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"The wheels of wealth will be slowea by all difficultie3 of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is oy the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Water From Town Hydrants.
A warning has recently been issued to drivers of steam vehicles and others, drawing attention to the fact that.three months ago the borough justices fined the driver of a steam vehicle 22 for taking water from the fire hydrant be longing to the Corporation of Basingstoke. The authorities point out that the maximum penalty for taking water from the town supply without authority is 210, hut that the justices had intimated that the case had been dealt with leniently because it was,the first •of its kind to be brought before the court. The borough surveyor and waterworks engineer state thatmany cases have occurred of water being taken in the district without authority, particularly on the outskirts,of the town, and that. a strict watch is to be kept in future, and all offenders will be brought before the borough magistrates.
Institute of Transport Congress.
The first congress of the Institute of Transport will be held in London from May 17th to 20th, both dates inclesive.Delegates • front the British Dominions, United States, and the Continent will attend the congress.
The social functions to which ladies will be invited are as follow :—
Tuesday, May 16th, the president will hold a• reception at the Hotel Metropole from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ; Wednesday, May 17th, the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor of London will entertain the congress at a conversazione at the Mansion House from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. ,; Thursday, May 18th, the third annual dinner of the Institute will be held at, a venue to be announced later.
During the morning of each day papers will be read at the Institution of Civil Engineers on various matters in connection with transport, those of particular interest to the mechanical road transport world being by Col. C. R. Brdssey. O.R.E. ("The Design, -Constructioneand Maintenance of Highways in Relation to the Development of Mechanically Propelled Vehicular Traffic "); Sir John E. Thorny-croft, K.B.E. ("The Future Design of Road Vehicles for •Passenger and Goods Services''); and Mr. Dixon H. Davies (" The Finance of the Modern Highway : A Problem and a Solution "). During the afternoon of each day visits will be made to various places where transport plays an important part, including Napier's, Dennis's, StrakerSquire's, and L.G.O.C. repair works.
Better Roads for Motor Loads.
For some years yet to come the struggle must be between traffic, which is becoming more and more efficient (that is to say, is becoming capable of moving bigger loads at higher speeds), and the roads, which must cost more to make and maintain. Ultimately, the ideal road that will not wear out and the ideal vehicle that will not wear out the roads will be pioduced, and the Lord Strachie of the period, in his presidential address to the County Councils Association (or whatever public body
E4 "may carry out the duties now assigned to that Association), will not have se doleful tale to tell as the one which nearly brought tears to the eyes of the members at their gathering Last week.
We should have thought the day had pawed for regarding the highways as
structures to be built and looked at. It is a vain hope which buoys Lord Strachie's spirits that the Minister of Transport will give " favourable consideration to applications. made by highway authorities for orders prohibiting or restricting the use ea heavy motor vehicles over roads unsuitable for the traffie." It will be impossible to arrange for transhipments of loads from 6-ton vehicles running on Class 1 and Class 2 roads to 2-ton vehicles, waiting at the junctions with roads which have not been brought up to the standard eiquired by modern traffic conditions.
We deeply regret to announce the death at the age of 33, at his horse in Milton-under-Wych ood, Oxfordshire, of Major Robert, H. Giblett, 0.B.E., a member of the staff of this journal until the close of 1920 and a constant contributor to its columns.
Captain It. W. Stafford, M.C., who recently filled the position of sales manager to Commercial Cars, Ltd., has, we understand, resigned from that poeition, and has accepted the position of sales manager for the Midland and North of England to Automobiles M. Berliet.
Mistaken Identity.
At the Ashton-under-Lyne Police Court the other day a driver of a lorry answered to his name and pleaded " Not guilty" to a charge of baring the rear number. plate on his vehicle obscured. The police officer entered the boxand swore to iseseing the defendant at Lees, near Oldham, at a certain time on a certain date with the number plate on -his vehicle obscured.
On the completion of the evidence the driver asked the officer if he were sure that he was the driver of the vehicle, to which the officer replied, " Yes."
Another police officer stepped into the box and corroborated the evidence of his confrere, and, on being questioned, also stated that he recognized the man as the driver of the lorry in question.
The driver then gave his side of the case, which was that he had not been in Lees foe at least six months, and that he was actually summoned to appear for an alleged offence at Droylesden, about eight miles from the place where the two officers had sworn to seeing him. Much rattling of papers amid considerable amusement elicited the fact that it was another driver of the same name who should have entered the box to answer this particular summons.
