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At a meeting of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, last week, a resolution was passed approving the distinction made between the two classes of driver operating under C licences, as set out .. in paragraph 106 of the Baillie Report.
The Chamber also approved, in principle, the report of the committee, but observed that it would be desirable that the members of the Central and Area Boards should be appointed by the road-transport organizations, subject to the approval of the Minister, Canadian Registrations Advance.
The total number of motor vehicles registered in Canada in 1936 was 1,240,124, compared with 1,176,116 in 1935, last year's total including 184,798 lorries and vans, 2,154 buses, 6,331 taxicabs and 46,767 trailers. The average number of persons per motor vehicle in Canada is 8.9. contrasted with 9.3 in the year 1935.
Revenues received last year by the provincial Governments in respect of motor-vehicle registrations and the taxation on fuel totalled 00,165,279 dollars.
Ambulances Carry 467 Cases in a Day.
London's ambulance service had a busy time on Coronation Day, according to a report by the London County Council's hospitals and medical services committee.
. On that day, the accident section of the service dealt with 467 persons, of whom 428 were removed to hospital— a record for any day. Two ambulances were stationed at each of the 19 dressing stations provided by the St. John Ambulance Brigade at various points near the processional route, and 33 ambulances, instead of the normal number of 18, were available for street accidents.
Special ambulance facilities were also rovided for the schoolchildren gathered on the Victoria Embankment.
200 British Experts to Inspect German Roads.
The visit of British road experts to, Germany to inspect the highways system of that country (forecast in The Commercial 310107 a few weeks ago) will take place from September 24
October 3. The party will consist of about 200 persons, comprising ?II:embers of Parliament, chairmen of highways committees of local authorities and their surveyors, road-constructional interests, and road users.
Presentation to Mr. J. Beckett.
' At the annual dinner of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association, the opportunity was taken of making a presentation of an illuminated address and .a cheque to Mr_ J. Beckett, the secretary, who is retiring after 18 years' service. It was mentioned that he was originally selected from 730 applicants. The presentation was made on behalf of the Association by Sir John Timpson, K.B.E., J.P.
B.B.C. Uses Specially Equipped Vans for Sound Recording.
We reproduce on this page an illustration of an interesting sound-recording van employed by the B.B.C. It is shown recording sound effects during an inter-regimental polo match at Eurlingham. The basis of the vehicle is a Thornycroft medium-load chassis with a high-power power take-off for driving a 2-k.w. generator. The body. is divided into three compartments, there being a studio and an apparatus room, in addition to the driver's cab, The roof is of double-thickness deal boards and is sufficiently strong to support six men, The studio is exhaustheated and is lined with soundproof panelling, and a square turret with hinged windows above the roof is provided for ohservatiou purposes.
The apparatus room is lined with steel armour-ply to obtain a smooth finish, and has been specially constructed to carry a range of electrical equipment. Two of these unique vans are being used at most leading outdoor events in recording for broadcasting.
Official Orders in May.
Few ordeis •for Motor vehicles were given out by Government Departments during May. The War Department placed one for Brockhouse trailers. The Admiralty orders included one for a Crossley fire-tender chassis. The G.P.O. authorities ordered a number of Morris-Commercial bodies, and the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Barford road rollers and Thornycroft buses. 89-MILE RADIUS LIMIT TO 1313 MAINTAINED.
Sir William Hart, North-Western Deputy Licensing :Authority, has declined to remove a radius limit from the licence of Mr. Williath Davies, of Cheadle, Manchester, who, on June 2, asked permission to Carry building materials and plant for A. C. Fields, Ardwick, wherever required.
Evidence was given at the hearing that the 80-mile radius imposed a year ago prevented haulage to aerodrome sites in various parts of the country, with regard to which speed was essential. For this work rail transport was said to be uneconomic.
Sheriff Hints at Heavier Fines.
A stern warning against speeding by lorry drivers was given by Sheriff MacKinnon, at Forfar Sheraf Court, last week. Imposing a fine of £5 on a driver, Sheriff MacKinnon remarked that the fall penalty for such a speeding offence was £20.
It would, he added, appear that the only method of deterring future offenders was a substantial increase of fines, "particularly as I have a shrewd suspicion that, as often as not, the owners are as much to blame as the drivers."
S.A.R. Wants Coach Bodies.
The South African Railways and Harbours Administration is calling for tenders, which have to he presented in Johannesburg by August 23, 1937, for the supply of all-metal, single-deck, • luxury-type coach bodies. Further details may be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.'W.1, reference TY 24337/37 being quoted.
Combined Horsebox and Prison Van.
Lancashire County Constabulary has placed in service a Leyland horsebox, which, in cases of emergency, can be converted into a prison van. To obtain a low loading height the body is mounted on a Cub forward-control passenger chassis. The body is equipped with separate stalls for three horses, and the padded partitions are easily removable to enable longitudinal seats for 28 men to be placed along the body sides. c21