Commercial Motors Users Association.
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Report for the Year 1910.
Officers: Chairman: Solicitors: Col. R. E. B. CROMPTON, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.A.E. JOYNSON-HICKS, HUNT, MOORE & CARDEW Hon. Treasurer: Secretary : E. SHRAPNELL SMITH. FRED. G. BRISTOW, A,C.I.S.
Executive Committee, 1910: G. ARNOLD (W. Arnold & Sons), East Peckham, Paddock Wood.
Capt. R. K. BAGNALL-WILD, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. London.
W. J. BAKER (Baker Bros.), Feltham. F. R. de BERTODANO (Fiat Motor Cab Co., Ltd.), London. J. H. de MATTOS, M.I.Mech.E. (Mason Steam Rolling Co., Ltd.).
E. G. BREWER, M.I.Mech.E., London.
F. C. A. COVENTRY, M.I.A.E. (Great Western Railway), Slough.
COL. R. E. B. CROMPTON, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.A.E., London.
M. J. DAVEY (Great Eastern London Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
Capt. A. E. DAVIDSON (Secretary, Mechanical Transport Committee, War Office), London. Col. P. H. DALBAIC (Army Service Corps, 2nd Division, County of London), London. Capt. W. G. HAYWARD (Army Service Corps, City of London), London.
T. E. HARRISON (Waring & Gillow, Ltd.). Londo,n.
W. M. HODGES (General Motor Cab Co., Ltd.), London.
The Association has during 1910 continued its efforts to bring to public knowledge the economies to be effected by the use of commercial-motor vehicles, and the number of these vehicles in daily use is rapidly increasing.
Many members have freely availed themselves of the legal benefits of the Association, and a large number of applications for legal advice, information and assistance has been dealt with. An indication of the legal work which has been carried out is contained in the following list of some of the questions upon which the Association has been consulted Summons for not having weight of heavy motor car painted on vehicle ; summons for excessive weight on back axle; summons for exceeding the regulation speed for heavy motor cars; obligation to provide communication cord from rear of trailer to driver of motor lorry ; summons for emission of steam; refund of Inland Revenue fee paid in error; summons for tail lamp unlit; summons for driving to the public danger; liability re oil droppings from motor wagons; liability of railway companies in respect of bridges; summons for not providing person on trailer to apply brake; damage to vehicles through bad condition of roads; summons for not providing means to enable the driver of motor wagon to see the approach of overtaking vehicles ; necessity for steersman to have driving licence; etc., etc.
In many cases the Association has secured the dismissal II. HOWARD HUMPHREYS, M.I.Mech.E., London.
Col. T. J. KEARNS (Army Service Corps, 1st Division; County of London), London.
W. G. LOBJOIT, J.P. (W. J. Lobjoit & Son), Hounslow.
H. LYON THOMSON, M.I.E.E. (Westminster City Council), London.
JOHN C. MITCHELL, F.C.I.S. (London General Omnibus Company, Ltd.), London.
L. G. OLDFIELD (London Omnibus Owners Federation), London.
Sir T. 1) PILE, Bart., London.
E. W. RUDD (E. W. Rudd, Ltd.), London.
JAMES SCOTT (London Improved Cab Co., Ltd.), London.
D. H. SIMPSON, M.I.A.E., Manchester.
ARTHUR SPURRIER (Leyland Motors, Ltd., Postal Service). CHAS. WHEELER, MI A.E. (General Post Office). H. W. WIGAN (Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd.). W. H. WILLCOX (W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd.), London. ILTID WITHERINGTON (C. H. Witherington & Sons), Reading.
of the summons. Members of the Association are now entitled to free legal defence in respect of either private or commercial-motor vehicles.
The Association has investigated every public and private Bill introduced into Parliament affecting users of commercialmotor vehicles. Opposition was offered to the passing of the regulations made in pursuance of the provisions of the City of London (Street Traffic) Act, 1909, prohibiting, inter alia, heavy motor vehicles from being driven on, or across, the tramways on Blackfriars Bridge and the Victoria Embankment, on the grounds that it was in direct opposition to Section 62 of the Tramways Act, 1870.
The Association has under consideration assistance for local opposition to several proposed tramcar and trackless-trolley undertakings.
The regulations of the Departmental Committee of the Home Office on Petroleum, so far as they affect the users of commercial-motor vehicles, have also had the continued attention of the Association.
Bridges and Docks.
The Association has had under careful consideration the question of the maintenance and repair ef private bridges and the facilities for the entry of motor vehicles into docks. A joint committee has been established with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and this committee has had the advantage of consultations at its meetings with the Secretary of the Mechanical Transport Committee of the War Othoe ; with officially-appointed delegates of the County Councils Association. Steps are now being taken to secure the intreduction of a suitable Bill into Parliament dealing with the subject, of private bridges, and the Association's view: have been communicated to the Road Board.