The curious point about the proceedings was this—that nothing was said either to the sergeant or constable, who had sworn on oath to identifying a man they had never before seen, concerning the gravity of such statements.
Taxation Returns.
Return ust issued by the Ministry of Transport show that the total receipts from motor taxes from December 1st last to February 28th amounted to 27,756,654. The number of licences issued in respect of commercial vehicles was 131,866, which yielded in taxes 22,440,290. The number of road locomotives licensed was 1,501, motor ploughs 11,961, motor tractors 1,095, hackney carriages 60,382, the tax receipts in respect of each being 234,074, 22,990, 214,543, and 21,034,885
A New London Road.
The Middlesex county authorities are engaged on the construction of a new cross-country road which will connect the Edgware Road at Hendon with the Harrow Road at Harrow, passing through Kingsbury Green and Kenton. The road is three miles long, and it is estimated that the scheme will keep 150 men busy for the next 18 months. The new road will cost about 2175,000.
Goes Over to the Trade.
Mr. J. A. Oldbury, who has been connected for many years with Temple Press Ltd., in the Midlands, has entered the motor industry, and has been appointed managing director of Ed. J. Hardy and Co.; Ltd. Mr. Ed. J. Hardy, the founder of the business and hitherto managing director; is now chairman of directors. Mr. Oldbury carries with 'him our best wishes for success in his new sphere of operations.
A Fried-fish Van.
All types of "shops on wheels" are now in tse, but we think that the motor vehicle which pulled up at the Leeds Town Hall the other day to be weighed by the licensing authorities is in a class of its own.
It is a 1-ton van, designed for use as a travelling shop for the sale of fried fish and chip potatoes. Two cooking pans are provided in the interior, and a counter is also fitted. It is the owner's scheme to tap those suburb of the city in which, up to the present, " fish and chip" shops have not been established. Providing custom is sought in the prover locality, the owner should be. able to make quite a reasonable livelihood., Tar Pollution from the Roads.
We are informed that a joiut departmental committee appointed by the Ministers of Transport and Agriculture to consider the question of damage to fisheries by tar pollution caused by rain washings from the roads has recently presented an interim report which will shortly be published.
We believe that this report will show that rain washings from a tar-treated road -have their maximum toxic effect upon fisheries at periods (1) when the road hail been recently tarred ; and (2) when the surface of the road is in process of disintegration. The committee will probably recommend that highway authorities should give preference to asphaltic bitumen free from tar products for the treatment of roads draining directly into fishing waters.
R.I.A. Report.
According to the report of the Road Improvement Association fo'r the year 1921-1922, which has recently been issued, considerable work has been accomplished in the matter of road schemes during the past year. Local authorities have taken to re-surfacing lengths of road with the best materials, a large number of roads have been widened andstrengthened, and in several places new connecting and by-roads have been constructed. The report continues : "There is every indication that these developments will continue, and that in five to ten years the results of this work will be a large increase in road traffieaacilities throughout the country."
The R.I.A. is to be congratulated on the progress which has been made during a period of unprecedented elepseseion.
Clayton and Shuttlewotth Meeting.
In view of the large volume of Russian and Austro-Hungarian trade, which at one period formed the backbone of Lincoln's engineering industry, particularly with ftgard to the manufacture of agricultural appliances, special interest attached to the announcement :which was forthcomingfrom Mr. P. W. Robeon; the managing director of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., who presided at the 21st annual meeting of shareholders at the Stamp End Works recently. He stated that he had been invited 'by the Government to proceed immediately to Genoa, both as a representative of duatry and of agricultural engineering, to do what he could to restore the valuable trade which they formerly enjoyed.
In moving `the adoption of the report; which recommended that £54914 should be carried forward, and that ne
dividend should be declared on the ordinary shares, he observed -that-under any normal conditions the profits which had been earned, when added to the substantial sum brought forward from last year's account, would be deemed sufficient -to warrant the payment of an ordinary dividend. The present, however, were not normal times, and therefore, it was essential that the utmost prudence should be,exercised in meeting the unusual circumstances which they imposed.
Japanese Government Buying Lorries.
Several Japanese Government departments, notably those of the Army and Communications, are buying lorries just now. At present there. are about 3,000 lorries in the country, and of these 2,200 operate in the Yokohama district. Twenty per cent. of Japanese commercial velicies run on pneumatic tyres.
Lifeboat-launching Tractors.
