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SHOW What will be Seen
We Give Below a Forecast of the Exhibits in the Vehicle and Power Farming Section of the Royal Show which Opens at Wolverhampton on Tuesday next, and Closes on July to
THE 96th annual exhibition of the Royal Agricultural Society of England is to be held this year at Wolverhampton from July 6-July 10. The show is open from S a.m. to 8 p.m. on the first day, and from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on subsequent days. Prices of admission are as follow :—July 6, 5s. ; July 7, up to 2 p.m., 5s. ; thereafter 3s. ; July 8, 3s.; July 9, 2s. 6d. ; July 10, is. Season tickets are available for 12s. 6d. Car parking is in the hands of the R.A.C., and, for the convenience of visitors, the club has issued a folder doirtaining maps showing the mutes to the Show. Season tickets for cars are available for 10s. The implement section is thoroughly representative of the wide range of power-farming appliances, and amongst the exhibitors are many well-known commercial-vehicle manufacturers. On this arid following pages appears a forecast of the exhibits in this section, and they are
arranged in stand-to-stand order. . .
FORDSCIN. Stand 27
AWIDE range of FOrd30n models will be on view -on the stand of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., at the
Royal." Amongst the eomniercial vehicles to be exhibited are a 5-cwt. van, a 15-cwt. van, a 25-cwt. lorry, and a van on the 25-cwt. chassis.
The larger classes of commercial vehicle will be represented by two 2tonners with lorry bodies, a 3-ton hydraulic tipper, and a 3-ton cattle truck. The double-deck Liddy for the last-named is of interesting design and is built in four sections which are both convertible and detachable. A patent ramp facilitates loading.
Fordson tractors of the Agricultural and Utility types will be seen in profusion, the former being equipped with spade lugs, also for row-crop work, and again with pneumatic tyres. The Utility type will be on view with tyres by the Dunlop, Firestone and Goodyear concerns.
.1-1 A REPRESENTATIVE array of the latest Commer and Karrier vehicles suitable for agricultural purposes will be exhibited on this stand. The exhibit is to be arranged by Col:tunerKarrier (Midland), Ltd., of Birmingham, in conjunction with a number of local dealers. Twelve models will be open to view, nine of them being Commers ranging from the 8-cwt. van to the N.5 5-tonner. The 8-cwt, machine will be seen in the form of a van and as a utility vehicle; it is priced at £148 and £198 respectively.
The Ni 20-25 cwt. van to be shown is one of many built for J. Lyons and Co., Ltd., and the body is by Normand Garage, Ltd. Three drop-sided lorries wifl be on view, and these will be based on the 14-2-ton normal-control, the N.3 2-3-ton forward-control and the LI:C.5 4-5-ton chassis. The 5-tonner will also be seen in the form of a shortwheelbase tipper and with a Thorne cattle-truck body. The final Commer exhibit is a 2-8-ton chassis with, a Jennings streamlined horsebk body.
Of the three Karrier exhibits, two are to be drop-sided lorries, one of them based upon the Bantam chassis, and having a pay-load rating of 2 tons, and the other having as its basis the CK.3 3-ton chassis. The exhibits will be completed by the CK,5 5-tonner equipped With a moving floor. .
BEDFORD. Stand 29
ABIG selection of Bedford vehicles is to be shown this year Prestage, Ltd., the Birmingham distributor for this popular make of machine. The exhibits total 10 and include vehicles of from 8-cwt. capacity to 3-tanners. Amongst the smaller machines are the 8-cwt. boxvan and a 12-cwt. shooting truck. The 30-cwt. models' are to he represented by a farm lorry and a boxvan, •whilst the 2-tonner will be on view with a double-deck livestock body, also as a tiPping lorry and standard drop-sided lorry.
The popular 3-ton machine is to be shown with a tipping body, also in the form of a -cattle truck. The exhibits are to be completed by a 3-ton machine which is adaptable for carrying either horses or livestock.
