A healthier life
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Three of CMS men are making a serious effort to lose weight and become healthier as part of Men s Health Week We'll be tracking their progress over the next few weeks
Volunteer 1
Start weight: BMI: Target weight: 249 lb (17st 11Ib) 33.8 224 lb (16st) "Collars getting a bit tight, moving up a size in trousers and the midriff beginning to resemble a spare tyre all reasons for getting serious about losing weight. Previous attempts to lose weight have met with varying degrees of success, but now is the time to get tough and shed the pounds. New diet and extra exercise are the chosen regime and the GI Diet is the main method. Hey, if ifs good enough for Steven Redgrave...
"When your weight and height gives a body mass index in the 92nd percentile you know there's a need for some hasty action. I'm looking for an initial drop of 10%, bringing me from obese to just overweight "So far the results have been mixed, GI is a completely new way of eating -keep your mouth closed and nothing goes in! -and it takes a bit of time to log into the way of working. GI measures the speed at which foods are broken down by the body to form glucose, the body's source of energy, High GI foods break down quickly and leave you looking for the next food fix; low GI foods break down more slowly and leave you feeling fuller for longer.
"It is these low GI foods that form the core of the diet; in theory you can lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. After the first week I lost three pounds, but in the second week only two pounds so there's plenty of work still to do, but at least it's going in the right direction. And even if the results haven't been immediate on the scales, healthier eating has definitely improved my energy levels."
Volunteer 2
Start weight: BMI: Target weight: 239Ib (17st 11b) 34.3 215Ib (15st 51b)
"There's nothing like the onset of a 50th birthday, combined with reading an increasing number of obituaries of one's contemporaries, to concentrate the mind. Although I have no noticeable ill-health, it's definitely the case that shirt collars are more difficult to fasten.
"My Initial weight was 1 7st llb with a Body Mass Index of 34.3. To reach the top end of the "normal" range would involve reaching 12st 61b, which isn't going to happen. I'd have to spend a fortune on new clothes for a start. My more realistic target is a 10% loss, to 15st 51b. The first week started promisingly with a 6Ib loss.
"My chosen diet is a common sense one, based on putting less in your mouth and moving about more. This involves not much more than cutting out the cooked lunch in the RBI canteen every day and avoiding obviously unhealthy foods with high calorie and fat levels.
"The George Foreman grill has replaced the frying pan, and fruit has replaced the betweenmeal biscuit. Truckstop breakfasts are still a temptation, but I can just about cope with tinned tomatoes on toast. Exercise has started gently with avoiding the lift to CM'S second-floor office. The exercise bike has been dusted off; I've started with a 10-minute ride every other day. Once my body gets used to this shock a gentle sit-up regime should start to restore what used to be stomach muscle."
Volunteer 3
Start weight: 219 lb (15st 91b) BMI: 30.7 Target weight: 189 lb (13st 71b) "Having gradually pied on weight over the past few years I realised it was about time to lose a few pounds, especially with a young family Dieting in public also means that there's more of an incentive to lose weight than lose face.
"I've taken the opportunity to change my diet for more healthy options: plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and kicking the take-aways and curry heat-'emups into touch. Stairs have taken over from lifts and walking home from the station is a regular event "I'm doing Weight Watchers and so far 4.5 pounds have been shed in week one: weigh-in two is on Wednesday. My target weight loss is two stone to start with! Swapping snack food with fruit is still a novelty after all the years of chocolate and crisps. Avoiding snacking when I get in from work is hard. and having to scrutinize my calorie intake takes a bit of getting used to. Lucky for me my wife is my conscience and officiator of the diet."