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."The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rums.."—John 13eattie Crosier.
Morris New Prices.
The new sales programme of Morris Motors, Ltd., and Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., takes currency from yesterday (Sept. 1st). So far as the Morris one-ton truck, manufactured at Birmingham by the latter company is concerned, weunderstand that there will be DO alteration in design, specification or price. With regard to the Morris commercial vans and travellers' cars, maniffactured at Cowley by the former company, there are important changes in price and some alterations in equipment.
The price of the van chassis is now £135, for the standard van £180 and for the van de luxe, £200. Included in these prices are a Lucas dynamo lighting and starting set, speedometer, clock, petrol gauge, Gabriel rebound snubbers, windscreen wiper, driving mirror, spare tin of petrol, etc., the Morris principle being to save the purchaser the need for buying anythieg which is required to make the vehicle complete for the road.
The commeicial traveller's car is a very interesting proposition, as it includes the Lucas 12-volt dynamo lighting and starting set, Dunlop cord balloon tyres, double windscreen and full Morris-Cowley touring car equipment, as well as a full comprehensive insurance policy effected in conjunction with the General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd., of Perth. The price of this car is £1.11.
New Glasgow-Edinburgh Road.
A formal ceremony a few days ago marked the commencement of work on the new Glasgow to Edinburgh road, and members of the corporations of both cities and other local authorities responsible for the construction of a portion of the highway participated in the proceedings,
It was explained that the new highway will be 44 miles long and will cost £2,760,000, of which sum Glasgow is contributing £259,000, and Edinburgh and the County of Lanarkshire £100,000 each, leaving 75 per cent, of the total cost to be met by the Government. The first sod was cut by Mrs. Montgomery, wife of the Lord Provost, and the first milestone was Laid by Air. Henry Gosling, the Minister of Transport.
Reducing Road Shocks : Interesting French Competition.
The authorities of the City of Paris have made arrangements to hold a competition in order to determine winch is the best type of shock-absorbing medium for use on motor vehicles. We gather that there is no restriction on the methods which can be employed to mini. mize or reduce shock, and whatever system is adopted can form part of the design of the chassis or be incorporated in the bodywork, or supplement the usual system of springing, or take the form of some, special type of tyre. The principal objects of the competition are to discover a means whereby damage to road surfaces will be reduced to the minimum and risk of damage to the vehicle and its load obviated.
The prizes in connection with the scheme amount to 50,000 frs., and enx122 tries will definitely close on March 31st, 1925. The competition is only open to vehicles weighing more than 2,000 kilos loaded, and entrants will be asked to have their vehicles ready for participation in the tests by October 1st, next year. Further information concerning the competition can be obtained from La Direction des Traveaux de Paris (Secretariat), 98, Quai de la Ranee, Paris.
A Royal Guest.
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales has graciously accepted the invitation of the President (Sir Harold Bowden) and the Committee of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund to be present at the annual banquet of the Fund to be held at the Connaught Rooms, London, on Tuesday, November 18th,
Mr. Arthur Mann Married.
Many members of the industry will join with us in extending hearty congratulations to Mr. Arthur Mann, who is actively associated with Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., on the occasion of his marriage to Miss Mabel Annie Gale, of The Grange, Weeton, which took place at Weetun a few days ago.
North Wales Roads and Heavy Traffic.
The Automobile Club of North Wales has sent a letter to the Ministry of Transport, the Board of Trade and to the county councils of North Wales districts pointing out that roads in this area are . not suitable for the character of motor traffic which is continually using them, and it particularly points to the number of motor coaches which use roads with many awkward bends and with a width of under 16 ft., and draws specific attention to the thoroughfare tesween Glen Conway and Bettws-y-coed.
We are informed that early in August the directors of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., were able to register at Somerset House, satisfaction of £250,000 in debentures. The news is good.
Our attention has been called to a slip in the reference to the engine specification for the War Department subsidy type of lorry, in an article on designing and building to the specification which appeared in the centre pages of our issue of July 29th. The reference therein to the swept-out volume of 3,500 c.c. should have stated that this figure was the minimum cubical content of the cylinders.
American Production.
