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BST is key catalyst for digitach time change

2nd April 2009, Page 15
2nd April 2009
Page 15
Page 15, 2nd April 2009 — BST is key catalyst for digitach time change
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AT 2AM LAST Sunday (29 March), British Summer Time (BST) began — which means the Universal Time Clock (UTC) on digital tachographs and local time in the UK will differ by one hour. BST is one hour ahead of UTC; for example, 8ain local time (BST) is lam 11TC time.

Burscough. Lanesbased tacho support and training company Tachograph Analysis Consultants explains that digitach users can put the local time on their digitach an hour forward to allow for this, and it has an easy-to-follow 'show me how' section on its website at www. digital-tachograph. COM, which shows how to change local time for Stoneridge. Actia and Siemens digitachs.