Late News.
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Motor Lamps.
Brown Brothers, Limited, of Great Eastern Street, E.C_, has taken up the representation of " Autoclipse " motor lamps, from G. W. Houk, Limited, and all orders for this class of lamp should in future be addressed to the first-named company.
Adams Vans.
Messrs. King and Company, of Leith, appear to be doing a good business in Is-cwt. Adams lorries and vans, for which an increasing demand is springing up amongst laundries, greengrocers, and other tradesmen. A lorry of this description sells at .2713 complete, and the form of transmission employed is very readily learnt.
Drivers at Dinner.
Mr. Arthur Spurrier, one of the directors of Leyland Motors, Limited, took the chair, at the " Essex Head " Hotel, Essex Street, Strand, W.C., en Saturday, the 28th March, on the occasion of the annual dinner of the Amalgamated Society of Motor Drivers. This society, as we have previously stated, appears to us to be one well worthy of support, as its efforts are directed towards the provision of opportunities for the interchange of views, the securing of jobs for drivers who may be out of employment, the provision of sick benefit, and the general furtherance of the mutual interests of employers and men. The secretary is Mr. F. Clements.
Improved Roads.
The Royal Automobile Club has passed a resolution expressing its opinion that a National Road Department should be established, in order to deal with the upkeep and improvement of main roads. We think this view will rouse the greatest ill-feeling amongst the road surveyors, and, for several reasons, we regard it as a move eminently lacking in diplomacy. The leading County Surveyors of this country have, after a deal of persuasion, come to see that no grants in aid can be expected by them without some measure of supervision from a central department : but they are stoutly opposed, both individually and through their representa tive bodies, to any idea of road nationalisation, and we fear this action of the R.A.C. will adversely affect the prospects of harmonious action between road engineers and users.
There appears to be much more competition for nomination to the Council of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders than there was on the occasion of the recent election to the R.A.C. Committee. No less than 74 candidates have been nominated for the 30 vacancies, compared with 33 candidates for 25 vacancies_ . Satisfactory Testimony.
Sturmey Motors, Limited, of Coventry, has received a very satisfactory let. ter of testimony, dated the 5th March, ino8, from the Excelsior Stores, of to, St. Mary Street, in regard to one of its " Lotis " vans. This reads : " Now that we have had our van running six months, it may interest you to know that she is giving the same satisfaction as before. Since we have had her, she has done all our town delivery, besides doing two country journeys per week of entirely new business. She has only been off the road about six days since we had her, and our expenditure on fuel and oil has amounted to
L;s8 175. 10d., on repairs to OS. 2d., and on renewal of parts to Igs. 2d. We are very pleased with the results." The Ipswich Engineering Society, at its last meeting, listened with attention to a paper by Mr. C. C. B. Morris, of London, on the subject of " Petrol engines and motor omnibuses." A sustained discussion followed.
Tire Reductions.
The latest catalogue of the Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Limited, contains particulars of very considerable reductions in the prices of all classes of tires, both pneumatic, and solid, whether for light or heavy loads.
A Paris Congress.
The International Congress on Roads, at Paris, is to open on the ith October, the date having been advanced some four weeks upon that which was originally contemplated. The general. secretary's office is care of the Minister of Public Works, 244, Boulevard SaintGermain, Paris, and these organisation duties are being undertaken by M. Heude. It is expected that a large number of delegates from all parts of the World will attend, and that the congress will last for seven days.