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While you might expect the modestly powered Atego to be

2nd October 2003, Page 47
2nd October 2003
Page 47
Page 47, 2nd October 2003 — While you might expect the modestly powered Atego to be
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at a disadvantage on the motorway, it's actually in its natural urban environment that it feels slightly wanting. It's been a while since we saw anything take over a minute to reach 80km/h and acceleratng from rest hundreds of t mes a day would

magnify this. Although some of this might be down to newness, that excuse didn't need to be raised for the already respectable economy.

In all, the Mercedes-Benz/Wheelbase/ Reeves product does what it was designed to do effectively get small quantities of bulky goods as close as possible to frequently hard to-reach destinations and off-bad easily.

The implementation has some minor flaws but this is an evaluation prototype intended ti discover such oversights. As a concept, it's an intriguing one with definite appeal for nicr operations. We hope to bring you an update when Britvic has completed its trials.