Passing 'Comments The Editor Found MOW that the Regional CornH imself in Queer 1 missioners are ceasing to
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Company function, we may recount an
amusing little incident concerning the Editor of this journal. At the time when it was thought that at any moment Germany might stage an invasion, the Editor was asked to attend a Press meeting in a certain hall. On arrival there, he discovered that half the ball was screened off, and a "guardian" was posted at a desk in front. Walking unconcernedly and unchallenged past this individual and around the screen, he found a number of people. sitting around a long table arranged in an oval. Spotting a vacant seat, he was surprised to note that this appeared to be reserved for some titled person. However, a lady on his right, who introduced herself as Dame —, said that probably this individual would • not arrive, as the meeting was half over, which„ as the Editor ho.d arrived at the time announced for the commencement, waS puzzling to him. It was not long before he realized that something was wrong, as the remarks concerned what were, apparently, most secret arrangements, whilst a file in front of him contained much other similar material. By that time, tea had arrived, and after hurriedly drinking Ibis, he made his apologies to the chairman for his quick exit and retired. On making inquiries, the Editor was asked where he had been, and when it'vvas learnt that he had just attended a meeting of the Commissioners there was no little perturbation, whilst he had visions of being locked up until the invasion, or threat of it, was over. It appeared that a message advising a change of venue for the original meeting had miscarried.
New Fuel Which TRIPTANE, a new motor Gives Four Times the, I fuel, is promised for the
Power post-war period. So far it has
been Made only experimentally, but in sufficient quantities for trials in aeroplanes. It was first laboratory-produced in America at a cost of £7 per gallon., but will be competitive with 100octane fuel when in large-volume production. Owing to its extraordinarily high anti-knock number, engines using triptane are claimed to develop up to four times as much power as when using pre-war petrol, also a 25 per cent, fuel economy is obtained. It is stated that a 12-cylindered aero engine developing 1,500 b.h.p. on 100-octane fuel, when Tun on a mixture of 60 per cent. triptane and 40 per cunt. 100-octane fuel, develops over 2,500 b.h .p. Another Great Work 1-'1-1E part taken by road Completed by Road I hauliers in the huge task
Transport involved in the evacuation and rehabilitation of the Slapton battle-training area is emphasized by a letter received from the Regional Transport's representative by Mr. jerwooci, chairman of . the Ministry of Transport Advisory Committee which was set up to arrange this transport. The communication was to the effect that the transport arrangements had, throughout the. period, been very largely in the hands of Mr. Jerwood and those of his hauliers' committee, and experience had proved that the step of entrusting the main responsibility to him and to others in the trade had brought results which officials, working independently, would have found it hard to achieve. The representative was sure that the M.O.W.T. must be greatly indebted to ther1/, and the writer, upon whom the problem of eSsential transport had, at times, weighed so heavily, was equally grateful,
Oil-engined TractorSOME interesting figures have trailer Gives Fine Per" reacheet us concerning, a
forrnance Bedford-Carrimore articulated outfit with a vast body and a gross load averaging 12.81 tons. The engine is a Gardner 4LK of 3-in. bore and 51-in. stroke, with a capacity of 3.80 litres. The first major overhaul of this power unit was after 186,662 miles, the fuel figure being 22 m.p.g. at the start, which was gradually reduced ti 17.39; 3,000 miles after the overhaul the figure rose to 22.43 m.p.g.—more than the original—this being equal to 287 gross ton-miles per gallon. During the overhaul the only parts required were new pistons and rings, reconditioned heads with new valves, springs and rocker gear, and a resleeved block. A petrol-engined four-wheeler to carry 7-8 tons, with a gross weight of about 12 tons, would probably have achieved, at its best, 7-8 m.p.g., or under 100 gross ton-miles per gallon. This adds emphasis to the economic value 'of the oiler.