Annual Parade.
The fourth Annual Parade of commercial-motor vehicles, organized by the Association, was successfully held on June 411, 1910, at Lincoln's Inn Fields, when over 'see hundred vehicles and tractors assembled fur examination by the judges. and the sum of £70 was distributed ia cash prizes amongst the drivers. The object of these parades is to encourage, by means of munev prizes and other )ovarda, drivers of commercial-motor vehicles to take a persenal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles, and to run them without accident. Owners may rest assured that drivers who obtain prizes are not only careful and competent men, but that they have a good knowledge of the mechanical details of their machines.
Prior to the parade, an official luncheon was given at the Waldorf Hotel, when the Association had the pleasure of including with its principal guests Sir George S. Gibb. ('hairman of the Road Board, Captain W. C. W. Fitzwillism, Niaster of the Stables in the Royal Household. Sit Herbert Praed, Bart., and Mr. W. Joynson-Hicks. Each driver was examined orally upon his knowledge and experience of his machine and his knowledge of driving and traffic regulations, and the parade was to enable the judges to examine the condition of the machines and make their final ad j udiea Lion.
A special feature of the year's parade was the team section. The proprietors of TiE CoramEnciat Moaoit placed at the disposal of the Association a handsome silver elm, for award to the owner of the best team of six vehicles entered. No fewer than nine teams competed, and the Eastern Motor Wagon Company Ltd., eventually proved the winners with tine of its teams Of Foden wagons. The driver of each machine in the winning team received a silver medal as a sauvenir of the event.
Several manufacturers contributed donations to a Special Prize Fund, to be divided at the discretion of the judges between the drivers of vehicles or tractors of their respective makes, for the drivers of machines which were in the best renditioit in relation to the work done.
The vehicles presented were representative of the leadinc makes.
Mr. Julian W. Orde effectively discharged tile ailerons duties of chief marshal; the work of the judges was considerably lightened by his assistance, and by the co-operatien of the Police.
Traffic Rules and Recommendations.
The Traffic Rules and Recommendations, which the Assce elation issued in January. 1910, and which the Commissionet of Police of the Metropolis considered suitable. have lmen in great demand. A firat edition of 15,000 copies as small fold ing cards-, suitable fel. the waistcoat pocket, and 2.000 mounted on varnished cards for hanging in store-sheds. deltas_ etc., has been printed, and free copies have been furnished to the various local authorities throughout the country for exhibition in town halls and other public places. and to members-.
Standardization of Screw Threads.
Messrs. E. Godfrey Brewer and F. C. A. Coventry were appointed to represent the Association on the Special Committee of Automobile Engineers, appointed by the Engineering Standards Committee, to deal with the question of the standardization of screw threads.
Motor Taxation.
The R.A.C. arranged a conference on tire motor-taxation question, at which Messrs. F. R. de Bertodano tFiat Motor Cab Co., Ltd.). and John C. Mitchell (London Ceneral Omnibus Co., Ltd.), represented the Association. At the last of many meetings, a series of resolutions was unanimously adopted. and these are now being considered by all the bodies represented at the conference. A final meeting will be held, after which the resolutions will be laid before the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 'rhe Association has supported the claims of London motorbus proprietors to complete exemption from the petrol tax. The Association hopes, at a later date, to act in concert with other bodies in closely following possible developments in this connection.
Cab Orders by Telephone.
The Association has carried through the necessary arrangements with the National Telephone Co., Ltd., the Kensington Borough Council and other parties concerned, for the trial of a telephone box (a modification of the fire-alarm type, and with two receivers) affixed to an electric-light standard along' aide a cab-rank at Mainly,' Road, Kensington, which has no shelter accommodation. 1.1p to the present, intending hirers by telephone have been able only to call up a shelter-rankof which there are comparatively few—or a district-messenger office. .rhe Telephone Number is Kensington 437, and calls may be given a_t any hour of the day or night.
Should this development prove to meet the public convenience to the extent that is anticipated, the Association, which has defrayed the cost of the that equipment, will use it influence to bring about the general adoption of similar mean:sof communication with numerous other " shelterless " ranks it) the Metropolitan area.
In order to assist potential users of commercial-motor vehicles to bring about desirable changes in their meatus of transport with the minimum of trouble, the Association has made arrangements with a number of competent. engineers, experienced in motor traffic, to furnish ally required informa tion ;ind assistance. In this way, commercial houses or individual traders can be relieved of the responsibilities which such changes necessarily involve, and they are enabled to reap the benefits of a greatly accelerated transport service at the minimum of expense and risk in its installation. The engineers will also, if necessary, examine and report upon any secondhand vehicle which a firm may contemplate purchasing or
selling, and will undertake valuations. The inclusive fees payable for these services are based upon a moderate scale, which will be separately quoted in advance for each Case. A discount of 33 per cent. is allowed to all members of the Association.
