Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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R A.C. Members and Friends Arrange to Help Us To-night.
Wolf and Co., Ltd., presents a Sixcylinder Napier: We Offer it for Sale.
Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. R. K. BagnaII-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain, Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Total of 1914-1915 Donations (to 30th September last) .£5444.
£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Commercars; Crossley ; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler; Dennis; Dunlop; Foden ; Hallford; Hoyt Metal; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley.
£5 Monthly : Ferodo; Halley; Lucas; Macintosh ; Maudslay; Hans Renold; St. Helen's Cable and Rubber; Scottish Commercial ails; Shrewsbury-Challiner; Wood-Milne; Wolf (Solex).
Lump Sums : Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co., £120; Treasurer, Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co., 185; Albion, £50; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50.
A.S.C., M.T., Central (Corps) Fund.—£200 (first allocation).
We hope that readers who are in or near London to-night (Thursday), and who are members of the R.A.C., will support the concert in aid of this fund. It begins at 8.45 p.m., in the Great Gallery. Tickets are 10s. (or 5s.) each. The best plan is to dine at the Club first, and to make sure of a table by telephoning. The Editor's sliort lantern lecture is one " turn" in a first-class variety programme. The income, since the 1st October, has kept a little on the low side of X1000 a month. That amount does not go as far as is desirable amongst more than 60,000 men, and now comforts for the Balkans are being "requisitioned " on a large scale. We hope for continued financial help. The voluntary work which we do, in this branch of`our activities, is both exacting and hard. It cannot go on as it should without more money to cover actual purchases.
Cash Donations (22nd to 27th November). Miss Hullowile Malahide, Co. Dublin (4 prs. of mittens). Mrs. H. E. Wall, Blackheath (6 prs. of mittens, 1 scarf). Miss M. Flews, Loughton, Esssx (1 pr. of mittens). Mrs. Hart, Dennistoun, Glasgow (1 gramophone, 30 records). Mrs. L. H. Nathan, Grosvenor Square, S. \V. (6 scarves). Mrs C.lordan, Chelsea, S.W. (2 scarves).
Mrs. Cupland, St. Annes-on-the-Sea (24 prs. cf sucks, 10 pis. of mittens, 5 helmets, 1scarf).
The Concert at Guildford.
Unfortunately we had gone to press with our last issue when the third of our series of Campaign Comforts Concerts took -place at Guildford, namely, on Wednesday of last week.
The usual conditions of pitch darkness prevailed. If anything it was blacker in the streets of Guildford than it was even at Luton, and certainly than it was at Letchworth,. but then Guildford has, to a certain extent, recently been in the war area, and that is some explanation of its "tenebrous tendencies." It was just possible to find the County and Borough Hall, and fortunately, our request to the clerk of the weather. for a little better treatment than he afforded us on the two previous occasions, evoked a generous response. Ths night was a fine one.
A Capital Audience.
The result was a capital audience, -and this fixture may be written down unreservedly as yet another success which will result, we hope, not only in financial assistance of some moment to the Fund, but also in much increased publicity for the objects of the Fund and for the extent of its organization. Needless to say, the concert itself corresponded in its main features to those which have already preceded it, and it. was an eye-opener to those who had taken tickets We have all along held strongly to the principle that we shonld provide excellent value for the money expended in tickets, whatever the net financial results should in the end prove to be. That our object was once again attained, this time at Guildford, is sufficiently shown by three eommunicalions which we have received:— " Dear Mr. Windsor,—On behalf of the employees of Dennis Eros. I should like you to know that the con. cert you gave Hs last Wednesday in aid of 'The Com. mercial Motor' Campaign Comforts Fund was a de= lightful and interesting performance, and one which I am sure was appreciated by all present.--Yours R. DENNIS."
"Dear Mr. Windsor,—I should like you to know that we all thoroughly enjoyed the very fine Concert you treated us to the other evening. The organizers and artistes well deserved the undoubted success the gathering proved to be.
" The Commercial Motor' Campaign Comforts Fund is certainly in most capital hands, and is sure to prosper in the good work undertaken.—Yours faith=
fully, R. DOWNING."
"Dear Sir,—I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the talent secured for this concert. The evening was a most enjoyable one, and it was extremely satisfactory, I think, to note how well tilled the hall was. I trust, from a financial point of view, it has been a huge success.- Yours faithfully, J. EUSTACE."
An A.S.C. Contingent Came to See Us.
The County and Borough Hall proved to be very suitable for the purpose, and the lantern display, which is by no means the least popular of many delightful turns, was effected by Mr. H. S. Hail in the unfortunate absence of Mr. G. W. Watson, who was indisposed at the last minute. The whole evening was a most enthusiastic one, and material contribution was made to this result by the presence of a large contingent of officers and men from the
Depot and the 52nd Co., of the A.S.C., MT., stationed at Aldershot. Lieut. Hubert Egerton worked hard and successfully to ensure the attendance of more than 120 officers and men. These contingents came over by special lorries, and showed very high appreciation of our efforts ; they certainly enjoyed the evening immensely. A vote of thanks was spontaneously proposed by one of the men of the 52nd Co. at the end of the evening.
The "Thank You" Badge.
The small "Thank You" badges which have proved such a very popular and ready means of raising additional large numbers of coppers for the Fund, sold like hot cakes, and we noticed one A.S.C., KT., sergeant with the whole front of his tunic bespangled with these little celluloid .tokens. He struck a bargain with one of the ladies who were selling them, that he should have them for seven for sixpence, it is rumoured! The large replica of the badge, which serves as a cheerful reminder, to the fortunate possessor, of these popular fixtures, was auctioned in the usual way during the interval and Mr. Raymond Dennis finally secured it for 25s., thus equalling the result attained at Luton.
To-night, Thursday.
We publish elsewhere a note with regard to the fourth of these concerts which will be held at the Royal Automobile Club in the Great Gallery on Thursday, to-day, at 8.45, and as we write it appears likely that this fixture will result in very considerable additional support for the Fund. Mr. Julian Orde, the .Secretary of the Club, as evidence of his keen appreciation of the objects of our organization (it is the only one which takes care of the motor men at the Front), readily gave permission for a small exhibition of the work in the entrance hall.