The Carnage Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was over-subscribed : letters
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of allotment and regret have been posted. Mr. Horace Bell, the late manager— at Brixton—of the G.M.C. Ltd., has been appointed managing director.
Motor Hansoms.
One of the two views on this page shows four of the new Revel motorcabs, which have just been introduced to the Parisian public. The driver is seated high up, at the back of the body, in the same way as on the English hansom.
The Staff at Scotland Yard.
in the House of Commons, on the 25th tilt., Sir Samuel Scott (Marylebone, W.) asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department: What is the staff at present employed at Scotland Yard for the purpose of examining applicants for licences to drive motorcabs; what has been the average number per week for the last six months of applications from men desirous of receiving licences; and how many men per week it has been found possible to examine Mr. Gladstone (Leeds, W.), in a written reply said; There are six inspectors qualified when needed to examine applicants for licences to drive motorcabs, the number so employed varying daily according to necessity. During the six months ended the 20th November, 16,204 applications were received for licences of all classes, or 623.2 per week. Of these, 5,619 were applications to drive motor carriages. During the same period, there were 4,836 attendances for driving tests, or 186 per week, and 3,421 attendances for examination as to knowledge of London, or 131.5 per week. Every applicant was tested on the day he attended.
General Motor Cab Results.
The general meeting yesterday (Wednesday) of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was a less-pleasant affair than the one over which Mr. Davison Dalziel presided on the 14th September, 1908. 'We summarized, last week, the principal figures for the year ended the 31st July last, and, whilst we must defer comment on the proceedings at the meeting until next week, we feel confident that the directors, who are now very wisely carrying forward as nuich money as they can, must lament --in the interests of the shareholders —the fact that 231,750 was last year paid away to the holders of the deferred shares.
"Henry Howlers."
Scotland Yard is " going slowly " in respect of excess-speed alarms; it had been expected that the fitting of such devices would have been enforced as long ago as August last. We have no belief in this type of fitting ourselves, as we have not hesitated to state, although two of our objections were met by a semi-official intimation that it was not intended to summon drivers who merely made a spurt for overtaking purposes, and that it was intended to allow a margin of something like 10 per cent, over and above the arbitrary legal limit.
New Registrations.
}Tarry Simpson's, Ltd (private company), was registered, on the 2:3rd nit., with a capital of 22,000 in 21 shares, to purchase and take over as a going 'concern the business of A. H. Simpson, of Beech Wood, Kendal, cab proprietor, and the business of coaching and posting now carried on by the above at Sandes' Avenue, Kendal.
Vienna Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was registered on the 25th November, with a capital of 2200,000 (197,000 21 shares and 60,000 of is. shares). Its object is to carry on tho business of proprietors of motorcabs, omnibuses, cars, carriages, vans and other public or private conveyances, and to enter into an agreement with Baron Leon de Steenhault de Waerbeck and Paul NageImaekers, Registered office, 62, New Broad Street, E.C.