One Hears— Loads that pass in the night.
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Of more starts than finishes.
That Russia is pulling lip by eradicatirur,the canker.
. That a horse eats annually the produce of five acres.
• That by no means all certified petrol is now forth • coming.
. That everybody's got to pay a little more to live through.
. That three-point suspension keeps getting reinvented.
That August coke-fired heating furnaces are good all the year round.
That the Car and General is asking no increase for coal-gas motors.
• That if cryptic paragraphs wore dropped this page might go with them.
--0 That concrete roads are made without setts but not • without long setting.
That at least parts of 72, Victoria Street, S.W., appear to be in a mess.
That no steam man is anxious or downhearted on 63 manufacturing side.
• That coal-gas has scored more than a try, for there have been many conversions.
That Liverpool's no-worry depot is successfully -boaming its worry-free lamp.
• That it took some straking to make the tanks ready tor their strafing over the sands.
That trade attention has now definitely veered to the Home market as the first one.
That some M.T.. A.S.C. releases from commissioned rank have been allowed with pleasure. , That buyers go on biting, but that some are merely displaying their after-peace intentions. , That the expansion of steam • into the Army has Meant contraction for many a contractor.
. That the split infinitive (e.g., "to easily perform" instead of "to perform easily") is still with us.
That the Government's liking for gas has caused it to decree that there shall also be plenty of coal-gas.
That many buyers of solid tires think they should only be forced to take credit in kind once in respect of short mileage. Of an increase of tea tendenciea.
That the efficiency_ of the horse is about two per cent.
That there are no master patents on the use of coal-gas. 0 That London taxicabbies still, pretend they are almost penniless.
That the shortage of spare parts Sometimes re lieves:the petrol situation. • That the unworkable Whiting-Bull, like the unsinkable.ship, exists only in.the imagination.
That electrie-tramear men are now attracted by the idea of band brakes in place of tire brakes.
Of a writer who• the " comprehensive stroke of an internal-combustion engine.
That there will at least be group harmony in,. the • industry, and that inter-group harmony inay follow: That schemes for agricuitural development .are helping towards that eight million.s a day paid away. . That several leading tramway and motorbus engineers are now testing the enrichment of coal-gas on their vehicles.
That Bartle's of Notting Hi]] intend to take up Coal-gas conversions when compressed gas can he brought into use.
That the first submarine boat was built in-1640, and that Boadieea,was, 'of course, a User of an early forth of horse-drawn tank., That the cast-iron Unit which makes tip 90 per cent. of the Ford agrimotor frnie may not stand the hammer. of. the hard highway.
Much filing and haminering in some erecting shops where Standardized production is supposed to be ib progress with interchangeable parts.
That original 21. Treasury notek are. now . being framed as curiosities, and that it's noneAoO.ea,sy to get‘hold,of them except from ane"s bank, having disappeared . from Many a tradesman's anquite a number of erstwhile .re'lations, "I` and son" That the Registration. of Names 'Act has eclipsed nouncement.
Of the proposed internationalization of wheel-rim and the sizes, but that the Continental, Polack and one or two other interesting concerns are not tok be consulted—at present, at any rate.
That the National Service Department got together more offers of help than Could he used, according to its own statement, not that it forgot to add that most of it was useless before it was registered. " C25