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The agency employs detection dogs who are trained from a

2nd July 2009, Page 12
2nd July 2009
Page 12
Page 12, 2nd July 2009 — The agency employs detection dogs who are trained from a
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very young age to uncover human beings, drugs or abnormal loads.

Two-year-old English Springer Spaniel Bracken has uncovered 14 HGVs carrying stowaways since January, claims the agency. For instance, on 11 June, he discovered three male Vietnamese illegal immigrants in a Romanian-registered artic bound far the UK They were hiding in a load of agricultural equipment.

While we were watching, CM spotted Bracken getting excited during an investigation, which prompted his handler to search inside the vehicle, only to discover a high load of plastic. "Unfortunately," says a UKBA spokesman, "there are false alarms, but anything that is not conventional can provoke interest or suspicion."