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Fire-fighting with a Platform Lorry

2nd July 1937, Page 101
2nd July 1937
Page 101
Page 101, 2nd July 1937 — Fire-fighting with a Platform Lorry
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A Sparshatt Design for an Emergency Fire Tender or Decontaminating Outfit

AMEANS whereby lorries can 'quickly be MObilized as emergency • tire fighters and gas decontaminating machines has' been devised by Messis. J. H. Sparshatt and Sons, London Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, in conjunction with Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Having as its basis the Dodge 3-ton long-wheelbase chassis, the 'vehicle is equipped with a platform body. The platform is hinged and may quickly be lifted by a cable gear, disclosing a canvas tank capable of holding 600 gallons of liquid. An accompanying illustration shows the platform partly opened and the way in which

the canvas tank is unfolded can be clearly seen.

Driven from the gearbox is a pump which has a capacity of 100 g.p.m. and delivers, through two hoses, at a pressure of 100 lb, per sq. in. The tank can be filled either from a hydrant or from a pond or stream; moreover, if a hydrant be available, water can be pumped direct to the hoses without using the emergency tank.

For the dispersion of poisonous gas the tank can be filled with decor.

taminating fluid, and special jets are provided for this work.

The vehicle was demonstrated last week to officials from the Home Office, War Department, Admiralty and Air Force, and considerable interest was taken in its performance. In case of national emergency, industrial undertakings running a fleet of such lorries would have available, at short notice, a valuable aid for defence.

The machine has, however, import ant advantages . for . peace time use

especially in country .districts, 'when it .can be applied to agricultural work such as carrying water to distant fields spraying crops and fruit trees, fightim rick and heath fires, etc.

The outfit, fully equipped and witl hoses, is priced at £507, and we under stand that, despite the extra weight o the equipment, the vehicle still come well within the -50-cwt. class_ Thi equipment is also available for use wit' the Dodge 4-ton long-wheelbase chassis in which case the tank haS a capacitl of 1,000 gallons.