NEWS of the WEEK
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THE presentbasic ration of liquid fuel fixed by the Minister of Transport for goods vehicles run on producer gas has been increased from one-sixth of the normal issue to half the issue. The same ratio will be available for vehicles running on coal or other gas, whether in cylinders or loose containers.
The new arrangement came into force with the issue of fuel coupons for the current fortnight, and will remain in operation for six months; it will be reviewed before the end of this period.
The arrangement will not affect the existing right of operators of vehicles propelled by gas to apply for supplementary rations of liquid fuel for approved work for which gas propulsion is unsuitable.
Majority Against Further Wages Increases
THE suggestion, made by the Central Wages Board, that all road-transport organizations should implement the Board's recommendation for wages increases forthwith, without waiting for the formal procedure laid down in the Road Haulage Wages Act, does not meet with the approval of the industry as a whole which, quite frankly, regards the request for higher wages as untimely. It is calculated, by a prominent official in one of the leading Associations, that 80 per cent, of operators will be unable to pay the increased wages and will not do so. whatever the .Associations may recommend.
It is thought possible that the A 18
increase may be given in London, but not by operators in the Provinces. Many of the latter are finding the burden of the wages scales made statutory on January 29 a heavy one. coupled as it is with the limitation of mileage and operation, consequent on the restriction of fuel supplies.
Associations are referring the matter to their appropriate committee and, in the case of both the A.R.O. and the C.M.U.A. these committees met on Thursday of this week. We shall report the proceedings in our next issue.
Month's Grace for Front Lights on Trailers WjE understand that, as the result of VV representations by the National Employers' Federation, one month's grace has been allowed to operators of trailers in respect of the date by which they must fit such vehicles with front lights. The Federation pointed out to the Minister for Home Security that, owing to difficulties in obtaining supplies, operators would not be able to equip their vehicles in time. The date by which all trailers must be so equipped is now April 1. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' BIGGER FUEL ALLOWANCE
ANEW scheme for the rationing of fuel for commercial travellers has been instituted by the Secretary for Mines. The pooling scheme, under which concerns with more than 10 cars obtained a supplementary ration, whilst those with fewer than 10 obtained extra for each vehicle, will be abandoned.
There will now be a maximum ration according to horse-power, which is as follows :—Up to 7 h.p., 17 gallons; 8 h.p., 18 gallons; 9 h.p., 19 gallons; 10-12 h.p., 22 gallons; 13-15 h.p., 25 gallons; 16-19 h.p., 29 gallons; 20 11.p. and over, 31 gallons.
For the majority this will mean an increase; for the others a small loss.
How to Get War Contracts
THE Ministry of Supply points out that there should be " no necessity to employ intermediaries who, in return for a financial consideration, represent themselves as being able to influence contracts." Direct inquiry should be made to the Ministry of Supply, Adelphi, London, W.C.2.
Rates for Film Transport Going Up
FILM transportcharges in all parts oi the country are being advanced. Picture-theatre proprietors in certain areas, especially Lancashire, are asking the carriers to furnish them with evidence to justify the revision of the existing tariff. Last week Manchester, Salford and District branch of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association appointed a deputation to discuss the application made to it by Associated Transport Carriers of Great Britain.
Wool-transport Pool Making Headway
THE road-transport pool recently formed to carry wool in the West Riding, on behalf of the Ministry of Supply's Wool Control, is already dealing with thousands of bales. The organization, whereby a central liaison officer—Mr. C. M. Bradford, of Blythe and Berwick (1928), Ltd., Hall Ings, Bradford—receives transport instructions from the Wool Control and arranges for the provision of the vehicles by members of the pool, is stated to be working very satisfactorily.
A Yorkshire correspondent was informed, this week, that, so far, the haulage rates agreed upon between the Wool Control and the pool covered a radius of five miles from Bradford Town Hall. It was anticipated that town-to-town haulage rates would also shortly be ratified. As we have explained previously in our columns, this pool for haulage within the West Riding is in addition to that for transporting wool on the Control's behalf from the seaports to the West Riding textile area. EARLY SUCCESS OF THE COMFORTS FUNDS
THE industry is to be congratulated on the manner in which it has already responded to the strong appeal, launched recently by Mr. W. E. Rootes, president of the S.M.M. and T., to the motor and road-transport industries and the motoring community generally, on behalf of the Comforts Funds for the
R.A.S.C. and R.A.O.C. Up to last Saturday, the total amount received in cash was 41,500, and a large number of parcels had arrived.
Cash donations should be sent to Lieut. Colonel McLagan, D.S.O., Hobart House, Wilton Street, London, S.W.I, whilst parcels should be addressed to him, care of Comforts Funds, Kensington Palace Barracks, London, W.8.
