News and Comment.
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All our readers should make a note of the Olympia Show dates—the 17th to 25th instant inclusive. The opening day is only a fortnight hence.
A stand-to-stand report of the commercial exhibits, written on the spot, will be undertaken by the Editor personally; this will be additional to other important articles devoted to particular constructional features.
An introduction to our forecast of the show, which may be regarded as the prelude to the two special show numbers, is begun on page 137 of this issue.
All these reports are being specially brought to the notice of some thousands of selected houses where mechanical haulage is under consideration. " The Staffordshire Sentinel " is to be added to the list of provincial newspapers whose proprietors find the motorcar to provide a reliable and quick method of distribution where it particularly important to get ahead of the train on crosscountry routes.
Judgment was entered last week for the Westminster authorities, by Mr, Justice Kennedy, against Mr. Edward Alcx)tt, for .4.i2,000 damages in respect of the non-performance of a contract in connection with the wood-paving of certain streets in the city of Westminster.
The brotherhood of St. Bernard's Hospital, in Switzerland, is using a motor wagon for the transport of its supplies from Martigny to the high altitude at which the hospital is situated. The wagon will probably require snow-shoes during the greater part of each twelve months.
Vosper and Co., Ltd., of 18-28, Brmtl Street, Portsmouth, is now making a speciality of motor vehicle repairs. One finds shops which are equipped with up-to-date machinery, in addition to a spacious garage, at this address, and any users who entrust their repair or mai.ntenance contracts to the company can rely on receiving satisfactory attention. The latest enterprise in motor vehicle demonstration methods comes from America. The Winton Company has equipped a special travelling railway car, and this carries several examples of that make in the care of an experienced salesman. The car in question is now on a tour from the Atlantic to the Pacific, taking in many important towns. The development is quite in accordance with the American admonition to "do something."
The St. Pancras Iron Work Co., Ltd., of 171, St. Pancras Road, London, N.W., has recently sold one of its 5ton steam wagons to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd. We illustrate this vehicle on page /39, and it may be mentioned here that the engine is of 45i.h.p., whilst the boiler has the exceptionally large heating surface of Ito square feet. The unladen weight of the vehicle, which complies in all respects with the L.G.B. regulations, is 4 tons 18,1cwt., and it was duly registered by the !..C.C.
The Japanese Supplement, which was announced by us on September 21st, is continually being enquired for by shippers and others interested in the trade of the Mikado's Empire. This supplement will not, for obvious reasons, be circulated with the ordinary English issue, although complimentary copies will be sent to members of the motor industry. It practically becomes a third special number in connection with the Olympia Show; the up-to-date character of its matter and illustrations will be enhanced by examples of the latest types of vehicles by all representative makers of vehicles, motors, tyres and accessories, etc. It will be published on the 30th instant.
The Beaufort Motor Company, of 14, Baker Street, W., has received a repeat order from India (by cable) for six petrol lorries; four of these are similar to the one we illustrate on page 142.
Mexico has put in force a system of taxation upon motor vehicles according to the unladen weight. The rates are, approximately, 1.25d. per lb. for machines below scwt. ; id. per lb. between scwt. and 15cwt.; and o.75d. per lb. for all heavier weights. These annual charges should effectively repress heavy motor transport. The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., of Sussex Place, Kensing ton, S.W., is pursuing a most active policy in pushing its goods. An interesting series of articles is now appearing in the advertisement pages of " The Times," the first of these comprising numerous extracts from copies of the " Mechanic's Magazine," of April and May, 1847, in which the original Thomson pneumatic tyre was described and illustrated in great detail. An enquiry was held by the City of London authorities
on the 27th ultimo into the outbreak of fire on a motor wagon laden with petroleum spirit, which occurred in Cornhill a fortnight ago. The jury, empanelled in the City Coroner's Court, after due deliberation, were of opinion that the fire was caused by a leakage of spirit from a can, and that this resulted in the contact of the vapour with an improper lamp. It was also recommended that the carriage of petroleum spirit through the streets should be regulated by the Petroleum Acts. In view of the fact that no fatality resulted from the fire, it is not easy to follow why the accident came before a coroner's jury I The explanation is found in the procedure established under the City Fire Inquests Act.
A conference took place at the Paddington Town Hall on March 3rd last, when it was resolved to refer certain questions connected with the Heavy Motor Car Order, 1904, to a sub-committee consisting of the borough engineers of Ifackney, Paddington, and Woolwich. This conference, which apparently arrogated to itself the functions of a Government Department, sought to have the registered maximum axle-weight altered from eight to six tons, and the total axle-weight from twelve to nine tons. Another conference of the delegates from the various Metropolitan local authorities was held in Paddington on Friday last, when the sub-committee reported in favour of a one-third reduction of the unit of axle-weight, and that the axle-weight for a trailer should not exceed three tons, instead of four as at present. It is also recommended that the following fresh article should be inserted in the regulations :—" A heavy motorcar shall not exceed in length /oft., or in height above the ground t3ft., provided that these limitations shall not apply to or affect a fore-carriage which is not more than sft. in length or 6ft. in height above the ground." The report is signed by Messrs. Frank Sumner (now engineer to the City of London), Norman Scorgie (Hackney), and E. B. B. Newton (Paddington), but it involves an extra ordinary admission for three competent borough engineers to ask for lighter loads—upon the strongly-paved streets of London—than the Local Government Board, as the outcome of the sittings of Mr. Hobhouse's committee, has seen fit to sanction for use throughout the country generally. It goes without saying that the report will be of no effect, as the L.G.B. will not allow opinions of this kind to upset the weight of evidence against them. Our contemporary " The Motor " will be found to have undergone a metamorphosis when next Tuesday's issue appears. Ihe change in style coincides with other developments. Two drivers in the employ of the Chiswick Sub-soil Com pany have been fined respectively and for driving heavy motor wagons with trailers at a speed exceeding five miles an hour. The penalties were imposed at the Brentforcl Petty Sessions last week.
