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The small fleet belonging to the M.-L. Co., Ltd., which ceased running at the end of last year, is likely soon again to be put into service.
Mr. A. M. Bannister has severed his connection with the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd. Captain D. A. Lynch is now acting general _managee, and is also, at present, retaining control of the traffic department.
Scarborough Gives Way.
Although considerable opposition has been forthcoming against the proposed granting of licences to would-be owners of taxicabs in Scarborough, the corporation has now decided to grant licences for four taxicabs, Preference, we understand, is to be given, at any rate for the present, to cabmen who own licences for horsed vehicles, and to ratenayers.
Appeal Dismissed.
In the early part of December of last year we recorded the result cf an action in which a verdict and judgment. for £2,000 and costs was secured against the Bristol Tramways _and Carriage Co., Ltd., by Mr. Edgar Brooke, a commercial traveller, who was the sufferer in a collision between two taxicabs. An appeal was lodged against this decision, and we now have to record its dismissal with costs.
Boxing Motorcabbies.
Another motoreab boxing contest took place recently at Walliam Green Baths. A " W. and G." man fought a " General " driver for the heavy-weight championship of the motorea.b world. The " two-cylinder Renault " in this instance had matters all his own way. Amongst those present on this occasion were Messrs. W. du Cros, Turpin and Fellowes. Another contest was recently decided between a Belsize driver and " W. and G." man for the bantarn-weight championship. The W. and G." colours were again lowered. This last-mentioned engagement was arranged on behalf of a crippled driver, and amongst those who gave it financial support were Messrs. Hodges, Middlemost, Ticehurst and Middleton, Stepney Spare Motor Wheel Co., Ltd Belsize Motors, Ltd., Vinot Cars, Ltd., British Petroleum Co., Ltd., and others. For the Royal Show.
Certain members of the Norwich Town Council are endeavouring to arrange that taxicab licences, for which application has been made, shall be granted only for the week of the coaling Royal Show. As in so many other towns, considerable opposition has been experienced from owners of horsed hackney carriages.
Metropolitan Fare Registers.
At the time of going to press, the case in which certain officials are being charged with tampering with the taximeters fitted to the General Motor Cab Co's machines is sub ire/ice., and we are, therefore, not at liberty to comment on the matter. Being, however, in possession of information -,vith regard to what is alleged to have taken place in connection with these instruments, we shall have more to say when the aforementioned legal restriction is removed.
In one of the. cases arising out ef this matter, Henry E. Alcorn, an employe, of the Metropolitan Fare Register Co., Ltd., is charged with conspiring with certain other persons by false pretences and unlawful devices to cheat and defraud the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd.
Peterborough Makes a Start.
Mr. Rowe, a gentleman who is well known in connection with motoring generally in the city of Peterborough, and who is also managing director of the Peterborough City Garage Co., Ltd., has inaugurated a service of taxicabs in the city. At present time company possesses three a 14-15 h.p. Belsize and two 1012 h.p. numbers. It is understood that, if these motorcabs find satisfactory employment, the fleet. will be increased by three more HD h.p. Belsize vehicles at an early date. The schedule of fares corresponds to that in operation in most other large. provincial cities, viz., one shilling per mile and four shillings per hour for waiting. We unde.rstand that arrangements are being made for a driver to be in attendance all night at the company's garage, in order to ensure both night and day service. Mr. Bowe's company possesses a wellequipped range of workshops, and his enterprise is likely to meet with very considerable success.
Durrant's, the coachbuilders, are building 30 three-quarter landaulet bodies for owner-drivers.
New Taxicab Registration.
Auto-Taxicabs, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, by A. Benjamin and Cohen, College Hill Chambers, College E.G., to carry on the business of owners of motorcabs, etc.
Taxicabs in Derry.
The Corporation of Londonderry has, in the matter of the licensing of taxicabs, taken the unusual course of issuing instructions to its Law Committee to prepare licences for taxicabs on condition that they should only be allowed to ply for lure from their respective garages.
American Methods.
We have been favoured with a copy of the official programme of the Ninth Annual Entertainment and Ball of the New York Transportation Association. This is an organization which operates a large number of taxicabs. A subsidiary company owns New York's fleet of motorbuses.
The Home of the Gamage-Bell.
We have this week had the opportunity of inspecting the extensive new premises which are in process of completion for the GamageBell Motor Cab Co., Ltd., in Com
mercial Road, Pimlico Piloted by Mr. Horace Bell, our representative inspected the fine new range of running sheds, and the comprehensive system of engineers' and coachbuilders' workshops. At the present time, work is being pushed on very rapidly, with a view to its completion in about a fortnight's time, when it is hoped to transfer the fleet from Lupus Street to the new premises. We shall, on a future occasion, afford our readers a more-detailed description of this new enterprise, and, therefore, for the moment., will content ourselves by complimenting Mr. Bell and his associates on the complete nature of the arrangements which they are making for the new home of the Gamage-Bell motorcab. The original scheme for a garage in Holborn was eventually found not to afford sufficient facilities for the company's operations. The machines will undoubtedly be wellhoused in Pimlico.