F ,,T,..,,, to raise the public profile of your company do
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have their ups and downs, as my friends at INT tell me.
Only the other day, they took sonic of their Despatch Post tilling station proprietors to a football match in Luton at which a 'fNI publicity balloon was flying. "Oh. I could use one of those at my garage," chirped an enthusiastic guest.
No sooner said than done. The balloon was fixed to a suitable mooring point above his tilling station And it was there for :ill of Luton to see. Unfortunately, he did not reckon on the reaction 01 one pigeon fancier who complained it upset his birds in id, on failing to elicit the response he wanted 611111 thl.' Despatch Post n MIL went alVa Y. rCtUtned with a shotgun and promptly shot down said balloon.
LLO'ullo,'till°, what's going On ere? Well you may ask after reading Road Safety NoteN, issued by the West Yorkshire !Metropolitan Police, which quotes Roadrrafi, the police drivers' manual: lie elimination of unwanted road speed by the application of road wheel brakes can be one of the most difficult and hazardous controlling operations carried out by a driver.
(l;onversely, the enhancement of velocity while proceeding in any desired direction by the depression or the accelerator pedal requires the utmost HARPER Trucks took the biscuit w-hen it offered a "very good dealon an Iveco 190.30 tractive unit to inexperienced articulated vehicle operator Carrs Food of Stockport having downplated it to 28 tonnes.
Running lightly stressed at about 22 tonne; gross, with around one quarter of its design payload, die vehicle's 233kW i299hp) turbocharged 13.8 litre ,.11.2,111{: is reported to be returning only discretion on road surfaces having a low co-efficient of friction. Failure to
observe this fundamental rule may result in locomotion in an undesired direction, with tragic results.
IT'S an ill redundancy that blows nobody any good. Pick lords is setting up 25 executive moving depots to meet the growing demand for an upmarket service liar senior company executives moving house. More than 125,1:00 removals are expecting to be handled this year, flootball-elut) managers doubtless making a generous contribution to the total.
1 wilily-live of the 34 Volvos that have been added to the fleet of more than 800 vehicles will serve the highclass customers. six will cope with the rabble and three will distribute new furniture. Drivers have had a democratic
say in the choice of vehicles.
BRIAN Redhead, the irrepressible presenter of the BBC Radio 4 Toddy programme, was being distinctly unfair when he said that motor manufacturers were not interested it, noise suppression. I IC seems Co be ignorant of the successful work on rhe quiet lorry that has been in progress for years almost \-yithin a stotic's throw tat his home town or Macclesfield. It he rook a trip in a 10-year-old lorry arid then in a modern vehicle he would Soon chan,:e his tune.
33 lit! itiukin (mpg} on trunking journeys delivering confectionery to London and returning empty.
Fhe —dual" is a lease purchase agreement including a Maintt.Thillee contract over live years for "less the Cluti a weekexcluding tyres. The vehicle is expected to cover around O311.00ffkin over the period. With a list price of 01,715 it sounds like a very fair deal. Die you know of One better . Ile was interviewing a scientist who, so tar as I could gather over the snap, crackle and pop of' my breakfast cereal., was explaining how to reduce a noise by introducing another of opposite and equal value. The etliset on a small petrol engine was remarkable. The principle is the same as curing toothache by a sharp blow on the head with a hammer.
G(.)V [RN M ENTS habitually speak with Corked tongues. Having urged enterprise and risk-raking in business, they pm the boot in immediately initiative shows signs of healthy profits.
It happened to Frank Perkins and Charles Chapman 50 years ago. Flaying
built the first Perkins engine in the depression of 1932 and created a steadily proliferating menagerie of Vixens, Foxes and Leopards. they had to weather a massive new tax on diesel fuel before tho/ could begin to make a modest profit in 1)37.
CailliV Lrank invested .:2,7811 of it in a site at Lasttield. Peterborough, where the IA orkr; largest engine plant of 150 acres now show; a small capital gain. Peter Walker, Energy Secretarv. recently helped to build the 111) millionth Perkins en pain by tightening the cylinder head
WA a /.250.01 li I machine, which was symbolic of government screwing down it die motor industry.
BACKED hy a Leyland ,,,iadronner driven by Gilbert liataille. who set in a world record List July by driving one on two wheels for 2.93 miles. Ian Botham is hitting sixes or the Leukaemia Research Fund. I le is one 01 a band of celebrities who are raising nioney iciadie charity by walking 851) miles from John O'Groats to Land's End,
FIVE bus depot workers at Tyne and Wear Transport. Executive were sacked because they were caught watehin,!, films in the middle of their nightshift. Now, die PIE will not say what sort of films the men were watching. If they were training rilini, I cannot see what the Cuss was about — unless it is that the PTE. is upset because they were .111 wearing the same.
nighrshillt while watching them.
By the Hawk