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The Commercial Motor Users Association is considering the steps that are to be taken in regard to clauses which have been included by the Bradford Corporation in a Bill, shortly to come before Parliament, which has for its object the conferring of certain powers upon the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of the City of-tradford. The following extract will show our readers the important and farreaching nature of the proposals. and will, we trust. impress upon those owners who have not vet joined the C.M.U.A. the fact that their duty in this regard is clear. Only by concerted opposition can these proposals be prevented from becoming a mostdangerous precedent.
Part XIII.—Further Powers as to Motor Vehicles.
49. The owner of every motor vehicle used for commercial purposes in the City the registeied weight of which is two tons or more shall cause the same to be annually registered in accordance with the provisions of this part of this Act and shall upon registration pay to the 'Corporation a registration fee in respect of such motor vehicle of two shillings for every one hundred weight or part of one hundred weight of the registered weight thereof if the tvre of each wheel of such vehicle be pneumatic or made of soft or elastic material and if otherwise a fee of four shillings for every such one hundred weight or part thereof.
50. The Corporation shall in respect of each such vehicle enter on the register of motor cars kept by them in accordanoe with the provisions of Section 2 of the " Motor Car Act 1903" such 'particulars as they may think necessary for the purposes of this part of this Act as to the nature of such vehicle the purposes for which the same is used and as to the weight thereof and the materials and form of construction of the wheels of such vehicle and the owner shall give to the Corporation all such particulars as aforesaid as the Corporation may require. 51. Every such vehicle registered under the provisions of this part of this Act shall carry such distinguishing mark of registration as the Corporation may prescribe and such mark shall be exhibited upon or in connection with 'the plate or mark bearing the registered number of such vehicle and shall be deemed to form part of such mark and any such owner using or exhibiting such mark without having paid the registration fee payable under this part of this Act in respect of such vehicle on which such distinguishing mark is exhibited shall be liable upon summary conviction to a penaltv not exceeding twenty pounds.
52.• The Corporation may require the owner of any such motor 'vehicle not entitled to bear such distinguishing mark to make in respectof every day upon which such vehicle shall be upon any public street or road within the 'City a payment of three half-pence for every one hundred weight or part of 'one hundred weight of the registered weight of such vehicle if the tyre of each wheel of such vehicle be pneumatic or made of soft or elastic material and if otherwise a payment of three pence for every such one hundred weight or part of one hundred weight. Provided that the owner of any such vehicle if such vehicle is registered elsewhere than in the City shall not he liable to make such payments unless or until he shall have been served with notice of the provisions of this part of this Act and such service may be effected by sending such notice in a registered letter addressed to the person registered as the owner of such vehicle.
53. The owner of any such motor vehicle not registered in the City shall be 'entitled upon giving notice in writing to the Corporation to have such vehicle entered 'upon the register of motor cars kept by the Corporation as aforesaid upon payment with such 'notice and annually thereafter of a registration fee equal to the fees payable by owners of such motor vehicles as are registered under "‘ The Motor Car Act 1503" in the City together with an addition of fifty per centum of such fees.
54. The Corporation shall apply all moneys received be them under this part of this Act in or towards the repair and maintenance of streets and roads in the City.