Fire.Brigade Matters.
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Southampton's newest fire-engine was christened " Madeline" just before Christmas, by the Mayoress, Mrs. Bowyer. It is a six-cylinder Morris.
Dennis Successes.
The first motor fire-engine to be purchased by a Co-operative Society is a Dennis, and the buyer is the Scottish 'Wholesale Cooperative Society, of Glasgow. We hear that the two six-cylinder Dennis turbine motor-driven fire-engines, recently supplied to the Nottingham Fire Brigade, proved of the greatest service at a big fire which lately occurred in that. city. Both machines worked continuously for six hours at full pressure, without any sign of a hitch or breakdown.
Fire Prevention.
Apropos the recent fire at the nremises of John Barker and Co., Ltd., Kensington,the British Fire Prevention Committee, whose office is at 8, 'Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S.W., urges all -property owners to become subscribers (two guineas per annum), so that they may be kept posted with up-to-date litera
ture, reports, warnings, cautions, etc., as to fire risks, preventive measures and safeguards, and other independent information.
Sub-stations Going.
Owing to the efficiency of motor fire-engines, it, is likely that many sub-stations will be closed for ever during the course of the new year.
County Services.
The latest efforts to establish a fire-brigade service in the nature of a county undertaking is that for which the ,North Parley U.D.C. is now circularizing neighbouring authorities.
Sydney's Big Turbine Order.
Eight Dennis fire-engines, four each of the six-cylinder and fourcylinder types, and all fitted with turbine pumps, have been ordered by the Sydney (N.S.W.) Brigade. This order is due to the satisfactory behaviour of two Dennis engines which were supplied some time ago to the same purchaser.
After the L.C.C.. we believe this order to be the largest ever .placed for motor fire-engines of any make.
FinchIey Chooses a Leyland. Finehley U.D.C. has ordered a Leyland engine, the tender price being 2986. Five other tenders were received, and the amounts of these were, respectively, 2840, 2875, 2950, 2950 and 2998, so that the successful tender was not the lowest.
Mishaps En Route.
Recent mishaps at Southend-onSea. Willesden and Liverpool should have valuable influences upon future care in regard to the handling of vehicles. The customary and necessary zeal, which every fireman must display in the course of his duties, may frequently lead to disaster en route, to the disadvantage of all parties concerned, if the lessons of those mishaps are not taken to heart.
The utmost care must be exercised by drivers in turning corners, or in driving over slippery or otherwise ".tricky " portions of the highway. whilst it goes without saying that no vehicle must he moved, when the site of the fire is reached by any person other than a duly-qualified and experienced driver.