We publish on this page, by courtesy of . the Editor of The. Li f shoat, the journal of the Royal Lifeboat Institution,
an illustration showing two Clayton chain-track tractors which are used for launching lifeboats. As will be seen, these tractors can be submerged in water without the risk of engine failure. These tractors are giving very good service at quite a number of lifeboat stations around the coast. and they have been found capableeof launching a boat more easily and promptly il-s,an horses and to push the boat carriage further out.
Nottingham Bus Traffic.
To the great satisfaction of Nottingham residents who live in arees at some distance from tramway tracks, the municipal authorities are enlarging the provision of motorbuses with entirely' encouraging results. Recent experience has proved that, apart from the advantages which they afford by more flexible means of transport, well-equipped buses can be made of eminently profitable -nee as feeders to the tramways.
In proof of this, the new service which has recently been inaugurated, linking up the central parts of the city with its western-most confines, has supplied abundaart, evidence which it is suggested should stimulate the corporation to long delayed enterprise in other directions.
Oxford Parcels Service.
The opening of new premises by the city of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., at 138, High Street, coincides with the introduotion of an express parcel service, which is intended to cover the city areas as well es those in the county itself. Parcels for any address within the city radies may now beehanded to a. conductor.at any red stopple; place on the bus rcriates, and they will-be atatep:ed either car age paid or carriage forward. Parcels Wit a -Io be received for delivery at places on each ofthe route. served by the company's country buses, agents having been appointed" throughout the whole of the country. In the case of the latter, all parcels must be sent carriage paid, but for th,e convenience of traders and others pareei tickets can be purchased or a credit account opened with the company.
Parcels for delivery within the city areas will be accepted at the following rates :-7 lb, 3d., 14 lb. 4d., 28 lb. 6d.,, ,56 lb. 9d., while the rates for country deliveries are : 3 lb. 4-1, 7 lb. 6d., 14 lb. Cd., 29 lb. Is,, 42 lb. Is, 3d., 56 lb.
is, 6d., 70 lb. 1s. 9d., 84 lb. 2s., 93 lb, 2s. 3d., and 112 lb. 2s. 6d.
The institution of this parcels service is likely to prove a considerable boon to residents both in the city and country districts. Many other bus services throughout the country have adop:;ed such schemes to the general advantage.
Severe Speed Limits.
At Peel (I.O.M.) residents have lodged a petition to restrict the speed of motor coaches passing through the town to fourenile,s an hour. -It was pointed out to the Peel Commissioners that the effect of acceptance of this condition would be to keep the motors out of Peel altogether. It would create such a stir amongst the motor owners that they should-be considered. No-traffic., it was urged, shred& be limited to four m.p.h. It was moved that the Commissioners limit the speed to six m.p.h. in Stanley Road to motor coaches only, which were allowed 12 miles on the open road. It was argued that there was:inn need for such a low rate of speed in the Isleof Man, and•popularmotoring should not be discouraged in this way. Eventually, for the one road named, a six-m.p.h_ speed limit was accepted.
Yorkshire Roads.
When the North Riding County Council moved the adoption of the minutes of the highways and bridges committee, it was stated that a less sum was being asked for this year than last., the net estimated expenditure for highways, apart from bridges, being £150,755, as against £182,557. The sum was a large one, but it was explained that they were intending to expend a great deal more money on first-class roads, in respect of which they received a larger grant from the Imperial purse.
The proposal to reconstruct the South Raek-Normanby road, at a cost of about £25,000, was said to be due to rail-lees bus traffic, in respect to which it was mentioned evidence was given in Parliament to show that these buses would do no damage to the road.
Bus Problem at Bridlington.
Bridling-Lou Watch Committee has had applications from Mr. A. Robinson and Messrs. Trown and Tooth for licences to run motor omnibuses from Bridlington to Elam-borough, and from the Quay to the Old Town, to include Belvedere and Fismberough Read.
The local Business Men's Association has forwarded a copy of a resolution passed by that association disapproving of the granting of a monopoly to ally one person or Sinn with respect to the running abuses in the borough.
The committee decided to arrange a meeting far the purpose of considering the whole question.
Midland Transport Workers. Important decisions affecting the future remuneration of • Midland road transport workers in the area including the Counties of Notts., -Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Rutland, and Northants. Weee arrived at at a meeting of the North Midland Road. Transport Joint ' Board, which was recently held, when it was agreed that the wages of adults should be reduced far the next three months by Is. per week, and that of youths by 6d. per week.
