News and Comment.
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts.
Brennen's Mono-rail.
One of the most-interesting attractions at the Japan-British Exhibition is the Brennan mono-rail coach. Its power is derived from Wolseley engines.
The Manchester Show.
The Manchester Show question has been settled, and the respective claims of the S.M.M.T., its local section, and the Manchester Traders Association appear to us to have been fairly adjusted. We deal with the matter in our first leading article.
Natal's Intentions.
The Hon. W. A. Deane, the Minister of Agriculture to Natal, who was on a short visit to this country last week, is now in Berlin en route for Buda Pesth. An illustrated article in respect of Mr. Deane'.s visit will be found on pages 251 to 253.
Motor Spirit by Road.
We observe that, amongst the points with which the report of the Departmental Committee on the Petroleum Acts deals, that of the conveyance of motor spirit by road is mentioned. Certain existing factors are held to be anomalous, and we have known, ever since the earliest largescale conveyance of motor spirit by the Road Carrying Co., in Lancashire, during the years 1902 and 1903, that ambiguities did exist in respect of such conveyance. For example, it was held, by leading counsel, that any wagon and trailer so loaded became an unlicensed storehouse should it come to rest on the highway through a breakdown, and remain -in situ for any length of time. We trust, however, that the actual framing of regulations by the Home Office, or by any other Department, will be conducted with that degree of intelligence for which we have the rightto look in respect of a matter which so closely affects the problem of easy internal communication.
Hornsby's "Caterpillar."
Last week, acting on information which proved to be incorrect, we ascribed the chain-track tractor, which is illustrated on page 239 of the present volume, to Fowler's of Leeds. It is, we desire to point out, the latest model from the works of Richard Hornsby and Sons, Ltd., of Grantham. Huddersfield Town Council is purchasing a motor ambulance, valued at £560.
Renault's Five-tonner.
One of the best-established French makers is successfully turning out larger commercial vehicles. Some points about the new five-ton Renault lorry are given on page 254.
The Parade.
All who desire to secure a seat at the official luncheon, which is to be held at the Waldorf Hotel, Aldwych, in Saturday next, at one o'clock precisely, should telephone or telegraph (9090 Gerrard or " Speedway, London ") not later than noon to-day (Thursday), or they will be too late ; the price is 7s. 0d. inclusive of wines. Amongst the Association's guests, we observe the names of Sir George Gibb, Lord Pirrie, Mr. W. Joynson-Hicks,
and Mr. Julian W. Orde. All the principal daily papers and news agencies will be represented.
The following is the complete list of members of the Judges Committee : Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B., M.Inst. CE., M.1.A.E. (Chairman); Captain R. K. Bagnall-Wild, M.I.Mech.E.,, M.L.A.E. ; Major T. H. Cochrane, RE., M.V.O. ; Mr. F. C. A. Coventry, M.I.A.E. (Great Western Railway, Motor Dept.); Captain A. E. Davidson, RE., A.M.I.Mech.E. (Secretary, War Office Committee on Mechanical Transport); Colonel P. H. Dalbiac (Army Service Corps, 2nd Division, County of London); Captain W. C. Hayward (Army Service Corps, City of London Division); Colonel T. J. Kearns (Army Service Corps, 1st Division, County of London); Mr. W. J. Lobjoit, J.P. ; Mr. H. Thomson Lyon, M.I.E.E. (Vice-Chairman, Works Committee, Westminster City Council); Mr. Julian W. Orde (Secretary, Royal Automobile Club); Mr. D. H. Simpson, M.I.A.E. (Manchester); Mr. E. Shrapnell Smith (Editor, Tim CommEnctxt, Moron); Captain A. G. Stevenson, D.S.0. (Inspector of In) II Structures, War Office); Mr. Chas. Wheeler, M.I.A.E. (Stores Dept., General Post Office, London); representing the Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers, Mr. L. A. Legros, M.I.Meoh.E., and Mr. L. H. 'faunsfield, A .M.T.Mech.E. ; representing the London Motor Cab Proprietors Association, Mr. Albert. E. Hughes ; representing the Motor Union of Great Britain and Ireland, Major .J. M. C. Kennedy, RE.. and Mr. A. Moresby White ; representing the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Mr. E. Gascoine (Chairman, Commercial Vehicle Committee,
The Chief Marshal is Mr. Julian W. Orde. The Vandervell system of electric lighting for motor vehicles was described in our issue of 13th May, 1909.
More Dennis Extensions.
Considerable additions are being nmde to the Dennis factories at Guildford ; when finished, one of the workshops will measure 385 ft. in length, and about 150 ft. in breadth, and these extensions will necessitate the engagement of an additional 200 men. (Inc of the latest Dennis orders is for a five-ton chassis to go to ;the United States of America, which is another sign of the times.
Goodchild "Auto-carriers."
