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Next Year' s Agrimotor Trials.

2nd July 1914, Page 31
2nd July 1914
Page 31
Page 31, 2nd July 1914 — Next Year' s Agrimotor Trials.
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Small Cash Prizes Offered by the

The Royal Agricultural Society issued the following announcement recently. We have held the particulars tor inclusion in the present issue:—

Classes and Prizes.

CLAss 1.—GOLD maim. AND £25. Direct internalcombustion plant of 21, b.h.p. or less, suitable for ploughing not more than four furrows 9 ins, wide by 6 ins. deep.

CLASS -2.--GOLD taaoar..„ AND £25. Internal-combustion direct plant ,over 20 h.h.p., or ,steam ploughing outfit-,• suitable for ploughing not more than six furrows in ins. by 8 ins. deep.

plough. turning not more than four furrows

CLASS 3.-Goan mraan aso £25. Self-propelled

9 ins. wide by 6 ins. deep.

CLASS 1.—SinvErt LLEDAL AND 1.10. Plough suitable

for direct tractor work, turning not more, than six furrows.

Provisional Regulations.—Classes I and II.

1.-For the purposes of these trials, an agricultural tractor " shall be capable of : (a) Hauling direct in work, a plough cultivator, harvester, or other agricultural implement. (5) Driving barn machinery.

(c) Hauling a load along a road and on the land. 2.—The machines shall be tested for efficiency in carrying out all three classes of work.


%. -In Classes I and 2 each competitor will have to plough a given area of land with his own tractor and plough, commencing with the size of furrow specified air each class, during which the fuel and water conuniption will be recorded, and subsequently varying the depth and width at the discretion of the judges.


4. -Further trials on various classes of land with multiple ploughs and with other cultivating implements to be provided by the competitors. V. ith which they may wish their tractors to be tried, may be made at the discretion of the judges. They may also be tested with such of the tractor ploughs as may be entm•ed for competition.

Special attention will be paid, in the ploughing and cultivating hulls, to the weight of machine tria1 ersing ihe land, the space and time occupied ia laming at the headlands, and the uniformity of the furrow ends.


b.—Courses will be set out over the roads and land. selected by the Society, and each competitor shall declare before starting what weight be is prepared to haul over such course, the fuel, water, and other supplies consumed will be noted on the road trial. With selected motors, hill-climbing trials may be made. Motors fitted with winding gear may have the opportunity of demonstrating its advantages. Motors must conform to the requirements of Acts of Parliament.


7.—Each motor will be tested driving on to a pulley oo a countershaft fitted with a brake. The diameter of pulley, speed of countershaft and load on brake a--similating to those of a threshing machine. Time taken and attendance given will be noted in all trials.

9.--implements, exeept ploughs, unless otherwise stated, will be provided by the Society. FUEL.

10.—The fuel, whether solid or liquid, will be provided by the Society. The coal will be Welsh steam coal of uniform quality, and the petroleum or other liquid of one of the recognized brands.

11.—Each competitor to state how many men will be required to attend to the machine.

12.--The following are some of the points to which special attention will be directed :


Weight of machine.

Weight per inch width of wheel. Mechanical design and construction.

Adaptability to various kinds of work such as harvesting and the like.

Ease and safety of handling. Ease of turning and space required for same.

Efficiency of winding gear.

Facility of attachment. Attenaance necessary.

Consumption of fuel, water and other sup

• plies per unit-of work done. Price.

Self-propelled Ploughs.—Class HI.

The trials or these will be on the same lines as the ploughing trials in Classes I and If.

Ploughs to be Used with Tractors.—Class IV.

13.— These may in the first, instance be tested behind the competitors' motor as though they were a combined plant, or they may be tried behind any tractor selected by the judges. The following are some of the points to which special attention will be directed :— (a) Mechanical design and construction

(5) Facility arid efficiency of attachment to motor.

(c) Ease of management in work and in turning.

(d) Space occupied in turning and uniformity of ends of furrows.

(e) Draught relatively to work done. (f) Perfection of woria

(g) Adaptability for ploughing different widths and depths.

(k) Price.'

14.—The judges' decision, when duly recorded, will, in all cases, be final.

15.—The Society's implement regulations will apply to these trials generally.

The final regulations will be issued later. (Signed) Thomas MeRow, Secretary,