National Conference of Clearing Houses IT is pointed out by the C.M.U.A.
that there is no intention, on the part of clearing houses, to break away from existing road-transport associations, of which most of them are active members. The National Conference of Clearing Houses, which has just been formed, is concerned with matters of interest purely domestic to clearing houses, and is designed to provide a national organization for dealing with the purely commercial aspect of their businesses.
Hints to Goods-vehicle Operators
A USEFUL little book of 28 pages. CI entitled "Hints to Goods Vehicle Operators," has been written by 'Mr. A. Prentice, M.I.M.T., M.I.T.A., transport manager of the Coatbridge Co-operative Society, and a Lanarkshire Sub-district Manager. It is obtainable at 6d. net from Alex. Pettigrew, Ltd., Atlas Works, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire. Incidentally, the proceeds will go to charity.
It contains details of the organization of road transport for defence, points on fuel rationing, fuel economy, vehicle fitness, the Construction and Use Regulations and other legal matters, a chapter on drivers' hours with examples of drivers' records, and much other matter of interest.
Liverpool Conference Concedes Higher Wages
MEGOTIATIONS which have been i proceeding between the Conference of Liverpool and District Road Transport Employers and the Liverpool Carters' and Motormen's Union have resulted in the Conference deciding to concede 5s. per week increase in wages, with 2s, 6d. for juniors, to drivers, second men and trailer Men on goodscarrying vehicles, the amount to be retrospective as from the first full pay period in January last. The agreed increase in overtime rates operates from February 16, but is not retrospective. Casual men will receive the amounts due to them on application to their
employers. By these arrangements about 4,000 motormen are brought into line with the carters who have been _ receiving their 5s. increase since January.
Liverpool Employers Conference is compossil of representatives of Associated Road Operators ILiverpool Area Committee); Liverpool Associalion ol Coal Owners and Merchants;• Liverpool and District Millers' Association; Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association, Ltd.; Liverpool Wholesale Grocers' Association; Motor Transport Employers' Federation (Liverpool Branch); Seed, Oil, Cake and General Produce Association; and Wallasey Motor and Cart Owners Association.
Egypt Needs Trailer Fire Pumps
THE Municipalities of Local Cornmissions Section of the Ministry of Public Health at Cairo is calling for tenders for the supply of five trailer fire pumps and certain equipment. Tenders have to be sent to the Director of Municipalities, Ministry of Public Health, Cairo, and the closing date is March 25. Fuller details may be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade (Room 75), Great George Street, London, S.W.I; reference '1'.I 6400/40 should be quoted.
Cementing the Hull Amalgamation
TO celebrate the recent amalgamation of the C.M.U.A. and A.R.O. at Hull, a dinner and dance is being held at Jackson's Ballroom, Paragon Street, Hull, on Friday, March 8. It is hoped that this function will bring together socially the forces of the combined organizations.
riTIRING thesix months ended L./September 30, 1939, imports of buses, vans and lorries into India totalled 6,800, valued at Rs. 95.6 lakhs, the comparable figures for the corresponding period of 1938 being 2,764 and Rs. 44 latchs. Although the shipments reached the level of • 1937, imports from the United Kingdom lagged behind with less than half the total for that year. .
In the Six months ended September last; 4,745 vehicles came from the United States, 1,487 from Canada and 489 from the United Kingdom. •
Manchester to Spend Thousands on Cleansing Transport CCORDING to the estimates of PiManchester Cleansing Departnient for the year to March 31, 1941, the expenditure on transport by petroldriven vehicles will be 494,139, on horse-drawn. vehicles 441,123, and on' hired vehicles 47,247.
Tyresoles Latest Plant
THE opening of new plant at Plymouth is announced by Tyresoles, Ltd., the headquarters of which are at the Palace of Engineering, Wembley. This brings the number of Tyresoles works in this country up to 24.
The company's distributor in Plymouth is W. Mumford, Ltd., and the Tyresoles plant ha A been installed in this concern's showroom at Mill Street. The works are fully equipped for the reconditiorang of every size and make of tyre, and the plant is already in production. Mr. F. H. Boswarva, who, for some time past, has been regional representative for Tyresoles, Ltd., has been appointed manager of the Tyresoles department of the Mumford concern.
War-time Fines For Driver's-records Offence I N a driver's-records prosecution at Otley (Yorkshire) Police Court, last week, the defendants, in addition to the driver, were a mother and six sons, all members of the firm of Messrs. A. Hudson and Sons, haulage contractors, of Pudsey.
The driver was fined 15s. for failing to keep records. For failing to cause records to be kept, Mrs. Clara Hudson, senior partner in the firm, was fined 15s., and each of her six sons was ordered to pay 4s. costs. The driver was also fined 15s. for not properly screening lights on a motor vehicle.
