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Boost used-truck prices with conversions and guarantees

2nd October 2003, Page 68
2nd October 2003
Page 68
Page 69
Page 68, 2nd October 2003 — Boost used-truck prices with conversions and guarantees
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As more 'fleet-spec' trucks enter the second-hand arena, used dealers looking to maximise their retail opportunities should consider new areas of vehicle enhancement — including chassis conversions and `certified' engine power checks — instead of simply trying to retail them as the 'finished' product.

Used specialists from Dal-Rucks' dealer network attending the recent Endurance Used Truck Seminar heard Jeff Morley of fuelinjection specialists Feather Diesels describe how they can provide retail buyers' with peace of mind on engine performance and economy by taking advantage of the 'Feather Proven Power' (FPP) service.

Dyno check-up from £180 Dealers or operators who want to confirm that the performance of used vehicles still meets the original manufacturer specifications can, for a fee of around £180, put them through a short dynamometer check at one of Feather's technical centres in Halifax or Daventry. Under the comprehensive FPP programme Feather will not only dyno test the truck to determine the engine's power and torque outputs; it can also check fuel consumption.

Depending on the initial results Feather will then carry out a full maintenance and recalibration service of the fuel system if necessary, including pump and injectors, in order to bring it up to the original manufacturer's specification before confirming the OEM performance on a second dyno run.

Depending on the amount of work which is required Feather charges between f8004,200 for an FPP and everyone using the scheme is issued with a certificate confirming the engine's output.

According to Morley: "We can run a truck over the dyno and see if it's delivering full power. We'll confirm in black and white to see essentially if it's doing what it says on the tin." In addition to its FPP service, Feather also provides a fuel management check if an operator or dealer has any doubts over a truck's economy.

Morley told the assembled Daf salesmen: "I know a lot of you do '100-point' checks on vehicles before selling them — it might be that you could extend it to 101 by incorpo rating a Feather Proven Power check with a certificate. You then have the potential to command a premium on the sales. Independent certification provides a good sales tool as well as being a powerful aid towards resolving customer complaints."

Pump up the power

Where the truck's driveline permits it Feather can also uprate an engine's power by re-calibrating the pump and fuel system. However, Morley stresses that Feather does not, and will not,'re-chip' an engine to increase its output: "We don't condone 'chip ping' which involves char the mapping of the engn electronically.The lot term effects of this unknown." Morley adds tf Feather's diagno: equipment is also to detect third-part chipping on other vi cles:"Our door is op to all customers who looking for advice on fuel injection systems or need some to solve specific problems."

Stripping and recalibration

Feather offers a full strip-down, inspection recalibration service on a variety of pump. including mechanical and the latest VP an common-rail units from the likes of Bosch Delphi.Denso and Zexel.However,Morb warns: 'Some of the modem stuff is not re] able.The current fuel-injection equipment have repair 'concepts' in place over the ne: two to three years."

But in the mean time,a pump check will ensure a used vehicle buyer is getting a tm top retail condition.

• Next week we look at the threat of a ner law, set for January 2005, which will changl way dealers sell insurance-based warranty