The production of motor vehicles in the United States during July amounted to 258,200, according to estimates based on shipping reports to the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. This total is 5.3 per cent. above that for June. As production during the past few months has been adjusted to retail conditions this increase, the first since the decline which started in April, is believed by leaders in the industry to reflect a steady strengthening in the business outlook.
Co-operative Traffic Developments.
l'he Ashford Co-operative Society has just added a Ford van and a Vulcan 2. ton lorry to its motor fleet. The former will be used in connection with the Ten• terden branch, and the latter for transport between the station and central warehouse, from the latter to the branch, and also for the transport of loads of coal.
The Co-operative Society at Colchester has erected a garage for' its commercial vehicles. It will accommodate about 20 machines; at present the society possesses nine. In the garage a map has been put up showing the area of the society's operations, and flags are used to denote the route of each driver, so as to facilitate the location of any vehicle should repairs become necessary in the case of breakdowns.
Todmorden's Successful Appeal,
The Ministry of Transport has informed the Todmorden Corporation that its appeal against the application of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for permission to ply for hire in the Todmorden area has been decided in favour of the corporation.
The Ribble Co. have been running buses to Todmorden for some time past, and they made application for statutory powers to run a regular service. This was opposed by the Todmorden authorities, which received the active support of the authorities of Bacup, Rochdale. Burnley and Heladen Bridge, which agreed that the corporation service was . sufficient to meet the present requirements of the public.
Where Driving Tests are imposed.
So many reference have of late been made to the desirability of applicants for driving licences passing some test of driving ability that it is interesting to learn that in Christchurch (New Zealand) those who make application for licences have to. pass certain tests imposed by the authorities. According to the annual report issued by the corporation 1,064 applications for certificates of ability and 80 applications for certificates of competency were received. With the exception of 58 applicants in the former class and 11 in the latter class who failed to pass their driving tests, all the licences were granted. Licences issued during the year include 59 for motorbuses, 173 for taxicabs, 71 for delivery vans, four for heavy vehicles and three for traction engines.
Chance for Coach Owners.
Those coach proprietors who are always on the look-out for new channels in which to direct their business activity will do well to consider the possibility of running trips to the Brooklands racing track on the occasion of special meetings. The train and bus services to Brooklands are not of the best, and although many of those who attend the races travel in their own cars there are many others who are not so fortunately placed.
The Junior Car Club's 200-Mile Rice which takes place at 3 o'clock on Saturday, September 20th, is a meeting which should receive the attention of coach owners, for it makes special appeal to many thousands of spectators. A correspondent informs us that he feels confident that if a motor coach proprietor arranged to run a few well-appointed machines to the track from London 1-e would be wellrewarded for his enterprise, and he suggests that the run should be arranged to start at, say, 130
p.m. from Kew, Richmond, or some other accessible suburb
Booklet on Correct Lubrication.
A. useful little booklet has just been produced by James Arnott and Sons, Ltd., who supply a wide range of Amoco • lubricants for use on all types of motor vehicle. The booklet has been produced for the specific purpose of indicating the grade of oil which ia recommended for
• winter and summer use, and a special smtion is set aside for information of this kind relating to all makes of commercial vehicle.
A copy of the booklet can be obtained on application to the company at 47, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
A Smart Karrier Production.
We reproduce on this page an illustration of a remarkably smart Z-type 25-cwt. Karrier van, which is in the service of the Wakefield Industrial Society, Ltd. This type of vehicle is ideally suited to the requirements of confectioners, butchers and all similar classes of trader who require a reliable transport unit with a ready turn of speed.
The Karrier chassis employed in this model is of the company's usual high standard and is fitted with a 22 hp. engine having forced lubrication and side-by-side valves. The water circnlaLion is on the thermo-siphon principle, and the cooling effect is aided by a radiator of the gilled-tube pattern, The engine and gearbox are mounted as a unit, and the latter component provides four speeds forward and a reverse. The engine power is transmitted through a propeller shaft provided with flexible discs, and a single reduction back axle geared to a ratio of 7.25 to 1 allows ample margin for all road needs.
A feature of the machine is the ease with which it can be manceuvred, for the wheel track is 4 ft. 8 ins, and the
wheelbase 10 ft: 6 ins.' which enable it to turn in a radius of 45 ft.