ABIG display of Morris-Commercial vehicles is to be staged by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd. Six machines will be on view, and they range from 1 ton to 4-5 tons pay-load capacity. The smallest machine is the 1-ton van which incorporates double doors at the rear, Alternatively, a roller shutter can be supplied without extra charge.
The 30-cwt, forward-control van is also to he on view, arid is available either with a four or six-cylindered engine. A special farmer's lorry based upon the 2-ton forward-control chassis, is equipped with detachable sides and top and a two-piece loading ramp. A tailboard is also included for use when the ramp is not required.
Two drop-sided lorries are to be included in the exhibits, and these have as their bases the 80-cwt, chassis and the Leader. 4-5-ton heavy-duty chassis. The Leader-type lorry is equipped with a six-cylindered engine and is priced at £380. The exhibit is completed by a Leader 3-4-ton tipper.
On this stand there will also be seen four Morris vans----praducts of Morris Motors, Ltd. The popular 5-cwt. machine, which has a body capacity of 50 cubic ft:, is priced at £117 10s., whilst the larger 10-cwt. van, two examples of which will be open to view, is notable for its 'semi-forward control. The body capacity is 119.cnbic ft.; and the price is £172 10s.
GUY. Stand 32
SIX examples from the Guy range of commercialvehicles 1:vi1l• be shown by Guy Motors, Ltd. The Vixen 8-4ton forward-control chassis will he seen in conjunction with a cattle-truck. body which incorporates a one-man-operated sliding ramp. The body is a product of W. Robinson and Co., of Wolverhampton., The Wolf 2-3-tonner will be on view in the form of a hinged-sided lorry, and this machine is powered by a four-. cylindered overhead-valve engine developing 50 b.h.p. The 3-4-ton range will be represented by the Vixen for
ward-control lorry, and another lors will be the Fox 5-6-tonner, which ha a body length of 16 ft. 6 ins.
The exhibits are to be completed h the Otter 4-5-tonner, which has a foul cylindered engine and incorporate Lockheed • brakes, and a deliver van, based upon the 2-ton chassi which has been built for the Eve Ready Co., Ltd.
DODGE. Stand 3
THIS popular make of vehicle wi: be shown by Cecil Kay, Ltd., c Birmingham, the Dodge distribute,' and the exhibits range from a utilit van to a 4-ton tipper. The van i powered by a 19.8 h.p. unit developin. 70 bh.p. The 3-tonner will be show: with a Luton-type van body, whilst th
(Left) The well-known Perkins Leopard oil engine is here seen as the motive unit of a Fordson tractor. (Stand 150). (Below) A 10th repeat order by Southern Roadways Ltd. of Poole, this E.R.F. Gardner-engined lorry will be seen on Stand 157.
Dodge 2-tonner will be available fo inspection in the form of a tippet Three 4-tonners will be on view including-the standard lorry, the 111ajo lorry and a short-wheelbase tipper witl Bromilow and Edwards hydraulic gear
DIAMOND MOTORS. Stand 20 TRAILERS of from 3-cwt. to 30-cwt pay-load capacity will fie shown 131 Messrs. Diamond Motors. • There wil also be on view a complete range o axles and ball hitches for trailers o varying capacities.
ANEW tractor tyre will be a featun of the exhibits of the Firestom Tyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd. This nem spade-lug tyre is designed for operation under the most difficult conditions. II is claimed that the cover, with to heavy, spade-type rubber cleats, will provide sufficient adhesion easily tc .pull a three-furrow plough througlsoggy marshland, It is available is three sizes-10.00-36, 10.00-44 and
12.75-28. The latest Firestone agricultural Ground-Grip tyre has been provided with a more rugged tread, whilst the flexible sides have been retained. Another important feature of this tyre which will attract interest is the inter-locking chevron tread-pattern which is widely spaced so that the tyre may keep itself clean tinder all conditions, at the Same time giving maximum tractive efficiency..
Tyre and wheel equipment for all leading makes of tractor will he on view and a special tyre and wheel for row-crop work is to complete the exhibits.
