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No " Heavies ". at New York Show ?

2nd December 1949
Page 40
Page 40, 2nd December 1949 — No " Heavies ". at New York Show ?
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No applications for space at the British Motor Show, to be held in New • York from April 15-23 next year. have been received by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders from heavy-vehicle makers. The Society would like British " heavies" to be represented, but present indications are that commercial-vehicle exhibits will be confined mainly to the lighter types and wfll be shown by those concerns that make Also priVate ca,rs.

Apart from vehicles, oil engines, accessories and service equipment will be exhibited.

The Show will be held at the Grand Central Palace, Lexington Avenue, New York, where 40,000 sq. ft. of space will be taken. The S.M.M.T, has made a grant of £10,000 out of funds towards the expenses of the exhibition. The preliminary work is now being done and final arrangements will be made in America by a committee under the chairmanship of Sir 1 iilliarn Welsh, the Society's representative in the U.S.A.


PLANS for the Festival of Britain, 1951, are well under way. It will be a demonstration of Britain's leading achievements in the arts, sciences, technology and industrial design, but will not, it is stressed, be a trade fair.

Keystone of the festival will be the exhibition on the South Bank. of the Thames at Waterloo. One section will be devoted to transport, commercial and specialized vehicles being shown in appropriate settings. There will be a separate display of full-sized sectioned components. such as engines and suspension systems. The work of the Motor Industry Research Laboratory will be represented by a section showing research equipment and testing appa rat us.

There will also be three supple. mcntary exhibitions, two in London and one in Glasgow. and two travelling exhibitions which will visit the provinces_ In addition, local councils throughout the country have been asked to organize exhibitions with an industrial flavour.

The oreanizer of the festival is contacting commercial undertakings and associations and is compiling a stock list from which to select exhibits to represent the finest products of British industry. A greater response is required. Bodies not contacted are asked to get into touch with Festival of Britain 1951, 2, Savoy Court, London, W.C.2.


AMAN with an c x c-e p t ion a 1 municipal connection, experience covering all types of commercial vehicle, a considerable_ knowledge of sales organization and some of advertising, with a background apprentice,' ship of inspection and service -and general management, and well known' to the trade, requires a position as sales. or service manager not involving excessive travel. Letters should be addressed "Sales Manager,-'care of the Editor.


I N the House of Commons, last week, Mr. Glenvil Hall, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said that the Chancellor of the Exchequer held that tax-free payments in shares and cash by companies to managing directors were contrary to the spirit of the White Paper.

Mr. W. L. Wyatt made specific reference, in a question, to Sir John Black, deputy chairman of the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., and Mr. L. P. Lord, chairman and managing director of the Austin Motor Co. Ltd.

THE BERGER HYDRAULIC RACK STARTER I N our report of the Paris Show we referred to the Berger starter on the Aries and Panhard oil engines as being air operated. The maker, Mr. M. Berger, 15 rue Louis-Blanc, Argenteuii, France, points out that this device functions by oil pressure on the two rack ends, which are formed as pistons. The only air used is in a sealed, syntheticrubber bag which exerts considerable pressure on the oil in a reservoir or accumulator. This air is compressed by a hand, engine or electrically driven pump.


I N the first nine months of the year. 136.286 vehicles, other than private cars and motorcycles, were registered for the first time. Of these, 15,075 made their appearance in September. New registrations in August totalled 12,884: Details of the latest registrations are as follows:—