A spectal committee has been appointed to cunsider the details of a model form of insurance policy for the commercialmotor vehiclesvand tractors and public-service vehicles owned by members. It is intended that, the policy, in which the Association will have no financial interest, shall be for the exclusive benefit of members, and that certain well-known insurance companies shall be placed upon an official list to quote special premiums.
Badges for Members' Vehicles.
A special badge has been authorized for issue to all members of the Association for display on their vehicles. The badge is made in gilding metal, with blue enamelled border and redand-white quartered centre, with fittings for attachment to fa) the front of dashboard; (6) the front of radiator ; or (c; the cap of radiator. The conditions of use and prices will shortly be testified to members.
The esimmittee hopes that all members will exhibit this badge on their vehicles
'Cho seleetiun of Colonel R. E. Crompton (chairman) and Mr_ W. Reses Jeffreys tsecretary), as engineer and secretary, respectively. of the Road Board, necessitated a change in the organization of the Association. Colonel Crompton has so far been able to arrange his ditties so as to retain the chairmanship; a new secretary had to be appointed. At the end of September. the Association severed its connection with the Motor Union. and it is now an independent organization, with a committee untrammelled with administrative handicaps and limitatiotts. and with a secretary who can give his whole time and energy to the development of the work of the Association.
The Association is now closely associated with the Royal Automobile Club, and its earlier agreement with that body has been embodied in the clauses of a new agreement. Since entering upon this new lease of activity, a large number of new members has been enrolled, and itis anticipated that the usefulness of the Association will be materially increased in the future. The generous support of the R.A.C. has proved exceediegly beneficial to the Association, and it is evident to the sommittee that this close alliance with the premier automobile organization in the country wilt be of far-reaching benefit to members.
Members of the Association were admitted at special terms to the exhibitions held during the year at the Olympia. London, and the City Exhibition Hall, Manchester, by the courtesy of their respective managements.
THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR has been supplied throughout the year, free of charge, to members of the Association. Members nih in future receive, in addition, a weekly copy of " Tne R.A.C. Journal."
The income of the Association for the year 1910 was S.483 Os. 1d.. and the expenditure £477 is. 5d., leaving a balance of £5 18s. 8d. The total 'balance in hand at the 31st December, 1910, was £170 12s.
A copy of the balance-sheet and icome and expenditure account, which have been audited by Messrs. Andrew W. Barr and Co., accompanies this report.
The Exetattive Committee has pleasure in reporting that the membership roll of the Association, which includes most of the prominent commercial motor users, continues to show a steady increase. The various interests are represented as follows :—The railway interest by the Midland Railway, Great Eastern Railway, Great Central 'Railway, Great Western Railway, Cambrian Railways Co., etc ; the brewing interest by Tamplin and Sons, Ltd., Mann, Crossman and Paulin, Ltd., Bass, Ratcliffe and Gretton, Ltd., Worksop and Retford Brewery, Ltd., etc. ; transport companies by Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., Union Transit Co., McNartura and Co., Ltd., Eastern Motor Wagon Co., etc.; the omnibus interest by London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., Thomas Tilling, Ltd., Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co. Ltd.; the cab interest by FLAT. Motor Cab Co., Ltd., General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., London Troproeed Cab Co., Ltd., etc.; millers by 0. W. Goodwin and Co., Mark Mayhew, Ltd., Whitworth Bros., etc. ; co-operative societies by the Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society, Ltd., Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., .Barnsley British Co-perative Society, Ltd., etc. ; engineering firms by Daimler Motor Co., Ltd., Straker and Squire, Ltd., Robey and Co., Ltd., Fodens, Ltd., etc.; and the trading interest by Cadbury Bros., Burroughs Welcome and Co.. Lever Bros., Ltd., Peak Prean and Co., Ltd., Allen and Banburrs, Anglo-American Oil CO., Ltd., Schweppes, Ltd., Spiers and Pond, Ltd., Waring and Gillow, Ltd., and many others.
New Members.
ln order that the Association may be able to extend the useful work it has been doing for the last seven years, the co-operation of members is invited in increasing the membership roll, and use might very well be made of the form of application which accompanies this report. Every present or prospective user of a commercial-motor vehicle, light or heavy. or of a public-service vehicle, should be a member of the Association. There is now an entrance fee of one guinea.
For the Executive Committee, (Signed) R E. CROMPTON, Chairman. FRED. G. BRISTOW, Secretary. 112, Piccadilly, W.
February, 1911.