MASSEY-HARRIS. Stand 78 I NTRODUCED last year, the Pace maker tractor will be to the fore on the stand of Massey-Harris, Ltd, Developing 40 h.p., the four-cylindered engine runs on paraffin. This model will be equipped with low-pressure pneumatic tyres.
The Challenger model will be on view equipped for row-crop and generalpurpose work and will be seen fitted with steel wheels, spade lugs, etc. For general-purpose work the four-wheel drive tractor, which completes the exhibit, is worthy of attention.
RUSTON AND HORNSBY. Stand so ABIG variety of stationary oil engines will be featured by Roston and Hornsby, Ltd., the units ranging in power from 3 b.h.p. to 16 b.h.p. Four vertical oil engines will be on view, whilst the modern type of horizontal oil engine will be represented by two Ruston Hornsby units. Other exhibits will include both petrol and paraffin-operated engines.
PETTERS. Stand Si AREPRESENTATIVE selection of stationary oil engines, lighting sets and pumping plants is to be shown by Petters, Ltd. A new oil engine, not previously exhibited at the "Royal," combines the chief advantages of the two and four-stroke types. It is known as the Harmonic Induction unit and is so named because the exhaust gases,
expelled from the cylinder in .waves, are used -to induce a flow of fresh air into the cylinder for the next cycle.
MARSHALL. Stand 83 PROMINENT amongst the exhibits of. Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., will be several models of the Marshall oil-engined tractor equipped to show the machine's wide application, both for agricultural and industrial use. Road rollers will be. represented by the Marshall sin gle-cylindered twostroke oil-Tengined Machine, which is likely to create considerable interest.
A small 21-ton roller will also be on and whilst it is recogn4ed as a footpath model, it is quite large enough for light rolling and has rna-rty
uses in modern road construction. It is powered by a Blackstone twocylindered oil engine.
FOWLER. Stand 84
A BIG display of agricultural appli
ances is to be arranged by John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., which will exhibit a complete range of oilengined Gyrotillers. This concern, will also show three track-laying tractors. one of which—the "Four-Forty "—is designed especially for timber work. A variety of stationary engines will also be on view.
BAMFORDS. Stand 88
INCLUARD in a comprehensive display of motors by Bamfords, Ltd., will be the new Royal easy-cut mower. This has a 5-ft. cutter bar, the knife of which is driven by a Villiers two-stroke engine of 196 c.c. capacity.
A variety of stationary engines operated by petrol, paraffin or oil fuel will also be seen. ALBION MOWERS. Stand 89 ACOMPREHENSIVE range of Albion Mowers is to be exhibited by the maker, Harrison McGregor and Co., Ltd.
MeLAREN. Stand 92 I NCLUDED in a comprehensive dis
play of implements and stationary oil engines, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., will show a useful windlass driven by the McLaren four-cylindered oil engine. The windlass is one of a pair for work on the double-engine cable-ploughing system.
FOUR rollers, ranging in weight from 124 cwt. to 8 tons, will be on view on the stand of Aveling-Barford, Ltd.
The smallest machine, the "Victor," is a petrol-engined hand-guided roller, available in weights of 121 cwt, and 15 cwt. The second machine weighs 35 cwt. and is specially designed for grass rolling. For this purpose it is equipped with wide rear rolls giving an effective rolling width of 6 ft., with equal pressure per inch of width on front and rear rolls. It is powered by a twin-cylindered petrol engine.
Type A roller is a general-purpose machine weighing 2 tons and it can be converted by means of interchangeable rear rolls to a 24-ton machine or to one with a 6-ft. rolling width for grass work.
Completing the display will be the DXS oil-engined roller, the approximate weight of which is 8 tons. It is powered by a single-cylinelered oil engine of 17-19 h.p., and the be on view is equipped with water tanks and sprinklers to all rollers and a one-tine " Price " resilient scarifier.
