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The proposal to raise additional capital to finance expansion, as a result of the increased output of vehicles, was confirmed at the annual general meeting of Guy Motors, Ltd„ held a few days ago. This will have the effect of Ai/creasing the subscribed capital to about £200,000 by the offer, at an early date, of additional ordinary shares on favourable terms to shareholders.
The concern continues to obtain many repeat orders from important operators, and a census of a number of Guy owners, taken early in the year, showed that, of 2,000 vehicles operated by those who replied, 26 per cont. were over 10 years of age.
Carrier Should Have Had B Licence.
Mr. F. Hirst, of Westwoodside, applied, at the Nottingham Traffic Court, last week, for a renewal of his A licence, but Mr. J. II. Stirk, East MidlandLicensing Authority, said that the applicant was found, on July 30, to be carrying certain market produce, and for this an A licence was not necessary and he would, therefore, grant a B licence The applicant said he had been carrying produce, grown in his own garden, to his wife who kept a stall at Doncaster market. Mr. Stirk warned him that be had been " sailing near the wind " and by granting him a B licence there would, in the future, be no necessity to call the business his wife's.
The licence would enable him to carry his own goods, in addition to agricultural goods, furniture and household effects, within 120 miles, and small livestock within 50 miles.
Our "Free " Roads for Transport.
What he described as t.nfair competition by road transport, against the railway companies, was attacked by Mr. L. R. Stanton, of Oldham, at a luncheon which the North of England Branch of the Institute of Travel Agents held, last week, at York. Mr. Stanton, proposing the toast of" The Transport Companies,", said he was entirely opposed to roads being provided free for people to make money out of the carriage of goods, for which purpose the railways of this country were especially constructed.
They were told that the roads in Germany were better than the roads in this country and were made for the carriage of goods in competition with the railways, but the latter part of this statement was not true, for the railways were national property, and the roads were not allowed to compete with them.
In responding, Mr, P. A. Haverson, assistant passenger manager, NorthEastern Area, London and NorthEastern Rly. Co„ said the railways were passing through a period of unexampled difficulty. If they could operate on the same basis as their road competitors and the Government provided the track, they would have only to supply and maintain their rolling stock and maintain the track, and they
chairmat in succession to Mr, W. Smith, of Burnley, and Mr. J. Gibson, -of Salford, was elected vice-chairman.
False Weights in Middlesex.
In his annual report the Middlesex County Council's local taxation officer reports that the practice of requiring owners of vehicles to produce• them for weighing, in the presence of one of the department's officers, was continued throughout the year and, mainly as a result of this check-weighing, sums of
606 and £798 were collected as arrears of duty and additional duty respectively.
Making Shap Easier.
The Ministry of Transport is considering a scheme for the alteration of Heck's Brow, the "lorry driver's nightmare,' on the main road over Shap Fells, Westmorland%
MR. G. L. DIXON, Assistant sales manager of the export division of Emotes, Ltd., is shortly leaving England for a business tour in India and the Far East.
ALDERMAN RICHARD MAYBE has been elected chairman of the transport and electricity committee of the Newcastleon-Tyne City Council, for the 24th consecutive year.
MR. EDGAR MACASSEY has been appointed chairman of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, in succession to Mr. Trevor Morgan, who has been appointed chairman of the Western Area.
The appointment of MR. F. S. EASTWOOD to succeed Mr. J. FaiThdale, C.B.B„ as chairman of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, on the latter's retirement on December 31 next, as hinted at in our issue for last week, is now confirmed, ALDERMAN PHILIP M. ROBINSON, J.P., has been reappointed chairman of Chesterfield Transport Committee, whilst ALDERMAN H. CROPPER, J.P., has been reappointed vice-chairman. Alderman Robinson was first appointed chairman of this cOmrnittee in 1920, and has been reappointed each year to that position.
MR. E. A. INGHAM, whose portrait appears on this page, has recently been appointed .production engineer to Fodens:, Ltd., Elworth Works, Sand bath, He served his apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce, Ltd., and for several years acted as liaUon planning engineer with Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. He joins the Fode..n concern from the Blackburn Aircraft Co., Ltd., with a wide and varied experience., having been assistant production engineer with that company.
MR. L. C. CUNNINGHAM, manager of the export division of Rotes, Ltd., sole world exporter for .Corrnner and Karrier commercial -vehidles, isleaving London next week for an extensive business tour overseas. He will visit the company's main distributors in Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Madeira and Portugal. Mr. Cunningham has had over 15 years' experience in the motor industry, both abroad and in this country, covering retailing; wholesaling, distribution and assembly.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, froin December 2 to 8 inclusive :—Docics. King George V. 7 ; Royal Albert, •8 ; Royal Victoria, 1; Surrey Commercial, 5; East India, 1; West India, 6; South West India, 3; Tilbury, -6; Tilbury Stage, 1; Millis-all, 3; Royal, 1; London, 1. WHARVES :— Hays, 6.; Mark Brown's, 1; Butler's, 1.