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The British Road Federation states that it has carefully considered the memorandum presented to the Minister of Transport by the chairmen and general managers of the railway companies, and wishes to place on record its view that, for the first time, the problem of transport in Great Britain is being approached from the proper angle.
It must, of course, be realized, says the B.R.F., that whilst the railway companies may have reason to complain of the restrictions under which' they operate, the road-transport interests have even greater reason to complain of restrictive regulations and excessive taxation, which are gravely hampering initiative and development. The interests of trade, industry, and national security are paramount, and the Federation will welcome the removal of any restrictive regulations on both industries alike. It therefore suggests that the Minister of Transport should immediately set up an impartial committee to decide on the best ways of and means for removing the present hampering restrictions on both road and rail.
West Country Licence-fees Protest.
Action, in support of Parliamentary Road Group opposition to the proposed increase in fees for commercial-vehicle licences, was reported at a meeting at Plymouth, last week, of the Devon and Cornwall Area Committee of A.R.O., over which Mr. K. G. Foster presided. The secretary, Mr. N. J, Bennett, said he had written to all the M.P.s for Devon and Cornwall, asking them to support Captain Strickland, M.P., in his opposition,' as leader of the Parliamentary Road Group, to the increased fees. .
Consideration was given to proposals, by the head office, for terms and conditions governing sub-contracting. Mr. Hodgson. said the proposals wOuld affect practically every haulier, and he regarded some of the details as most dangerous. The secretary stated that there were no actual clearing houses in Devon and Cornwall. . Mr. Hodgson moved a resolution to the effect that, in the opinion of the committee, the terms and conditions put forward were absolutely inapplicable to local haulage, with which they were concerned in that area. This was carried.
The next meeting was fixed for Monday, December 12.
Mr. Holdswerth Says "Co-ordinate Associations."
Dangers of the variations in road lighting were denounced by Mr. C. Holdsworth, divisional chairman, at the C.M.U.A. North-eastern Division annual dinner on Thursday of last week. The taxes which the industry paid warranted better conditions and better roads. Improved lighting would bring about a reduction in accidents.
On the question of wages they needed a national rate which would cover the country except, perhaps, for London and the Liverpool docks area.
In the matter of charges, the most difficult problem would be that of attaching prices to the classification. In Yorkshire, they did not intend to agree to fixed rates unless it was also agreed with the iailways that the charges would not be cut. He felt that immediate steps ought to be taken to co-ordinate the organizations represent ing the industry. The rank and file should press for some form of amalgamation in the near future and must be prepared to sink all differences.
Reference to the impending retirement of Mr. J. Farridale (Chairman of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners and Yorkshire Licensing Authority) was made by Mr. H. Goodwin, who said Mr. Famdale would carry with him the highest regard of the transport industry. ROAD TRANSPORT A "GREAT DANGER "I
Preference for a different method of approach to the Government, by the railways-, in their present application to the Ministry of Transport, was expressed by a railway union official and member of Parliament at Leicester last Saturday. He was Mr. F. C. Watkins, M.P. for .Acton, and president of the Railway Clerks' Association, speaking at a dinner of the Leicester branch of the association.
Mr. Watkins stated as follows : " I would like to have seen the railway companies approaching the Ministry of Transport, not for powers to wage war in the transport world against another section of the transport world, but to Urge the Government to co-ordinate both arms of the industry and make them both complementary to each other."
Newark Sub-area for A.R.O.
Mr. J. L. Kinder (A.R.O.) tells us that, as the result of a meeting which he addressed recently, a Newark Subarea of the Association has been formed in the East Midland Area.
Mr. Kinder Says "Position Not British."
Mr. J. L. Kinder, of A.R.O., when addressing a meeting at Boston, Lincolnshire, on Tuesday night, said: " The present position is not British, it is not just, it is not equitable." The road operators, he said, had been subject to persecution, and now the railway companies were asking the Government to pass a Bill, without the road operators having an opportunity of closely examining it or opposing it. The railways were asking for a level start, and road operators had a right to ask for a square deal. It was up to them, as hauliers, to press for a Royal Commission to be set up to inquire about the finances of the railways.
Road operators must not be led by the nose into any national position, without knowing exactly the position of the other arm of the country's transport-the railways.
Subsequently, a kcal operator raised the question of the power of the operators in consideration of the large number of organizations representing them, and Mr. Kinder said that if only the numerous organizations could be fused together they would be in a far more powerful position.
Mr. Gresham Cooke and Railway " Sauce."
Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, of the B.R.F., speaking at the Lincoln chamber of Commerce last week, said: The railway companies are seeking to lighten the restrictions upon themselves on the grounds of recent loss in trade. But the road haulier had been equally hit by the trade recession, and 2,000 vehicles have been taken off the roads in recent months. On the same grounds as the railways, therefore, the haulier asks for a lightening of restrictions and taxation. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.