INTERNATIONAL. Stand 97 WELL KNOWN in the agricultural VV world.for its wide range of tractors and farm implements, the International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., will this year be showing at Wolverhampton a big range of International tractors with various wheel equipment and with steel or pneumatic tyres. Eight standard-type tractorswill he on view including the WD40 oil-engined Model and the Farman machine. Track laying machines will•be"represented by the TracTracTors and five models will be open to inspection, including the T20 for row-crop work, and the TD85 and TD 40, both of•which are powered by oil engines.
The International concern is also to exhibit examples frbm its range of C0113inercial vehicles and special. interest attaches to these as they are new models, A 15-cwt, lorry and a 25-cWt. lorry represent the lightweight models catalogued, and the D30 3-fanner is .a sample .of the machines of larger pay
load capacity. The new International models are described fully elsewhere in this issue.
WALCO. Stand 102
ANEW general-purpose tractor is to be featured on the stand of Wallis and Co. (Long Eaton), Ltd., and it will be powered by a J.A.P. 15-b.h.p. engine. The company will also show an example of its small industrial tractor which is designed for loads up to 3 tons. A range of Walco motor rollers will also be open to view.
WILDER. Stand 148
SEVERAL trailers of use for work on farms he on view on the stand of John Wilder, Ltd.
PERKINS. Stand 150
ADAPTABLE to all forms of mechanical transport the Perkins oil engine will this year be exhibited by F. Perkins, Ltd., as the power unit of a Fordson tractor. For this purpose the Leopard engine has been chosen and this tractor Will be the first of its kind to be equipped with a high-Speed 'oil
engine in place of a petrol or paraffin unit.
Another exhibit of interest will be a Commer LN5 lorry equipped with a Leopard II oil engine; the unladen weight of this machine is under 50 cwt. Both the Leopard I and Leopard II engines will be open to inspection and one of these will be shown in section.
DUNLOP. Stand 151
rl.A WIDE variety of goods for agricultural purposes will be shown by the Dunlop, Rubber Co., Ltd., and of particular interest will be land-wheel equipment, comprising pneumatic tyres on pressed-steel artillery wheels,: the last named being fitted to an axle with roller-hearing hubs. Pneumatic tyre equipment for agricultural binders, will also he shown. Tractor equiprnent, with low-pressure pneumatic tyres, will be on view, also detachable tractor. wheel weights and retractable strakes.
CATERPILLAR. Stands 156 and 177 rATERPILLAR tractors will be seen on two stands, one occupied by Jack Olding and Co., Ltd. (156), and the other by H. Leverton and Co, (177). On these stands will also be seen several John Deere tractors.
The Caterpillar machines are of the track-laying type and certain of the models are powered by oil engines. The prices range from £485 to £1,696–The John Deere tractors to be on view are of the wheeled type and range hi price froth. £100 to £270. E.R.F. Stand 157
FOUR examples of the E.R.F. range are to be exhibited by E.R.F., Ltd., and all the vehicles will be powered by Gardner oil engines. A 10-tonner, which has been built for Southern Roadways, Ltd., of Poole, and will be shown on. this stand, has a five-cylindered Gardner engine, whilst a 7i.fanner for J. Campbell and Sons (Smethwick), Ltd., will be equipped with a Gardner four-cylindered engine. The remaining. two machines, both powered by Gardner 6LW units, comprise a L5-'ton eight-wheeler, and a 12ton six-wheeler.
AUSTIN. Stand 153
A USTIN vehicles will be featured .ti.this year by Charles Clark and Son, Ltd., and three vans will be open to inspection. The smallest, a 5-cwt. model, is priced at £111 10s., whilst the 6-8-cwt. and 7-10-cwt. machines cost £154 10s. and £177 10s. respectively.' The 7-10-cwt. model is also to be shown in -.truck form, and the exhibits will be completed by a shoot
brake powered by a 14 h.p. engine.
