One Hears-
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That Leatherhead, Surrey, is asking for a better bus service That the retail price of petrol in Eire is now 2s. 91d. per gallon.
Of a Morgan mill which can produce 'steel rod at the rate of 60 m.p.h.
That its capacity is 25 tons per hour of No. 5 gauge and 50 tons where the rods are of f-in or greater diameter.
That the C-licensee's grave danger is that his licence is in danger of the grave.
That our Design for. Export article was intended to make the exporter experter
That November did not announce its fog target, but certainly stepped up production That the one-way traffic system in Newport;has reduced the High Street accident rate by 50 per cent.
That Mr. Kenneth Home, sales director of Triplex, is the new question master in the B.B.0 programme, "Twenty Questions."
That earlier enthusiasm felt by the Danes for British double-deckers has now turned to dislike of stair-climbing and upper-deck rolling. That the most exasperating fog is the patchy kind.
That Perkins oil engines were to be found on pine stands at the Scottish Show Of an old reader speaking of the "adventure" of riding in a motorbus in 1906.
Also of the even greater adventure of boarding one without being "mown down-" in skiddy weather.
That Leyland exports for the past financial year equalled the sum of those for the two previous years.
That for inner zones, the new maximum prices for fuel in bulk will be: Petrol 2s. Old., derv. Is. nd. per gallon.
That these are not the present selling prices, but what they will be, taking devaluation into full account.
That Mr. E. C Ottaway has received his diploma as Royal Designer for Industry—the highest award in industrial design.
From Sir Graharn.Cunningham, that Triplex paid to the Government the equivalent of nearly 10 per cent. of its total turnover for the past financial year, on behalf of itself and its employees, in direct taxation, health contributions and the like.