The prosecution stated that whew the driver was stopped in Leeds Road, Rawdon, on December 28 last, it was found that his records were'incomplete.
For' the defence, it was stated that Mr. Reginald Hudson was responsible for checking the tecords, but pressure of his work as sub-district manager at Pudsey, under the Ministry of Transport's defence emergency scheme, had prevented him from doing the office work of his own firm. STABILIZED RATES FOR PARCELS CARRYING I F there be one section of the roadhaulage industry in which stabilization of rates should and could be effected with all speed it is that which is concerned with the carriage of parcels, or " smalls." Moreover,the work of stabilization should, in this case, be comparatively easy. All that is needed is co-operation between those who do the work.
That opinion is held by the National Conference of Express Carriers which is tackling the problem from the right end in endeavouring, first of all, to ensure that co-operation. One step to that end is the consolidation of those concerned into a comprehensive organization and, with that in view, the Conference is now engaged on a drive for members. The executive committees in each area are compiling lists of those suitable for acceptance as members and headquarters are following the matter up by laying before nonmembers the advantages of joining the Conference and stressing the importance • of rates stabilization.
Hauliers concerned should, in our opinion, give every support to this praiseworthy effort and communicate with the secretary to the Conference at Kelvin House, 5-7, Lower Belgrave Street, London, S.W.1 Overall-width Concession WE are informed that the Minister VV of Transport proposes to amend Regulation 37 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1937, and Regulation 32 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Track Laying Vehicles) Provisional Regulations, 1937, so as to increase from 7 ft. 2 ins. to 7 ft. 6 ins. the maximum permissible width of goods vehicles weighing, unladen, under 50 cwt.
We presume that this will also apply to those vehicles in the " mctorcar " class, the weight of which is slightly increased by the use of producer plants Army Buys Lorry of Mistaken Age
AN unusual position was revealed in an action at Leeds County Court, last week, concerning a lorry which was stated to have been sold to the Army since the transaction giving rise to the proceedings. The plaintiff, Cox and.Co (Leeds), Ltd., a motor trading concern, of Regent Buildings. Regent Street. Leeds, claimed £20 from James Armstrong, haulage contractor, of 10, Bath Road, Leeds, tor alleged breach of warranty.
For the plaintiff, it was alleged that when defendant arranged to buy a vehicle costing £235, he represented his old vehicle to be a 1933 model. Therefore, plaintiff agreed to allow him £50 in part exchange. The registration book was not received until after the transaction, and it was then found that the old vehicle was first registered in December, 1931. In the meantime, plaintiff had sold it again as a 1933 vehicle to the Eastern Command of the Army for A64. The Army authorities A20 had, as yet, made no claim against Cox and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., but they knew of the age discrepancy.
For the defence, it was submitted that the Cox concern had suffered no loss, but made 214 profit.
Judge Stewart said it would appear that Cox and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., would be under an obligation to pass on any damages to the Army authorities. Whilst there had been misrepresentation, it was impossible to assess damage until it was known what amount, if any, the Army authorities claimed. He would adjourn the case.
Personal Pars Ma. C. J. DE BURGH has been re-elected chairman ot the Liverpool District and North Wales Division of the C.M.U.A., MR. G. J. MutLaxv being re-elected vice-chairman.
MR. W. J. HARPER has been re-elected president of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association for the ensuing year, whilst MR. J. F. SUPPLIES has been re-appointed vicepresident.
MR. F. E. Coox, assistant transport manager of Southport Corporation, has been recommended by the transport committee to succeed Mr. T. J. Kendrew as transport manager; the latter is shortly to retire.
MHE first annual conference of distri butors and dealers of MorrisonElectric and Electricar vehicles was held in London a few days ago, when Lt.-Col. L. P. Winby, A.M.I.C.E., chairman of Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., presided. The object of the conference was to discuss matters affecting distribution, in view of the increasing importanCe of the electric vehicle in both war and peace.
Mr. E. H. A. Richardson, joint managing director of Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., foresaw a considerable increase in the sales of battery-electrics, but emphasized that a planned programme of production was possible only with planned selling as a concomitant feature.
One of the most interesting subjects discussed at the conference was hirepurchase finance, as it affects the sale of elec..ric vehicles. Keen interest was taken in a speech by Mr. P. R. Jackson, of United Dominions Trust (Electric), Ltd., which contained proposals with special terms for battery-electrics.
Release of Some A.F.S. Taxis I T was announced recently by Mr.
Geoffrey Lloyd that as many taxicabs now employed on A.F.S. work as can be spared will be released for ordinary hire work. The process will be carried out over a period. DELIVERY METER FOR GAS FILLING STATIONS
T0 expedite the refuelling of vehicles running on town gas, and to afford accurate measurement of the amount supplied, Smith Meters, Ltd., Kennington Park Road, London, S.E.11, has introduced a meter specially designed for the purpose.