REO. Stand 159
AFREQUENT exhibitor at agricultural shows is Reo Motors (Britain), Ltd., and, at the Royal Show this year; this make of machine win be handled.. by Old Hill Motors, Ltd., the local Reo distributor. Three examples of the Reo chassis will be on view, these compriSing the 3-ton, 4-ton and 5-ton models, whilst a 3-ton longwheelbase chasSis will form the basis of a well-designed horsebox produced by Messrs. Thorne Of Coridover.
DESIGNED to meet the requirements of nurseryman, market gardeners and fruit growers, the B.H.T. tractor will be shown by British Holder Tractor, Ltd. The chief features of this lightweight outfit are' the two-stroke
engine, totally enclosed main clutch with independent clutches for the road wheels to facilitate turning, and four variations of wheel track without the axle projecting.
DIAMOND-T. Stand 161 THREE examples of the Diamond-T 1 range are to be shown at Wolverhampton by Messrs. Diamond-T Motors. These comprise the 3-ton, 4ton and 5-ton models. This make of machine is gaining popularity in this country.
T"popular Advance lightweight oil-engined roller is to be featured at the " Royal" by its maker— Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. Designed for paths, drives, grass rolling and general estate work, the rear rims are reversible, giving alternative rolling widths. It is also available with a petrol engine.
FODEN. Stand 170
Li ARDN.ER oil engines will provide
the motive power for five machines to be seen on the stand of Fodens, Ltd. Of special interest will be the timber tractor, whilst a three-way hydraulic tipper with a pay-load capacity of 71 tons will doubtless attract attention. Other vehicle exhibits are to include the 4-ton oil-engined lorry which is equipped with the Gardner 4 LK power unit, developing 53 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m.
A 10-ton six-wheeler and a 12-ton six-wheeler will both be equipped with krry bodies, whilst the exhibits are to be completed by a 15-ton rigid eight.
wheeler powered by a six-cylindered Gardner engine, developing over 100 b.h.p.
MILLER. Stand 171
A WIDE variety of Miller " Non
Zlip " tractor wheels will form the main exhibit of Miller Wheels, Ltd., and models suited to many of the more popular tractors will be on view. In addition, the company is to show its universal cultivator unit which is equipped with an hydraulic lifting gear.
CASE. Stand 172
OFspecial interest on the stand of Associated Manufacturers Co. (London), Ltd., will be the latest type of Case combined harvester thresher. Known as model C, this machine is a smaller edition of the well-known model Q. The new type has an 8-ft. cut compared with the 12-ft. cut of the
model Q. It has, however, a corresponding oversize capacity in the thresher enabling it to deal with crops under the worst possible conditions. A novel feature of the outfit is the power lift by means of which the cutter bar or header is raised or lowered.
As in former years the company is exhibiting a full range of Case tractors, including the row-crop types. There will also be a display of petrol, petrol. paraffin and oil engines.
FOSTER. ' Stand 173 WLL-KNOWN for its agricultural itoducts, William Foster and Co., Ltd., is this year to show at Wolverhampton one of its single-cylinder traction engines, rated at seven nominal h.p. Whilst primarily of use for driving and hauling threshing machines, it can also be employed for general agricultural purposes.
IVE examples of the WC-type
tractor will be featured among the 13 exhibits on the stand of the AllisChalmers Manufacturing Co. This model, which is equipped with a fourcylindered engine, is adaptable to a wide variety of operations. It will be seen with standard steel wheels. Firestone pneumatic tyres, also with a wide front axle with pneumatic-tyred wheels.
A useful 3-ton farm trailer for use with this tractor will also be on view, and the load is carried on a tilting subframe equipped with hoist blocks for easy unloading where dumping is required. The trailer is available with or without brakes which, when incorporated, are of the vacuum type controlled from the tractor.
Other models to be on view include the well-known LT-type machine which will be open to inspection in different forms. The All-Crop Harvester will doubtless be a centre of interest on this stand, whilst the model A tractor with pneumatic tyres will repay close inspection. Crawler-type tractors are represented by the K and WM models, one of which will be adapted to run on paraffin.
