Fire-Brigade Matters.
Page 11

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The Tottenham has renewed
its maintenance contract with Messrs. Lloyd and Plaister, of Wood Green.
The Grimsby Town Council appears to be eonsiderably exercised in the matter of its choice between a Dennis and a Merryweather engine.
Glasgow's ultimate decision, with regard to extensions, is to purchase six additional motor fire-engines, at an estimated total cost of £6,000. Our Berlin Correspondent writes :
" By this post, under separate cover, I send a photograph [Reproduced herewith.-En.1 of the Claggenau first-aid engine, which has been acquired by the Karlsruhe Corporation. The chassis is the firm's latest, lorry type, fitted with a four-cylinder engine of 50 h.p., which also works a five-stage Schiele centrifugal pump, delivering 1,500 litres of water per minute under a pressure of six atmospheres. (Note : 0 litres = 3-10 galls, approx.) The. tank for first-aid purposes holds 500 litres. I note that there is a decided. tendency to the supersession of carbonic-acid-gas engines by centrifugal pumps for fire-extinguishing work. The vehicle can travel at about 25 miles an hour on level roads, and the progress of the tests is reported to have caused some consternation amongst the sleepy section of Karlsruhe's inhabitants."