News and Comment.
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A concise index to volume 11 of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR is now ready. Copies can be had on apnlication to the publisher, Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical sub jects : (1) " Another Striking Recommendation Concerning Municipal Motorbuses " ; (2) " The Rising Generation of Drivers for Horse Vehicles" ; (3) " Manceuvre Transport '' ; (4) " The Hire Purchase of Motorvans " ; and (5) " Carriers and Recognition."
"Scouts and Supply.
Messrs. Webb and Wilson, butchers, of Andover, write to us that a one-ton and a 15-cwt. Scout van belonging to them did excellent service during the recent Army divisional training. These machines followed the 3rd Division and carried supplies for the officers' messes of the 7th, 8th and 9th Infantry Brigades. "Tile cars did their work well and without a breakdown," we are told, "over roads that were often very bad and narrow."
W.O. Subsidy Trials.
The disappearance of competitors whose names were given in the list which the War Office issued at the beginning of August has been remarkable in extent. The withdrawal of the Lacre and the Commercar vehicles occurred some time ago, and now we are officially notified that the Maudslay vehicle will not compete. It has to be noted that a Dorman engine, fitted to a five-ton Lacre chassis, will be subjected to test. We may remark that this engine has a bore of 120 mm. and a piston-stroke of 140 mm., whilst other points of interest about it are that it has a water-heated induction pine and an air-cooled base chamber. Owing to the growth of our Editorial work, we desire to make an additional junior appointment to the Editor's staff. Candidates must have been trained as engineers and have had not less than four years connection with the commercial vehicle industry. Address The Manager, Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. All communications will be treated in strict confidence.
Thorttycrolt Subsidy Deliveries The last two of the 15 subsidytype Thornycroft W.D. three-tonners, ordered in April last, were delivered on the 13th ultimo, well within the contract period. Our attention has been drawn to the remarkable consistency which has been shown by this small fleet during the delivery tests of its units. Each machine ran 200 miles fully loaded over a difficult route without a hitch. So unusual was the similarity of performance of these machines that on one particular day's trial the respective consumptions varied only by half-a-pint. Fiftyfive ton-miles to the gallon was recorded as the result of a 90-mile run in one day—the subsidy specification asks for 40 ton-miles. The Secretary of the War Office wishes to draw the attention of "manufacturers of motor lorries in connection with the War Depart meat Subsidy Scheme" to the requirements of the Mechanical Transport Committee in respect of screw threads. A pamphlet on the subject has now been circulated.
At the Grocers' Exhibition.
There is obviously just now a rapidly-increasing demand for the light van for quick transport and delivery purposes ; for the grocery and allied trades the lighter types of vehicle are particularly suitable. Such machines for these trades have to be of small load capacity as a rule, although in certain instances models of considerable capacity are requi,sitioned.
At the 21st annual Exhibition of the Grocery, Provision, Oil and Italian Warehouse Trades, held at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, last week, although only four commercial-vehicle manufacturers were represented, 11 machines. of varying load capacities were exhibited. The first_ to be seen on passing through the main entrance was the small but compact 10-cwt. R.G. van staged by the R.G. Motor Co., Ltd., of Upper Street, Islington. A roomy box-van body was fitted on this machine. The whole vehicle is marketed at £195. We have written favourably of this vehicle on several previous occasions. The Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., of Palace Chambers, Westminster, was represented on two stands by four of its familiar 20 h.p. one-ton vehicles. Three 5cwt. Girling machines were staged by the Dispatch Carrier Co., Ltd:, of Southwark Bridge Road, S.E., One of this maker's exhibits had been sold to W. and R. Jacob and Co., Ltd., the well-known biscuit manufacturer. The other vehicles on show were Studebakers.
The Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd., asks us to state that the announcement which appeared in our last issue with regard to Mr. E. A. West's appointment as receiver and manager contained an inaccuracy and that " the company is not in liquidation."
A Spanish Offer.
An English gentleman, well known to us but resident for many years in Madrid, who is thoroughly an fait with the commercial world throughout Spain and whose present very-extensive business connections there bring him, into touch with all the principal industrial undertakings in the Peninsula, is of opinion that he could usefully influence business for an established English manufacturer of the heavier classes of industrial vehicles. For the present, he may be addressed " Ineansable " care of the Editor of this journal The report, for the year ended the 2nd August last, of the directors of Thomas Smith's Stamping Works, Ltd., is to hand. The profit for the 12 months is £27,337, and this compares with a profit of -210,207 for the previous 12 months A Commer Tour in S. Wales.
A Commercar business tour, during which a. two-ton open lorry will be in charge of Mr. F. A. Sessions, of the sales department or the company, has just been commenced throughout South Wales. Commercial Cars, Ltd., will be pleased to arrange for local demonstrations and interviews anywhere in the district if those who are interested will send a request to that effect to the Luton offices.
Edison Batteries.
The new organization of Edison Accumulators, Ltd., which company will continue to handle the Edison storage battery in the British Isles, now has its headquarters at 49, Old Bond Street, W. The new board includes Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, Colonel H. C. L. Holden, and Messrs. A. L. Pearce, 13. M. Drake (Drake and Gorham, Ltd.), and J. F. Monnot. Mr. J. F. Monnot is the managing director. Increasing interest in the subject of accumulator-driven vehicles is to be anticipated, initially for town-delivery purposes.