FERGUSON Stand 176
be shown at the " Royal" for the first time, the Ferguson tractor exhibit is to be arranged by Harry Ferguson, Ltd. Seven machines will he on view, in conjunction with the wide variety of equipment with which they are designed to operate. The tractor will be open to inspection with row-crop wheels, with normal steel wheels, and with pneumatic tyres. A feature of the exhibit will be a sectioned
model showing the working of the Ferguson transmission and illustrating the layout of the hydraulic implement control.
SLAW-KNOX Stand 178
CLETRAC tractors arc to be featured on the stand of Blaw-Knox, Ltd., and of special interest will be the model DDH crawler tractor. Other models of this make will be the BD-, E31 and AG types which are of differing capacities but similar in general design. Two of the machines have four-cylindered power units, whilst the BD model is equipped with a sixcylindered engine. Novo pumps will also be on -view.
BRISTOL. Stand 179
FIRST produced some five years ago, the Bristol tractor to be exhibited by Bristol Tractors, Ltd., will be seen
in its latest form. Notable features of the new machine include the disposition of the air cleaner, roller mountings with automatic lubrication to the spindles, and a new design of dust excluder and oil seal for the rear axle.
Attention should be drawn to the rubber-jointed track which incorporates -a new form of tooth member giving large bearing surfaces on both sides of the tooth itself and registering with the flanged rim of the new rear idler. The tractor is powered by the wellknown Jowett flat-twin petrol engine.
AMONGST the wide variety of farm appliances to be shown by the Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., are the Graveley auto-mowers and cultivators. These appliances are available with power units rated at from 2 h.p. to 5 h.p. and the prices range from E52 10s.
LANZ. Stand 181
OFspecial interest on the stand of the Lanz Tractor. Co., Ltd., will be a seetioned working model of the Lanz Bulldog oil-engined agrimotor. Visitors will thus be able to see the salient lea
' tures of this machine, whilst five complete tractors will also be open to inspection. These include four models of the Bulldog type, all of which are powered by oil engines of different h.p. ratings. • The model T, which will also be on view, is a tracklaying machine, whilst the model P allpurpose tractor is equipped with a sixspeed gearbox and electric lighting.
BALL. Stand 196
WELL known amongst farmers for IT its wide range of equipment, Wm. Ball and Son, Ltd., is to exhibit a new
general-purpose trailer, a feature of which is the low-loading level. The body length is 13 ft. 10 ins, and the width 6 ft. 5 ins., so that it provides ample space for bulky loads; it is designed for 21-ton pay-loads.
SLINGSBY. Stand 229
ELECTRIC and petrol-driven trucks .1-...form an important section of the exhibits of Messrs. H. C. Slingsby.
OLIVER. Stand 242 COUR examples of the Oliver tractor
will be 'exhibited by John Wallace and Sons, Ltd., and one rated at 18/88 h.p. is equipped with steel wheels. Model 70 is to be seen in various forms and, in one instance, it will be adapted for row-crop work.
STANHAY. Stand 248
OF primary interest on the stand of Stanhay, Ltd., will be a Fordson tractor converted for row-crop work. Modifications from standard include the provision of a telescopic high
clearance front axle and 48-in, row. crop wheels. The machine has a short _wheelbase and its turning circle lu only 13 ft. The Elwick wheelless cultivator will also be on view, together with a wide variety of agricultural implements.
RENAULT. Stand 261
THREE examples of the Renault 1 range of commercial vehicles will be exhibited at the "Royal." These comprise the 10-cwt. van, the 15-cwt. van and a 2-ton drop-sided lorry. The last-named is powered by a 2.4-litre ..four-cylindered side-valve engine and the chassis is priced at £198.
LATIL. Stands 327 and 3:33
TWO stands are to he occupied this year by Latil Industrial Vehicles, Ltd., and on stand 327 the company is to exhibit its Mark I forestry tractor. This machine follows on the general lines of the chassis which has given such good service to Operators in the past, but it has recently been modified and was' described fully in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated June 18 last. The machine is priced at £885.
