ALEXANDRA COACHES Sunderland have received accolade of winning the f
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and second places in our PSV livery competition. judges unanimously chi Alexandra to win although ti discussed for some time wF. of its twt submissions was better one.
The final choice was a yel design on a Jonckheere-bo( Leyland Leopard. Its ov( distinctive quality and legibility of its graphics won day.
The firm's Bedford-chass vehicle came second for same reasons although judges felt that it has less o all impact than the Leop They did, however, like three-dimensional effect of design.
The paint used on winning livery was made Herberts Wuppertal. Ye RAL 1021, Black RAL 8022, Fawn RAL 1015 were used.
Joint third place went tc joint entry by the GrE Manchester Transport coa organisations, Charterr Lancashire United, Goc Abbot Group and Warbui Travel. The judges liked approach to a corporate irr they felt it was very brave were sure that it was a ma ing success.
The judges added that thought it was fashionablE in the Starsky and H mould, but they criticise( design for not respectinc Idow line of the coach.
Joint fourth came the tradilel approach of Robinsons Blackburn and Grampian gional Transport. Here the lel felt strongly that tradilel quality coach and bus ries designs should survive these days of corporate emes. Both were eminently Jectable, would blend in well the environment, and were ries that could never offend. ticularly praised was the mpian livery for its subtle ice of colours.
he judges highly cornIded the entries by Wallace old, Eddie Brown Tours and :hens of Yelverton.
iallace Arnold was singled for being one of the first • s of graphics in coach y. All the judges said they antly recognised Wallace Did coaches and subconusly remembered seeing • coaches regularly.
Idle Brown Tours of )erby, Yorkshire, were plimented for entering an ictive, modern, quality gn.
le Continental flavour of then's livery attracted the ?.s' attention. They thought this was a busy internal approach, ideal for a pany engaged in Contal operations. They did, )yer, have mixed feelings t the flags incorporated in very.
rning to the National Bus any entries the judges :ioned whether it is a good for the NBC to try to ve an overall corporate ty.
3y criticised the National 3S naïve and badly applied, ;oncluded that the whole
was cheap and cheerful little coarse. They felt that ipplication of the livery )adly policed and incont.
ong the National entries judges preferred the nd Red Wayfarer bus London Country Bus :es' Green Line livery was 311y liked although the ; thought that the use of flected N logo spoilt the I impression. The high standard of the tries from each operator surprising, in the opinion of judging panel, which appare did not expect such quality f British coach operators.
The judges expressed appointment that there been such a poor response f bus operators. London Tr; port was singled out for sp( mention as a missing operat seemed that its red livery ci have received "favourable side ration.'' In the general opinion of panel, coach, and to a le degree bus, operators were aware of the image their Ii had on the market.
The use of multi-colot liveries and metallic paint with all-round approval. reticence of better establi: traditional liveries was also roved.
Undoubtedly, the out appearance of a coach is portant to prospective hirers for this reason alone the ci operator must pay more a tion to attractive appeaN than does the bus operator a captive market.
Nevertheless, there werE entries which learned the mendation of the judges.