London Carriers.
A strike occurred at certain of the depots of Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., on Thursday and Friday of last week. The men applied for a revision of the wages scale, recognition of the National Transport Workers' Federation, and a reduction of the working week from 58 hours to 54 hours. The terms of the agreement that was reached are as under :—
" Recognition of the National Transport Workers' Federation.
"Working week to be reduced from 68 to 56 hours at once, to 54 hours in six months.
" Overtime to be paid for as time and a quarter. Sunday, time and a half. To be charged on a daily basis.
"Special checkers and loaders : Start at 27s. ; after one year, 285.; two years, 29s. ; four years, 30s. Checkers and enterers and assistant loaders : Start at 26s. ; after one year, 26s. ; three years, 27s. Porters : Aged 23 years and over, 25s.; under 23, start at 17s. at 18 years of age, and rise to 22s. by annual increases of is. Daily checkers, assistant loaders, and enterers : Aged 23 and over, 25s. Yardmen: Weekly staff start at 25s. ; after one year, 26s. ; three years, 27s. ; five years, 28s. Daily staff : Aged 23 years and over, 25s.
"Men on strike to resume work without victimization."
We make brief comment upon this settlement, and upon other points connected with the London carrying trade, on page 98.
We learn that Mr. Sherard Cowper-Coles has granted a licence to the British Mannesmann Tube Co. for the terro-zincing or ironizing of boiler tubes to prevent pitting or corrosion. A plant will be erected at Landore.
Business from Bakerr.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., has a good record for sales amongst bakers and biscuit makers. Further repeat orders have now readied it from MacFarlane. Lang and Co., Ltd., of London and Glasgow, Can and Co., Ltd., of Carlisle, and Mr. S. Gilchrist, of the Woodlands Biscuit Factory, Hamilton, N.B.
In addition to the foregoing, the Albion Co. appears to be particularly well pleased that it has received an order for one of its 16 h.p. vehicles from Messrs. Bilstand Bros., whose standing in the world of bread manufacturers is very high north of the Border. Conservative scruples on the part of this firm have been overcome, and the vendors of the vehicle which has been purchased confidently anticipate that there -will be no turning back.
Exhibit of Small Power Engineering Appliances and Scientific Apparatus.
The fourth annual Small Power Engineering and Scientific Exhibition will be held in the Horticultural Hall, Vincent Square, Westminster, S.W. IL will be open from the 10th until the 18th inst.
There will be an interesting
range of both commercial and e.xperimental exhibits covering a large field, including small power units driven by steam, gas and oil, and electricity. The machinery section will include several latest types of small lathes up to 6 ins. centre, radial drills, and shaping machines which will be staged by the well-known concern of Drummond Bros., Ltd., Guildford.
Technical Lectures.
• An interesting series of 10 lectures, under the auspices of the County of London, will be given at . King's College, Strand, WC., each Thursday, beginning on Thursday next, the 9th inst., at 6 p.m., by Mr. G. A. Burls, M.Inst.C.E., on the subject of "Intern-al-combustion Engines, Particularly Petrol Engines." It is announced that the lecture course, for which an inclusive fee of one guinea will be charged, will be sub-divided as follows : —(1) A brie f historical notice of explosion engines ; (2) liquid fuels—petroleum, petrol, kerosene, and alcohol ; (3-4) an account of some typical petrol carburetters ; (5) an account of some typical kerosene vaporizers ; (6) on methods of ignition ; (7, 8 and 9) some general considerations of explosion-engine derogn ; (10) a short account of engines.
Automobiles (Birmingham), Ltd., with an authorized capital of 210mq:in 1;1 shares, and witt. its regtate'red offices at 10-1'2. CePthall Avenue, E. C. First directors : Thomas Moore, Thomas Smith,-P. E. Hogg and Thomas J. HovenThurlow-Cumm I ng-Bruce.
La,wtons, Ltd., with a, nominal authorized capital of £100 in .21 shares, by L. Weston Wigg, 40, Chancery Lane, W.C., to acquire and carry on the business of manufacturers of and directors in motor vehicles of every description. First director : Thomas Lawton
Goodman, 25, Hope Street, Liverpool.
R.I.C.E. Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of •500 in is. shares (5000 founders), by C. A. Hopkinson, 38, Parliament Street, S.W., to manufacture and deal in motors and self-propelled vehicles cf every description and component parts thereof. Signatories : E. Mett and C. A. Hopkinson.
Mail Motors, Ltd., with an authorized capital of L'1000 in R.I. shares, and with its offices at 3, The Crescent, Birmingham, to carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. First director : J. B. Gould, of Southport.
V.C. (Variable Compression de Bernier Patent) Oil Engine, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £20,000 in 10s. shares, by W. C. Green, 115, Cannon Street, E.C., to carry on the business indicated by the title and that of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcars, omnibuses and other motor vehicles. First directors : J. Greenfield, H. Bernier de Bernier, William C. Green, and Edward Warden.