Those reductions are in accordance with au arrangement mutually agreed upon by employers and employees on March 22nd, when it was agreed that the then existing schedule should be regulated and adjusted by a rise or fall in the index figure of the cost of living, as published in The Labour Gazette. When the previous reduction of 2s. took place " irons " the third pay-day in January, 1922, in certain cases it was erroneously supposed that that reduction should take
effect " on" the third pay-day, thereby causing the reduction to take place a week earlier than agreed upon.It was determined that in alrauch cases the new reduction should not take effect until an equitable adjustment had been made.
No Monopoly for Sunday Buses.
The Electricity and Tramways Committee of the Newport Corporation has considered the position with regard to the running of Sunday motorbuses by private owners. The committee has unanimously agreed to recommend the running of Sunday trams to compete with the buses.
County and District Council's Controversy.
The portion of the main CardiffMerthyr road between Cilfynydd and Abercynon is in a very bad state, and the Mountain Ash District Council has decided that, failing to obtain assurance from the county council that, the road will be made suitable fot traffic, it will call the attention of the Ministry of Traesport to the matter. The road is used by all transport passing be tween Cardiff, Petityprield and the "Merthyr and Aberdare valleys.
The Motor Boating Season.
The motor boating season is now commencing, and owners of motor craft are turning their attention to preparing and equipping their boats for use during the summer. The , current issue of The Motor Boat, the Fitting-out Number, therefore comes at an opportune moment. In it are published a series of articles dealing with all phases of fitting Out, and a vast amount of useful information, both for the experienced yachtsman and the novice.
The wardens of the Home maintained by the Cycle and Motor Trades Beuevolent Fund for the children of deceased or distressed members will hold a reception at the Home, "Willoughby," Crystal Palace Park Road, Sydenham, • on Saturday, May 20th.
In our issue for March 21st we published an illustration of motor coaches at the Village Cross at Ripley. We said that they halted because the authorities at York discouraged coach parties. The town clerk of York informs us that York is one of the cities which makes no charge whatever for the standage of meter chars hebanes.
"Electric Horses."
A deputation from the Glasgow Corporation which has visited the Continent to investigate questions of refuse collection and disposa,1„ reports that valuable ounfirmatiOn was received of the deputation's view that, with regard to collection and removal of refuse, mechanical power should be concentrated so far as possible upon haulage, and that the work of collection, with its feequent stoppages and time of loading, should be reserved for the horse.
At Cologne, electric 'tractors, interpreted to the deputation as " electric horses," are used for the work of haulage. In this way the services of mechanical and horse power are secured and utilized upon the class of work at whichs each excels.
Lorries for Police Workshops.
The Streets and Roads Committee of Aberdeen recommends the purchase, for the use of the police workshops department, of two 6-ton Leyland lorries at £1,130 each. In a report by the burgh surveyor it was shown that, the amount paid for the hire of motor wagons by the department for the two years from November let, 1919, to October 31st, 1921, was £4,972 and £8,912 respectively. The maximum number of wagons hired on any one day during 1920 was nine and the minimum two, and in 1921 the maximum was 15 and the minimum four. It is stated that the cost of running a first-class lorry would be 7s. per hour, being Is. 6d.per hour below the rate charged for hiring, which at piesent amounts to 8s. 6d, per hour for a lorry of 5-ton capacity.
Making Jungle Motor Roads at £3 per Mile.
Last Auguet an engineer in Belgian Congo received orders to build a motor read to connect. Djoko-Punda with fluke=' 600 miles apart. To-day nearly 400 miles of this road have been constructed, nine wide rivers bridged, and several others crossed by pontoons. It is expected the road will be completed by next July.
A number of feeder routes are also to be built, two of the chief being Kanda-Kanda—Kabinda, and Luebo-Tchikapa. The native labourers, happy at being paid daily, are working with the greatest enthusiasm. The most, amazing feature about the whole job is that this motor highway through the midst of the African jungle is being constructed at the extremely low cost of 100 francs per kilom.--L3 a nvile at the present rates of exchange.
A New Liverpool Depot.
Leo Swain and Co., Ltd., have appointed Mr. Samuel Hayes, late manager of the rubber department, of the St. Helens Cable and Robber Co., Ltd., Warrington, to be manager of their new Liverpool depot at Central Chambers, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, and 5, Beek Colquitt, Street, Liverpool. The depot will be equipped with the Luchard air compressor plant for demonstration per poses, and a hydraulic press for the fit thug of solid tyres.
The annual conference of the Institution of Cleansing Superintendents will be held during the month of June at If arrogate. In connection with it there will be a. demonstration of powerpropelled vehicles
Boycotting the Railways.