Messrs. Sheldon and Co., of the Osney Roller Flour Mills, Oxford, who use an Ante-Carrier for loads of about 3 cwt., report that this small vehicle, which was purchased in September last, is giving every satisfaction. They state that it has run continually every day except Saturdays and Sundays, and has not given the least trouble, whilst it has already covered more than 7,000 miles on the first set of tires. They find that it travels 40 miles to the gallon of petrol.
, Aveling and Porter.
We illustrate, on page 268, one of the eight Aveling and Porter tractors and wagons owned by Yorke, Stoneham and Jones, Ltd., of Shore Bond, Deptford, S.F., and Bow, E. This company has two additional machines of the same make on order, and de7 livery of one of these is now made. A speciality of " motor removals " is made, and contracts for the carrying of supplies from Lyons's Cadby-Hall depot, Kensington, to many distributing depats, and also to Birmingham, are discharged effectively. The tractor engaged for the Birmingham journey hauls loads up to eight ions. The company also lets tractors out on hire to large brewers and furniture-removal
firms, provision dealers, etc., for loads up to eight tons. The one illustrated
has been running for upwards of two years, and it usually covers from 30 to 50 miles in the day, with only one day per week off for cleaning.
The Next Olympia Show.
Some ambiguity has arisen, owing to a " slip " in a notice issued from the office of the S.M.M.T., with regard to the date of next year's Commercial Vehicle Show at Olympia. The intended month, we are now again informed, is January, and not March. The exact dates will be announced at a later date.
The Rochester Show.
The Bath and West and Southern Counties Show, at Rochester, which opened on the 24th ult., and remained open until last Saturday evening, could not be called a huge success, so far as the " gate" was concerned, although the exhibits of machinery were fairly representative of the best
British makers. We have heard it said that nothing succeeds at Rochester excepting the works of Aveling and Porter, Ltd. Be that as it may, that company's two stands in the show-yard certainly claimed a large share of the attention of the visitors, amongst whom was the Minister of Agriculture for Natal, who placed substantial orders both with Mr. Pitts, of Aveling and Porter, Ltd., and with Mr. W. A. Tritton, of Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd.
We hear of many new machines, and radical improvement to old types, but none of the former was staged, and but few of the latter ; makers are evidently keeping them back for the Royal Show, at Liverpool, which opens on the 21st in Commercial vehicles, tractors, rollers, mowers, accessories, etc., were to be found distributed amongst the stands occupied by the following exhibitors, in addition to the two makes already named : Messrs. Barford and Perkins ; The British Petroleum Co.. Ltd.; C. Burrell and Sons. Ltd.; Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd. Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.; Marshall Sons and Co., Ltd.; Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. ; the North British B.ubber Co., Ltd. ; Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd. ; W. Tacker and Sons. Ltd., and Wallis and Steeyens, Ltd.
Recent Registrations. Newmarket District Motor Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,000 in -£1 shares, and with its office at 3, lintland Chambers, Newmarket, to carry on the business of motor-omnihns and carriage proprietors.
The Metropolitan Garage Association, Ltd., with an authorized capital of i:2,000 in shares, by Mr. J. G. Dalzell, of 76, Victoria Street, S.W., to acquire and take over as a going concern the business of garage owners and proprietors now carried on by D. H. Langhorne, at 12a, Palace Street, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.
The 'mei] Motor Transit Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2,000 in Li shares, to carry on the business
of carriers of passengers and goods by mechanical or other motive power, also garage and motor-wagon proprietors. Directors: T. Abbott, Ingledene, Richmond I liii, Bowden; S. Salisbury, 13, Moseley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
The Cunard Motor Co.. Ltd., with an authorized capital of £100 in shares, by Messrs. Kenneth, Brown. Baker, Baker and Co.. of Lennox House, Norfolk Street. Strand, W.C.
The " Al " Tyre Co., Ltd.. with an authorized capital of 4.10.000 in 4:1 shares, by Messrs. Harston and Bennett, of 4, Bishopsgate Street, Within, E.C., to manufacture, sell and deal in motorcars and mechanically-propelled vehicles of every nature, etc. Directors: .1. Stevens, 9. Fenchurch Avenue, KC.; F. J. King. 17, South Park, Hill Road, Croydon; H. H. P. Deasy, Hill Croft, Merton Road, Sutton, Surrey; and H. S. Smith-Rewse, 106, Cannon Street, E.C.
In Sandy Country.
The British Consul at Lourenco Marquee reports that 50 miles of Tim roadway. from Nhamacurra to 1.1nettba, running through rich productive territory, are under construction, and that motor-transport facilities should be increased thereby. The total of mavadamized roads is thus In ought up to close upon 100 miles; the surface ef the country generally is of a sandy nature. The prevalence of horse sickness greatly favours the introduction of motor vehicles at the moment, and British builders should " look out " before it is too late.