 'N.C., in addition to a representative collection of watches, clocks, and speedometers, stages the " Perfect " Taximeter, and a petrol meter. The taximeter is operated by a horometric system, and the clock movement is sufficient to actuate the instrument for a period of 48 hours. The weight complete is -about 15 pounds, and the taximeter can be hired or bought outright. The petrol meter shows the qtiantity of petrol passed into the tanks, in tenths of a gallon, and also indicates, by a separate inner dial, the amount of fuel consumed on any one journey.
Steel Barrels .(166). The Steel Barrel Company, Limited, of Phcenix Wharf, Uxbridge, exh'bits barrels, tanks, piping, etc., and makes an interesting display of the numerous uses to which the welding process belonging to this company can be put. A useful measuring, device for cmnection to an underground petrol tank is shown, the complete arrangement consisting of the measuring. vessel, a pipe to which is fitted a semi-rotary pump for connecting the two vessels together, and an overflow from the measuring vessel back to the main tank. In the case of the multiplication of these units, there would be one connecting pipe and one pump, the different measuring vessels being connected by branch pipes to the main supply.
Photographs are exhibited of steel tanks, 20 feet in length by three feet in. diameter, which have been completed for the storage of petrol on sub. marine vessels.
Underwriters' Fire Appliances (154)
The Underwriters' Fire Appliances, Limited, of 30, Meet Street, E.C., shows an apparatus which is one of the newest forms of fire extinguishers to be seen in the Metropolis. it is operated, in the usual way, by bringing sulphuric acid, contained in a bottle, in contact with water and hi-carbonate of soda, but if has no tap, or plunger, and all that is necessary to start opera
lions is to turn the extinguisher upside down, when a stream of liquid will be thrown a distance of about 5o feet.
The stand bears a machine, with a capacity of 40 galkins, which will throw a jet a distance of 175 feet. This apparatus is identical with the smaller
sizes, except that it is carried on a pair of ball-bearin,g wheels. It is suitable for garages, or works, and the price complete is ,Z,;65.
C.A.V. (151).
Messrs, C. A. Vandervell and Corn-pany, of War* Way, Acton Vale, W., put forward new designs of lamps for different purposes, also special lighting sets for cabs. There is a complete range of accumulators, distributors, and electric motor accessories, such as transformers, switch boards, and other items. This company's goods haven very wide sale.
Willcox (179).
W. H. Willcox and Company, Limited, of Southwark Bridge Road, S.E.—the " Universal Provider " of the commercial motor world—has on view the usual complete assortment of general engineering tools, accessories, and lubricants. A lubricating oil is shown, which is specially manufactured for vehicles using superheated steam. The many oils and greases which the company makes a speciality of. are displayed on the stand, both in bulk and sthall quantities.
The Turner-Willcox patent pump may be seen in various sizes. This pump, which is operated by hand, is of the horizontal pattern, is sinVle in con
struction, and is suitable for dealing with petrol and oils. • A pump having a capacity for delivering t,00fi gallons per hour is listed at 5 5s.
There is alWays a representative as sortment of the favourite semi-rotary pumps to be seen, as well as of wirebound hose, and the present. is no exception in these respects. The Motor Omnibus Construction Co., Ltd., is to be wound up voluntarily, and Mr. Leonard Fishwick, of 154, Albany Street, NAV., has been appointed liquidator.
"Hanford" Chassis.
We are advised by Mr. I-I. Kerr Thomas, of J. and E. „Hall, Limited, that the company is no longer fitting, the Saurer air-compression brake. This admirable contrivance, the inclusion of which added at least Lao to the cost of the chassis, appears to have been seldom employed by the average driver, hence its elimination from the design. There is obviously no use for it on the petrol-electric model, in which connection it was inadvertently mentioned as one of the points in Part I of our show report : neither is it to be fitted in any other of the " Hallford " chassis.
Railway Omnibuses,
Mr. George Davidson, general manager of the Great North of Scotland Railway Company, has written to Milnes-Dainder, Limited, under date the 17th March, 1908, as follows :I have pleasure in stating that we have now 14 of your cars, all of which have given us complete satisfaction. Some of these vehicles require to go over rough, uneven, Highland roads, which are not only extremely hilly, but during the winter months are covered with several inchesof snow, and two or three of your cars have run as many as 38,000 miles each, and the engines are in good condition. They run very silently, are the best of their kind, and the workmanship has been very good."
More Petrol-Electric Vehicles.
Some 15 " Auto-mixte " omnibuses, to the improved designs of the Coventry Daimler Company, will be put into service by the Gearless Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., about the middle of June next.
Dug_dee in Doubt.
A discussion is taking place, at Dundee, as to whether motorbuses or a tramway extension should serve a certain outlying route. With ready access to the successful running of motorbuses at Edinburgh, we hope Dundee will give the merits of these vehicles due consideration.
London United Tramways, The report and accounts for the halfyear ended the 31st December last have been issued by the directors of the London United Tramways Company, Limited. After payment of interest on debenture stock and loans, and the dividend of 5 per cent, on the preference shares for the year, and providing for income tax, there is a balance of only 4:10,261, out of gross receipts amounting to .4345,57O. No appropriation has been made to the renewal fund, which it is obviously desirable to augment year by year, and this fund stands at only £Io,oO in respect of a total capital expenditure of close upon four millions sterling. The directors attribute the unsatisfactoryresults to the exceptionally cold and wet summer. On Friday, the 27th March, the London Road Car Company started a new route, which will be known as " It is distinguished by a yellow label on the panels, and the vehicles ply between Hammersmith and Liverpool Street, via Walham Green, King's Road, Victoria, Strand and Bank. This is evidently a set-off against the mooted amalgamation between the General and Vanguard Companies, as it is in competition with the Barnes and Liverpool Street " General " service throughout its entire length.
Unlooked-for Solicitude.
The Peckham bye-election last week, with its sensational result, was responsible for a great deal of excitement. The " Daily Chronicle "of Wednesday, 25th March— the issue announcing what was, to Liberals, a none too welcome result—contained the . following paragraph, which followed a list of almost equally ingenious excuses : " It was extremely significant that one of the motorbus companies trafficking with South London sported the red ribbon of the Tory candidate. There could be only one reason for this, that Mr. Gooch favoured the bus companies, and was likely to oblige them by helping to put up the London County Council tramway fares." Such disinterested and practical evidence of sympathy for the long-suffering bus companies was not altogether anticipated. Why not abolish the tramways altogether while Mr. Gooch feels generous? It would not have occasioned surprise if, after this, the " Daily Chronicle " had suggested keen political foresight on the part of the London General authorities when, eighteen months ago, they decided to paint their motorbuses " all red."