Union Cartage Base _ Change . Fails
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AN attempt by a large London haulage company to regularize its operations in the East Midlands Area failed at Nottin am last Friday when the deputy Lice shag Authority, Mr. A. R. M. Ellis, refu d an application by the Union . Car4igc Co. Ltd. to base five insulated vehicles at Grimsby to carry, under an A licence, frozen foods within
200', trifles. ' . .
Mr J. Amphlett, for the applicant, said that the original application was for 10 vehicles to be based at Grimsby. ti Realizing at this had created a "little unrest" in ih e. area, the .application was reduced to five vehicles, and: an .undertaking wou d be given that, _if granted, a similar n mber of vehicles, would be deleted .fro ,ii. Metropolitan licence. '
Union C rtage had found that a considerable. ti e was being taken up carrying frozen cods from GrirnsbY by way of .retufn 1 ads. While it was entitled to do this „nder its London' licence, it Would be uch tidier, more in confirmation of th requirements of the Road Traffic Act _ and more courtemis to the Licensing uthority if it held a licence in the East Midlands: '
Evidence was given by the company that four chides had been operating from Grim by since Decernber,1961.
Mr. .1:-.B` oth, objecting for the B.T.C., submitted hat there was, no 'case to answer--th company had taken the law
into its o hands. and moved' Vehicles permanent' to Grimsby • Without approachin the LA.Mr. A., C. G.
Rothera, r seven 'independent road objectors, s ppcirted Mr. Booth.
FoO ball Excursions Part-grant FOOTBA L fans living in the' Brickley area it' d difficulty in travelling to home mate es at Wrexham, Chester and Everton, i was stated at Chester last week, whe Mr. S. Llewellyn presented an applic tiori by Ellis Bros to run special 'foo ball excursions.
The appl cants had had several requests from local supporters who found'existing transport f Cilities inadequate.' They pro
posed to arge 2s. 6d. to Chester and Wrexhain nd 6s: to 'EVertori, In . order to travel to ' the latter destination at present; a assenger had "to.take the local CrosVille b s to Birkenhead, then get the ferry. or ' i derground. train, 'and • finally another bu -to the football ground.
Crosvill -Motor Services Ltd. objected and Mr. . Lees, its Chester divisional manager, ave details 'of. Mold; Chester, Wrexham nd Birkenhead services. No complaints had been received about any of these. .
The pro osals were granted in part by the chair an of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, Maj.-Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie, who gave permission for the excursion to Everton but refused those to Chester and Wrexham He expressed doubt as to whether 6s. was a suitable fare but granted. dispensation on this point, pending more negotiations.