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-B Licences for Caravan Haulage

2nd December 1949
Page 39
Page 39, 2nd December 1949 — -B Licences for Caravan Haulage
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1 LLEGAL operation was admitted, on Monday, before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, by the United British Caravan Co. (Transport), Ltd., West Drayton, Middx, when its application for a B licence in respect of six vehicles and six trailers for the transport of caravans was heard. Decision was reserved.

The company is one of a group of caravan agents and distributors, and not only tows caravans to buyers, but hauls mobile exhibitions and banks around the country.

For some time the vehicles ran under C licences and a contract A licence, In September of this year. however, the Northern Licensing Authority, in whose area the company was based at that time, said that B licences were required for its class of operation. Appearing for the company, Mr. J. H. L. Royle stated that there was a great increase in the demand for caravans, many for residential purposes. Many people, such as serving officers and civil engineers, also required to have them transported..

Most caravan buyers, he said, did not own cars. The company was a specialist in handling caravans, having modified vehicles to do the work. Alternative facilities for carrying caravans were unsatisfactory Rail transport was slow and damage often occurred.

Mr. D. L. McDonald, for the Railway Executive, submitted that the application be refused, as no evidence of need had been produced.


ASECOND fleet of mobile library Vans is being introduced by West Riding County Library. Whilst the first fleet covers villages and hamlets, the second fleet will provide a door-to-door library service for about 60,000 people who Hite in isolated spots.

Twelve vans, with specially designed bodies on modified ex-Army chassis, are being introduced. Alongside the driver is a built-in desk where he checks the books as they are brought in and issued. and nearby is a swivel seat for the librarian. Each van carries 1,000 books.

According to the routes mapped out, each vehicle will make a fortnightly circuit, totalling 225 to 250 calls, and the -issues per van will total up to 500 books a day.


ABOUT 550 people, including Mr. W. E. Pearson, managing director, attended the staff ball of Scammell Lorries, Ltd.. at Watford, last Friday. It was probably the most successful staff function that the company has ever held.


TO enable the Irish transport company, Coras lompair Eireann, to meet its obligations to March AI, 1950, the Dail is to beaskeil to vate.a further -£4,091.000 in its favour, bringing the ,total vote for the year to £4.353,600.