The Mark I forestry tractor will also be on view on stand 388, whilst alongside it will be an example of the Mark I Traulier designed for .road haulage. The last-named is priced at E670, which includes full electric equipment. The exhibits are to be completed by two timber trailers, one being a four-wheeler and the second a six:wheeler.
ME R RYWE ATHE R. Stand 349 .FIRE protection at the " Royal " isagain to be entrusted " to -Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., which is providing a fire station equipped with a Hatfield fire engine of 500 gallons capacity with first-aid apparatus and a 35-ft Telestala ladder. A Hatfield trailer pump. Warspite portable motor
• pump and a Xaust-Suds generator will also be on view. In addition, there will be a big range of hand-operated fire extinguishers, etc.
JENNINGS. Stand 356
WIDELY known in the agricultural VII field, J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd., is to exhibit a general-purpose cattle truck which is notable for its low-loading height. This concern is also to show a three-horsebox which . gives 'good accommodation at the rear for grooms. ATCO. Stand 359 I N addition to the well-known range at motor mowers marketed under the name of Atco, Charles H. Pugh, Ltd., is to show its latest Atco tractor. This .comprises a two-wheeled multi-purpose machine designed for use by the farmer, fruit grower, market gardener, etc. A lightweight and handy machine, it is capable of dealing with ploughing, hoeing, dusting, wet spraying, etc.
Ariother interesting exhibit will be the Atcoscythe, which has a capacity of 8 to 12 times that of a hand scythe. It is claimed that long grass, weed
growth, crops, etc., can be dealt with to the extent of 4 to 5 acres per day. The exhibits are completed by the Atco Bentscythe, a lawn edge trimmer and fertilizer distributor.
RICE. Stand 370 ARANGE of useful trailers ior toe farmer is to be featured by Rice Caravans, Ltd., and of special interest will be a two-horse trailer priced at
100 guineas. Other trailers on view are designed for cattle carrying and general purposes, and have capacities of from 4 cwt. to 15 cwt.
CURTIS. Stand 371
psnoRs interested in the tiansV port of horses should make a point of visiting the stand of the National Motor Horsebox Co,, Ltd., on which will be shown a streamlined horsebox accommodating three animals and having as its basis a Rea 3X1 chassis. The design of the box is patented and it is claimed that the dimensions are no more than the average for a two horse box. The patented Curtis spring lifter enables the ramp easily to be handled by one person. Mounted on a Bedford 2-ton chassis will be a livestock-cs-rrying body which incorporates a number of features expressly designed for enhancing its utility.
VINCENT. Stand 373
LLEADING exponents of horsebox construction—Messrs. Vincents of Reading—are to show two examples of their craft at Wolverhampton. Both the boxes are of modern streamlined appearance, the first being designed to carry two horses and the second for three horses. The smaller machine is priced at £495 and the three-bores vehicle costs £625. An efficient ventilation system has been designed for these boxes and the ramp incorporates flush-fitting coil springs, giving a nicely balanced action.
INDIA, Stand 34* THEwide experience gained by the HE Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., in catering for the needs of agriculturists will he exemplified by the complete range of pneumatic tyres for Farm use which will be seen on this stand. There will also be vehicle exhibits demonstrating the possibilities of pneumatic equipment for the wide variety of agricultural appliances.
The following will show oils and petrol and/or accessories, stand numbers being given in .parentheses :— Shell-Mex and B.F., Ltd. (99) ; AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd. (152) ; Singleton. Flint and Co., Ltd. (155) ; W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd. (192) ; Price's Lubricants, Ltd. (232) ; Redline-Glico, Ltd. (289) ; United Manufacturing Co. (Bury), Ltd. (241) ; Vigzol Oil Refining Co. (London), Ltd. (244) ; Tecalemit, Ltd. (245) ; Germ Lubricants, Ltd. (246) ; Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd. (2412); Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd. (272) ; Blackwell Oil Co. (275) ; Vokes, Ltd. (100)..