What the Associations Are Doing
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Traders' free choice of transport, said Sir John MacDonald, J.P., presiding at the annual meeting of the Scottish C.M.U.A. national council, was a live question to-day. It was encouraging to see that Chambers of Commerce throughout the s••pountry were beginning to realize that if the trade and industry of Great Britain were to flourish, road transport must have fairplay.
Not the least of the problems to which the Association was applying itself was the penalizing of employers for permitting offences, about which they knew nothing and which they did not wish to encourage. It was also helping drivers. On the subject of local committees, Mr. T. Worsley, secretary of the Scottish Joint Conciliation Board, declared that Dundee had probably gone farther than any. He was invited, a few months ago, to a meeting in Dundee, and he found that a group of contractors had joined to consider the vital question of rates, and they had one voice on their aim.
Office-bearers for the northern area were appointed as follow:—
Chairman, Mr. T. W. Watson; vice-chairman, Mr. J. G. Park; area secretary, Mr. D. A. Mortimer, 31, Murraygate, Dundee; committee; Messrs. C. Alexander, T. Davidson, J. C. Fiddesi W. D. Gilmour, Jun., J. WDonald, J. Reid, F. D. Valentine, J. J. Williamson, A. Callandes, Robert Cumming. James Fraser, David Hdts.burgh, C. W. Meredith, Norman Macpherson, E. Robertson and T. A. Weddersvoon.
A.R.O. Organizer Joins C.M.U.A.
Mr. Leslie Cadwallader has resigned his position as passenger organizer to the Yorkshire Area of A:R.O., on appointment to the headquarters staff, at Leeds, of the North Eastern Division of the C.M.U.A. In his new post he is chiefly concerned with the passenger department of the division, but he deals with licensing matters appertaining also to goods operators. Mr. Cadwallader was formerly an official of the Yorkshire Motor Coach Owners Association, and he became associated with A.R.O. when the latter body absorbed the Y.M.C.O.A.
Five Years A.R.O. Chairman in London.
We trust that Mr. J. F. E. Pye, chairman of the Metropolitan Area of Associated Road Operators, will forgive us for not having referred to his speech at the Coronation Year Dinner of the Metropolitan Area, which we reported last week. He mentioned the spirit of unity which now exists, the considerable increase in membership, and the fact that there were 700 people present at the dinner compared with 400 in the previous year. In addition, he emphasized the work of the Area in endeavouring to lessen the loss of life on the roads, and said that there was no better driver than the commercialvehicle man, Mr. Pye has just completed five years B2S
as chairman of the Metropolitan Area, during which he has devoted a large proportion of his time to the welfare of the Association. The chairmanship of such an important district is no light task, and that such personalities as Mr. Pye are willing to give their services voluntarily to the cause of road-transport unity augurs well for the future of the industry.
Last year set up a record in the number of loading-line plates issued by the Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades. Association, the previous highest figure being exceeded by 52. During the year the membership also increased.
These announcements were made by Mr. A. J. Arnold, chairman, at the Association's annual general meeting. He added that the regulations under the Weights and Measures Act, 1936, were likely to be issued shortly.
Mr. Gresham Cooke, secretary of the British Road Federation, spoke of the road development fund, which is being raised by that body.
Mr. A. F. Shaw, vice-chairman of the B.S.A.T.A., stressed the necessity of passing on to the consumer the great increase in costs which the haulage industry had had to face. There was evidence, he added, that this upward trend had not reached its peak and that vehicle prices would rise.
Mr. Arnold and Mr. Shaw were reelected chairman and vice-chairman respectively, and the council was reconstituted as follows :
Messrs. R. F. Bacon, W. A. Battersea, H. Cruiokshank, .11. E. Ford, K. C. Green, J. A. Patterson, G. W. Rowe, A. J. Arnold,• A. D. Berk. R. S. Brawls, H. E. Pierce, A. F. Shaw, W. A. Duke, W. B.Hughes, D. M. Mingard and B. Stone.
Brighton A.R.O. Elects Leaders.
The following officials were elected at the annual general meeting of A.R.O. Brighton Sub-area:—
Chairman, Councillor A. V. Nicholls (Brighton); vice-chairman, Mr. C. Hatch (Hen-. field); committee. Messrs. A. V. Nicholls, C. Herds, W. West (Burgess Hill), G. Strivens (Steyning), S. W. Fowler (Cowfolrll, E. French (Shoreham), J. llobden Whalley), R_, M. Collyer (Wortittugl ; hon. secretary, Mr. Walter Packham, 201a, Preston Road, Brighton, 6.
Votes of confidence in A.R.O. were passed at the recent annual general meetings of the Bedford, Ipswich, Norwich and Peterborough Sub-areas, The existing committees were re-elected en bloc and strengthened by the addition of new members. Mr. R. W. Sewill, Major Eric Long and Mr. P. J. Anthers addressed each meeting.
The dinner of Colchester Sub-area was attended by 250 people and was a great success. • P.S.V. Owners to Meet in North?
It will probably be advisable for the passenger sectional board of A.R.O. to hold its meetings in the Yorkshire Area or the Northern Area, instead of in London, stated Mr. R. W. Sewill, A.R.O. national director, when addressing Yorkshire passenger members. in Leeds, on March 24.
He explained that this course would not involve members in so much travelling as in the case of London meet
ings, because, on the passenger side, A.R.O. 'a most numerous representation was in the northern counties of England. '
Free Transport to C.M.U.A. Meeting.
Special arrangements nave been made by the C.M.U.A. to make it easy for operators to attend a mass meeting to be held at Shoreditch Town Hall, on April 5, at 8 p.m. "
The Association has arranged for free transport to be provided by coach from Holloway, Stamford Hill, Leytonstone and East Ham. Coaches will not only take operators from these points, but will also return to the starting place at the end of the evening. Application for seats on the coaches should be made to the C.M.U.A., 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
Captain J. Walton will act as chairman at the meeting, and the speakers will be Mr. W. A. Winson, presidentelect, Mr. Dudley Elwes, licensing administrator, and Mr. j. L. Kinder, national organizer. A.R.O. "SPREADING, THE GOSPEL " TO THE PUBLIC.
A.R.O. is doing its best to make the public road-minded. During the next few weeks, Mr. R. W. Sewill and Major Eric Long are addressing various chambers of commerce and rotary clubs.
On Wednesday, Major Long talked to members of Swindon Rotary Club, whilst on Thursday of last week, Surrey Rover scouts provided an appreciative audience for Mr. Sewill, at Honey.
C.M.U.A. Goes Ahead in the West.
It is reported that good progress is being made in the Western Division of the C.M.U.A., which comprises the counties of Somerset, Dorset, Gloucester and Wiltshire. A licensing scheme for public service vehicles has been adopted for the benefit of all members who are passenger operators..
A.R.O. Sub-area for Sevenoaks.
It has been decided to set up a subarea of A.R.O. in Sevenoaks. Councilor F. Jarvis is the first chairman.,