Made in a case of standard size capable of passing 2,000 cubic ft. per hour at 2 ins, pressure, and fitted with 3-in, screwed bosses, the meter has a dial of 15 ins, diameter, which records flow up to 100 cubic ft. and a sub-dial up to 1.000 cubic ft. with separate pointer, In additiOn, there is'an index, which records the total amount of gas passed.
The apparatus is mounted on a reinforced concrete pedestal base 5 ft. high. The meter has been approved by the Board of Trade.
Investigating Fuel-coupon Abuses
HUN DREDS of inspectors are being sent out by the Mines Department to investigate abuses in the use of Petrol coupons. They will keep a special watch on garages to see that the fuel is actually used in the particular vehicles to which the coupons relate. They will also investigate the carryover of coupons to prevent storage for future use or the depositing of coupons with suppliers for the same purpose.
War's Disastrous Effect on New Registralions
FIGURES issued by the Ministry of Transport show that, in January, the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time was 11,746, compared with 40,001 in the corresponding month of 1939. The total number of goods vehicles licensed (excepting agricultural) was 2,940, contrasted with 6,405. These machines were registered in the following categories:—Not exceeding 12 cwt., 524; 12 cwt.-21 tons, 2,076; 21 tons-5 tons, 285; over 5 tons, 55.
In the case of hackney vehicles, there were 274 registrations, as against 507 a year earlier. The number of tractors licensed was 44, compared with Si in January, 1939, whilst under the heading of agricultural engines (5s. class). 1,639 machines were licensed, last year's total having been 594.
Transport Golfing Society's Luncheon
THE Transport Golfing Society's luncheon, held at the Connaught Rooms on February 23, was a most successful and enjoyable function, attended by some 180 members and guests, the chair being taken by the president, Mr. J. Coventon Moth.
The toast of " The Guests " was proposed by Mr., B. Homfray Davies, responses being made by Lieut.Colonel J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, M.C, M.P. (who was granted the first certificate of the Royal Aero Club), Mr. H. L. Kenward (a director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.), and Lieut.Colonel Sir Maxwell Hicks, C.B.E. (chairman of McNamara and Co., Ltd.). ' Mr. Ken ward referred in humorous terms to the railway antipathy to road travel.
An agreeable interlude was the presentation to the honorary secretary of the Society, Mr. H. J. Ferguson, of a gold cigarette case, and a travelling case for Mrs. Ferguson. In making the presentation, Mr. Coventon Moth referred in eulogistic terms to the excellent and unselfish work carried out by Mr. Ferguson.
Car Mart Tyre-service Station Transferred
AS the authorities have acquired the Welsh Harp premises of Car Mart, Ltd., the tyre-service station of the company has been transferred to 16, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London, W.5, where comprehensive tyre stocks are carried and good fitting facilities arc available.
Fuel Economy in War-tinie
AT a well-attended meeting of the Sheffield section of the Yorkshire Division of the Institute of the Motor Trade, Mr. Leonard J. Spencer, sales and service manager of the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., gave a talk on carburation and fuel economy in wartime. Much interest was aroused amongst members, judging by the number of questions addressed to the speaker.
The third exhibition of photographs in the series, " The War For Freedom," is being held by London Transport from 8 a.m, to midnight from February 28 to March 16 in the ticket hall of Charing Cross Underground Station. GROCERS' SPEED-UP DELIVERIES APPEAL
AT its quarterly conference in London, the National Federation of Grocers and Provision Dealers' Associations appealed to all its members to do what they could to facilitate transport by manufacturers and wholesalers. " Transport," said Councillor S. G. Dutton, of Chester, " by reasons of impressment of vehicles for Army and other National Services, petrol rationing, and the black-out, is difficult to arrange, in order to ensure speedy distribution. It will facilitate matters if the waiting time of delivery vehicles can be cut down to the minimum, and if arrangements can be made for acceptance of deliveries during dinner hours,"
Ploughing Fresh Ground •
WEATHER conditions in the past have interfered with fresh ploughing, and the Minister of Agrictulture, recognizing this, proposes to review the position, in a few weeks, with a view to a possible, extension of the period during which the £2 per acre subsidy for such work is to he available.
Incidentally, ploughing of old sward calls for special knowledge to obtain the best results, and useful hints on this are contained in a booklet, " Tractor Ploughing in War-time," issued at Is. post free, by R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., Dursley, Gloucestershire.
Burnley Approves Higher Charges
OWING to further advances in operating costs, Burnley and District Road Transport Association has decided that an increase equivalent to 10 per cent, on carriage charges be applied as from March I.