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RIP Euro-5, Euro-6 is born

2nd January 2014
Page 7
Page 7, 2nd January 2014 — RIP Euro-5, Euro-6 is born
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AS WE gathered to usher in the new year, we had extra reason to make merry and give thanks, for this is 2014, bringing with it the miraculous birth of Euro-6! Praise be! But this occasion also marks the passing of Euro-5, which graced this earth for barely four years. Let us not mourn the loss of Euro-5 but celebrate its short life, a period that brought joy, clean air and AdBlue.

The fifth generation of a family steeped in European history that goes back to the last century, Euro-5's ancestors came from Brussels in the kingdom of the Belgians. Famed for their beer, chocolate, Tintin and Eddy Merckx, the good burghers reached new heights with the creation of Euro-1, given to the world on 1 October 1993. On that day, the sky grew bright, laboured breathing began to ease and rain became softer and less acidic. And so it was that Euro-1 begat a son, Euro-2, and he too a son, Euro-3. And each did perform miracles, purifying the air in a manner never before witnessed. Evil NOx was chased away, particulates most foul were banished. In the likeness of his father and his father before him, came Euro-4, accompanied by the beautiful handmaidens SCR and EGR. He flourished for a mere three years before passing the mantle of emissions greatness to his only son, Euro-5.

Euro-5 has ruled Europe with honour and dignity. He has guided the great seven gods of Daf, Iveco, Renault, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and Volvo, teaching them the ways of purity and cleanliness. But now his work on this earth is almost done. He is entrusting the final act to his most precious son, Euro-6 and faithful servants EGR, and the boy DPF.

Never has Euro-5 been more loudly proclaimed than in recent times, when thousands of grateful operators sought to immortalise his memory by anointing their trucks with his name until it is possible to do so no more. In this way, Euro-5 will live on in our hearts and in our fleets for years to come.