The determined effort to divert all possible traffic from the railways to the roads, which is being made by Holland. (Lincolnshire) Farmers' Union, has met withia striking response.
Offers of 100 motor vehicles for the transport of farm produce have been made. to the union. This offer, together with the possibility of running a regular motor fleet to the large centres, will be considered at the next meeting of the Union.
By this action it is intended to obtain a reduction in the present railway rates, which axe in some cases more than per ton on potatoes, and it may even lead to a. permanent boycott of railway transport.
A Good Performance.
A remarkable feat was performed the other •day by a F.W.D. vehicle on its woe from Worcester to Birmingham. Two F.W.D. lorries with trailers, belonging to Mr. F. W. Bullock, of Worcester, were each taking an 8-ton load to Birmingham. When at Bromsgrove a connecting rod of one of the engines broke. After an attempt to remedy the trouble, it was decided to hitch the lame lorry behind the other loaded vehicle, and it is a remarkable fact that one F.W.D. with a. trailer having eight tons on board hauled a second machine, with an additional eight-ton load, up the Lickeys and into Birmingham Without the slightest trouble, Not only that, but after unloading a:return load was picked up by the first lorry, and the empty one with!trailer towed back to Worcester— a performance which does the E.W.D. much credit.
Traffic on the Brighton Road.
At a rneeling of the Worthing Corporation Licensing Committee, consideration was given to a petition signed by 12 owners of premises in Brighton Road drawing attention to the greatly increased heavy motor traffic along Brighton Road causing annoyance to the occupiers and damage to the property by reason of the speed at which the vehicles were driven, and suggesting that the council should make a speed limit respecting this particular road.
The town clerk was instructed to inform the petitioners that the council had already applied to the Minister of Transport for an Order fixing a speed limit in respect of several thoroughfares irt the borough, which application had been deferred for the present by the Minister. and the town council, therefore, could not usefully take any action in the matter.
Inst. A. E. Meetings.
The next ordinary general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on May 10th at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, S.W. 1, at 8 p.m., when Mr. Jas, Watt will read a paper entitled, "Automobile Calculations—Practical Methods for the Designer."
A meeting has also been arranged -under the auspices of the North of England Centre, at the Y.M.C.A. Hall, Albion Place, Albion Street, Leeds, on May 17th, at 7.30 p.m., when Prof. G. E. &holes, of Liverpool University, -will read a paper entitled, "Experiments on Cams and Poppet Valves."
Cards of invitation to admit visitors for either of these meetings may be obtained on application to the secretary, Institution of Automobile Engineers, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.
Welcoming Bus Services.
The recent monthly meeting of the Penybont Council considered a letter front the South Wales Commercial Motor Co., Ltd., stating that they had received numerous requests from the mining population to run a daily bus system from the Penybont area to the popular seaside resorts of Southerndown and
Ogniore-by-the-Sea. The companyrequested permission to run an efficient
and regular service. The question of asking for some agreement in respect to a regular contribution for wear and tear of reads was raised, but members stated that the service would be such a boa' to the populace as to outweigh any additional road upkeep expense incurred by the council. The permit was granted to the company subject to admission of liability in the ease of special road damage. The services were opened for the Beater holiday.
Coach Parking at Fleetwood.
The Fleetwood Council has not yet coma to any decision as to utilizing the market premises as a public garage, and if no action is taken it is probable that these motor coaches will, as was the case last summer, unload and embark their passengers on the public thoroughfares.
' Welsh Road Improvements.
The completion of the new road from Maudlan to Corm:illy by the Glamorgan County Council hoe considerably shortened the transport route from the Port Talbot area into Porthcawl. Longneeded improvement is being made by the county council to the main roads in the Magor district.
Lieut.-Col. C. F. Hitchens, D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., who recently resigned the appointment of general manager to Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., has. joined Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.
Compulsory Hedge Lopping.
The Rural District Councils Association has. decided to make representations to the Min.astry of Transport as to the necessity for legislation to ensure the cutting of hedges at dangerous corners. in such a manner as to secure a clear view by users of the highway, subject to the condition that limper payment is made as compensation for damage or injury sustained by the owner of such hedges.
Corrosion of Condenser Tubes.
A ,second and revised edition has just been issued by the Corrosion Research Committee, 36, Victoria Street, S.W. 1, of the valuable pamphlet entitled, "Notes on the Corrosion and Protection of Condenser Tubes." The document, which is published at 2s. 8d. post free, is intended to be of service to manufacturers of tubes and condensing pliant, and to the engineers who use them. It is of an essent.ally practical character, and embodies the results of ten years' research. The first edition of 1,000 copies was exhausted within a week of publication. The new edition contains much valuable additional matter.
