Licence for B.M.M.O. on Appeal
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AN order has been made on the West Midland Licensing Authority by the Minister of Transport directing him to grant the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., a licence for a new stage-carriage service between Stafford and Stratford-uponAvon.
The order is consequent on an appeal by Midland "Red," which was heard by a Ministry of Transport inspector, Sir Hugh Dow, on April 23.
Two other appeals, one by Messrs. A. E. and J. A. Kent (Kent's Coaches), and the other by Paton Brothers, Ltd., have been rejected by the Minister.
Messrs. A. E. and J. A. Kent appealed against the South Eastern LicensingAuthority's refusal to grant them permission to pick up passengers at Basingstoke on certain excursions and tours starting from Baughurst.
Paton Brothers appealed against the refusal of the Scottish Licensing kuthority to grant them permission to verate a new stage-carriage service ietween Renfrew and Glasgow.
"TILE MOTOR VEHICLE" (N the fifth edition of "The Motor L Vehicle" (Iliffe and Sons, Ltd., price 5s.), much new material has been dded to the chapters dealing with leis, carburetters, gearboxes and irque converters.
Part I deals with fundamentals of techanics and includes a chapter iplaining the principles of engineer.g drawing. A study of petrol and 1 engines is dealt with in Part 2, id Part 3 treats with gearboxes, transission components, axles, brakes, 3ering details and suspension systems. There are 590 pages and over 500 =laity prepared drawings and photoiphs.
YEW CHASESIDE POWER UNIT USEFUL stationary power unit, suitable for mounting on motor licks and for many other purposes, ; been developed by Chascside gineering Co., Ltd.
he engine is the Fordson Major r-cylindered oil unit developing b.h.p. at 1,700 r.p.m. Control is by 11-in, dry-plate clutch and the equipit includes electric starting with a -amp/hour 12-volt battery.
EXTENDING VALVE LIFE METHOD of treating exhaust valves, whereby they are given a greatly in excess of that of normal es, has been perfected by Motor airers and Spares, Ltd., 76 Stoke ington High Street, London, N.16. n experiment witnessed by a reprettive of The Commercial Motor, a lard exhaust valve, made by a well.rn concern, was first ground away 'orm two fiats at diametrically site points on the head.
e valve was then built up in these with the special metal used, ground up on the circumference to normal shape and then carefully measured with a micrometer. It was next suspended in a muffle formed from bricks and an oxy-acetylene flame played on the head for 25 minutes.
By accident, the operator caused one area of the head to melt arid whilst this prevented accurate measurements to be taken when the valve was cooled off, it probably provided a more conclusive test in that, in one area where the special metal had been deposited the original grinding marks were revealed following the application of emery cloth.
The absence of scale in the specialmetal areas was particularly noticeable, whereas on the untreated sections they were undoubtedly burnt, the surface having no defined shape.
Burnt valves so reconditioned, should remain in good condition for much longer periods than a normal new valve, irrespective of the type of fuel used.
ANEW fuel-injection pump, which has been developed by Mono-Cam, Ltd., 28 Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W.1, was demonstrated yesterday at the test establishment of the company. One of these units has been fitted to a bus operated by London Transport and a report on its performance, together with details of the pump, will 1.e given in next week's issue of The Commercial Motor.
URGENT priority is being demanded for a high-level bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal, to ease congestion at the Barton swing bridge, by local authorities and Members of Parliament represented on the Lancashire and Merseyside Industrial Development Association.
THE Minister of Transport has received most of the replies to his memorandum of April 23, giving his views on the recommendations of the Thesiger Committee, but is not yet able to introduce legislation regarding the carriage of private parties, he told Mr. Janner last week.