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2nd July 2009, Page 7
2nd July 2009
Page 7
Page 7, 2nd July 2009 — TECHNOLOGY
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Cautious welcome given to in-cab driver alerts plan

Plans to provide international drivers with in-cab alerts about anything from crime hotspots to road congestion in the country they are travelling to could be rolled out for domestic use

The North Sea Freight Intelligent Transport Solutions (NS Frits) project, part-funded by European funds and backed by lobby group People United Against Crime (PUAC), will be asking the views of trade association members to find out what drivers and hauliers need.

The three-year pilot study will test whether using the latest technology to provide drivers with live information about stolen vehicles and accidents is both feasible and of use to the haulage industry.

However, PUAC chief executive David Ransom says the system that will be used has yet to be identified.

Road Haulage Association infrastructure manager Chlys Rampley says "What they are trying to do has merit, but we do need to find out if anybody is going to use it. There's no point trying to design something they don't want."