When Turk meets Turk, then comes the tug-of-war. The Glamorgan County Council has decided to take action against the Mountain Ash Urban District Council, with a view to the recovery of for alleged road damage by a four-ton motor wagon owned by the smaller body.
Manchester is to have a new street, parallel to Market Street. It will be a pity if the proposed expenditure of L-1,3oo.000 is sanctioned in respect of a thoroughfare only 6oft. wide as a maximum, and falling to 48ft. at some points, as a greater width throughout is highly desirable. The net cost is put at only L;250,000. Congratulations to Messrs. Straker and Squire on the large order which they have just taken from one of the leading London omnibus companies. We understand that the total amount of the contract is not far short of ,100,000, and this fact is sufficient in itself to show how confidence is 7sta blished in this make with the large using companies of the Metropolis.
Principal H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S., L1. I).. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E., ex-chairman of the Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association, writes from the Transvaal Technical Institute, Johannesburg, to congratulate us on the success of "THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." We are pleased to learn that Principal Icle-Shaw will be in London about two n.ontlis from now.
Mr. Henry Fowler, Assoc.M.inst.C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E., gas engineer to the Midland Railway Company, has been given the additional appointment of assistant works inanager by the directors of that line. Mr. Fowler has given much time to the study of commercial motors since the year 1898, when he acted as principal honorary observer at the first Liverpool trials. Our contemporary, "The Field," in its issue of October 28th, publishes an article in terms highly appreciative of the motor omnibus. The writer expresses the view that the Royal Commission on London Traffic dealt with the matter "on a tramway basis, and that motor omnibuses were referred to as an afterthought and dismissed after quite inadequate consideration of their possibilities."
The boom in motor omnibus business reached a climax for the Motor Car Emporium, Limited, last week, when a record sale of 166 vehicles was secured as follows :-108 (extension of order) to the London General Omnibus Company; 25 to a new London motor omnibus company ; 16 to Italy; 12 to Egypt ; and 5 to Ireland_ The Motor Car Emporium, Limited, has also recently received an order from the Glasgow and South Western Railway Company. In consequence of the success of the motor steam fire engine purchased for the London County Council at the beginning of the year, two more motor fire engines are to be procured. Tenders were recently invited for these, and the following quotations were received :—Messrs. Henry Simonis and Company, Norfolk House, Norfolk Street, W.C., £2, too; Merryweather and Company, Limited, Greenwich Road, S.E., ;4;2,296. This latter quotation includes spare parts. The fire brigade committee reported on Monday last that it had decided to order only one engine at present : Merryweather's had agreed to supply that at half the price of the complete tender, viz., £1,148, and the committee had (subject to the usual sanction) accepted this offer. Mr_ Herbert Austin advises us that he is leaving the Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Company, Limited, to. start in business on his own account, and that his works will be situated at Longbridge, near Birmingham. Captain Frank Kayser is joining Mr. Austin in the new undertaking, and he will be assisted by a complete staff, several of whom have been associated with him in the past. An up-to-date set of
machine tools and appliances, for rapid and economical production, is being installed, and we feel every confidence in saying that the "Austin " vehicles will become a household word, both in pleasure and commercial vehicle circles, throughout the world. Mr. Austin will, naturally, put through his pleasure car series first, and he expects to have a 25-30h.p. car on the road by the end of December. Mr. G. B. Mercer, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., has been appointed to conduct the evening lectures in motorcar engineering at the Municipal Technical School, Byrom Street, Liverpool. Mr_ Mercer has been for many years associated with Robinson and Price, Limited. A sub-committee of the Todmorden Town Council has re:: cently visited London, Eastbourne, and other places, to gain information regarding motor omnibuses. The matter of placing orders appears to be in abeyance, pending an exchange of communications with the Local Government Board on the subject of a loan.
The Aster Engineering Company, Limited, has been registered with an authorised capital of £50,000 in Li shares by Messrs. Jenkins, Baker and Company, of 31, Poultry., E.C. The number of directors is to be not less than three or more than seven, and there will be no initial public issue. Mr. S. I). Begbie is on the board.
The British Empire Motor Trades Alliance has been registered under the Companies Acts, 1862 to row, as a company limited by guarantee (not having a capital divided into shares). Mr. Herbert Austin, of Birmingham and London, is chairman of the committee, which includes the names of many prominent members of the motor industry. A committee meeting of the Motor Van and Wagon Users' Association was held at rig, Piccadilly, W., yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, when various important questions, including some details of the evidence to be submitted to the Royal Commission, were discussed. Minutes of the proceedings will be published by us next week.
The secretary of the association acknowledges with thanks the satisfactory response to the circular issued to members for the purpose of collecting suitable information. These returns have reached the offices with gratifying promptitude, and in greater numbers than were anticipated. Any user of a van, wagon, tractor, or other commercial motor, who has not received one of the forms, should apply to Mr. Rees Jeffreys immediately.
The annual dinner of the Motor Union of Great Britain and Ireland has been arranged to take place at the Trocadero Restaurant on Wednesday the 22nd instant. The chair will be taken by the Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., C.V.O., and the price for tickets has been fixed at 6s. each. All members of the Motor Van and Wagon Users' Association are ipso facto members of the Motor Union : they will be well advised to order their tickets from Mr. Rees Jeffreys in good time.