Midland Road Improvements.
It is possible to avoid the centre of Leicester when driving from the south to the. north-west of the town by making a detour and running along the Fosse Road, North, Blackbird' Road, and Abbey Road. Blackbird Road has been recently opened up to traffic, and measures some 36 yds. across. It is composed of two main tracks—one for up-traffic and the other for down—a central dividing strip 10 yds. wide and two footpaths 6 yds. wide. There are several connecting strips between the up and down tracks, and the surface is perfect.
The widening of Abbey Road has not vet been completed, the newly built surface of the added portion being sonic 12 ins. or 18 ins, higher than that of the old. This road terminates in Belgrave, and can be used by those proceeding to Loughborough and Notting,
Orders for Palladiums.
A rumour has apparently gained circulation that Palladium Autocars, Ltd., of Felsharn Road, Putney, London, S.W.15, have ceased to manufacture commercial vehicles, and, in order to contradict it, we are asked to state that amongst recent orders which have been secured by the company are he following :---Two double-deck omnibuses for the Buffalo Bus Co., of Northampton; one single-decker for Messrs. Davis and Wilson, of Langley Moor, Durham ; two double-deckers for the Cornwall Enterprise Co., of Perranporth; one double-decker for the Rhiwbina Bus Service, Bireligrove, near Cardiff; and two motor coaches for Mr. W. S. Smith, of Rothesay.
Shops on Wheels and Early Closing.
There are so many " shops on wheels" operating in the market places these days that the following case is of some importance ;—
A travelling vendor selling goods from a motors-an at Sunbury on an early closing day was recently summoned. Ile said he held a hawker's licence and told the Bench that it was the first time that he had heard that a pedlar c,ould not sell in a town if it were early closing day. After hearing the argument for the pro
secution, the Chairman said that a pedlar apparently must know what was the order in every parish he visited in the course of his travels.
It would appear to be quite reasonable to expect the peregrinating pedlar to conform with local requirements in this matter.
Motors 40 per cent. Cheaper.
In spite of hostile criticism, the Highways Department of the Todmorden Corporation .recently decided for motor haulage in place of horse-team work, and it now reports that during the past three months the new system of opera tion has shown a saving of 2110. The haulage costs for main road scavenging show a reduction of about 40 per cent. on those for the previous quarter.
In our issue for April 18th, in the advertisement of Tower Carriers, Ltd., concerning the Chevrolet 10 cwt. van, the price of this vehicle was given as 2240. This was reduced after the time of going to press to 2225.
"Some Post-war Problems of Transport" is the title of a paper to be read by Sir John Audley Frederick Aspinall at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George St., London, S.W.1, today (Tuesday), at, 6 pm.
• Local Proceedings.
• Hull Corporation proposes to purchase a new motor fireeegine.
Aberdeen Town Council propose to purchase two 6-ton Leyland motor lorries at £1,130 each.
The Electricity Committee of the Worthing Corporation has in view the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has under 'consideration draft by-laws with regard to motor omnibus stands.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has approved of an application of the Blue Cars, -Ltd., for four licences for motor omnibuses and chars-it:banes.
Ripon City Council is considering the question of purchasing a motor tipping wagon for the general use of the highwaysand sanitary departments.
Gosport Urban District Council has decided to Provide a motor ambulance and accommodation for housing the vehicle at an estimated cost of 2450.
Causes of Road Deterioration at Crossings.
An interesting instance of localized deterioration of road surface is to be seen on a certain bus route in the West of London. There is a fair amount of other heavy motor traffic, as this particular road forms a sort of by-pass to a main road.
For several years past it has been impossible to keep the road surface at one place free from deep pot-holes for more than a few weeks, for so soon as they are repaired they begin to form again. It happens that a narrow stone settpaved crossing cuts the road close to the pot-holes, and although originally the setts were doubtless level with the macadam road, they now stand slightly higher. Consequently, all solid-tyrid motor traffic rune on to this stone crossing with a bump and drops on to the friable macadam with considerable impact, and the continued " pounding " effect soon makes itself evident by pothole formation.
Itwould appear, however, that the road-repair authority takes no notice of the setts or makes any attempt to relay them. But, even if this crossing were made dead level, it is likely that the deterioration would continue, although at a slower rate, due to the sudden change in the nature of the road surface.