The chassis is supplied complete with Lucas lighting set and straight-sided pneumatic tyres of 33 ins. by 5 ins. dimensions for £345, at which figure it represents a remarkably good investment.
A General Motors Appointment.
We learn that Mr. E. C. Riley has been elected managing director of General Motors, Ltd., an appointment which will be noted with much interest by many members of the commercial vehicle industry.
An Attractive Poster.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., are circulating a new poster drawing attention to the A.E.C. 2-ton vehicle. The poster is most artistically produced, and we see that its design stands to the credit of Mr. S. W. Goodey, of the sales department of the company. There is a marked degree of activity about the pester which lends an atmosphere of realism, and the colour scheme is bold and striking.
Traffic in New Zealand.
Even New Zealand has its traffic difficulties. The annual report of the Christchurch Municipal Council men.Lions that a traffic committee has given serious consideration to the road problems of the city, and the amendment and improvement of the traffic by laws are being investigated. Several meetings have been held by the clerks of the several counties and boroughs, including the city council, and a combined heavy traffic by-law has been drafted which is to be considered by the councils concerned.
Refusing Licences for Bus Extensions.
The Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-le-Street, who already operate a number of useful motorbus services in the Wearside neighbourhood, are contemplating making extensive developments in that district As a means towards this end application has been made to the Houghton-le-Spring Rural District Council for licences to ply on a number of new routes, but the council, after reviewing local traffic requirements and facilities, refused to sanction the applications, and the matter rests there for the present.
Barnsley Bus Matters.
Barnsley Watch Committee has considered in detail the proposed time-tables showing the suggestions of the C.M.U.A. with regaed to certain motorbus services in the town and, after viewing them in the light of the extent of this class of traffic in the town as a whole, is unable to recommend that any alteration be made in the centres to which the buses in question at present run.
The Barnsley Town Council has approved a service of motorbuses by Messrs. Burrows and Sons, of Wromb• well, between Wath and Leeds, and granted permission for passengers to be picked up and set down in Barnsley. The council is also asking the Barnsley and District Traction Co. to reduce the omnibus fares on a number of routes.
Spares for Conversion Sets, The Practical Machines Co. (A. T. Csdsby), Ltd., 46, Camberwell Green, London, S.E.5, inform us that they are manufacturing a range of spares and replacement parts for conversion sets as applied to the 1-ton Ford chassis. U23.
Parade Traffic Regulation.
Worthing Corporation recently considered a letter in which attention was -drawn to the noise caused by traffic on the Marine Parade and inquiring if the council could take steps to minimize the nuisance and more effectively control the traffic.
Mr. Kennedy Allerton, the town clerk, has replied that the corporation has applied to Parliament for powers to enable it to regulate and restrict traffic on Marine Parade, but the powers (except in relation to the regulating traffic) were refused, and it was doubtful whether the Ministry of Transport would make an order limiting the speed of vehicles to eight miles an hour, as had been suggested.
An Appeal to the M. of T. Fails.
At a meeting of the Llandudno Watch Committee a letter was received from the Ministry of Transport with regard to the appeal of Mr. G. W. Browne under Section 14 (3) of the Roads Act,
1920, against the refusal of the council to grant him licences to ply for hire in Llandudno with five omnibuses and four chars-a-bancs,-and enclosing a letter sent to Mr. Browne disallowing the appeal.
The by-laws inspector, nevertheless, reported that Mr. Browne was plying for hire in Trinity Street with an omnibus running between Llandudno and Conway.
Mr. Alfred Cotolly, the council clerk, was instructed to take legal proceedings against Mr. Browne, and also to apply for an injunction restraining him from continuing to ply for hire in the urban distriCt. .
Port of London Ambulances.
The report of the Port of London Authority states that during the year the Authority's motor ambulances were used on 894 occasions, compared with 838 in the previous year. The ambulances have also been largely used for cases occurring outside the dock gates.
Electrics for Bombay.
Bombay Municipal Corporation has received a recommendation from the Commissioner for the purchase of two electric vehicles for refuse collection, but ha adjourned decision on the matter B24 pending a report as to whether such vehicles have worked satisfactorily and proved economical. We should have thought that it was general knowledge in municipal circles that, in most instances, motor vehicles are able to perform such work with the utmost expedition and efficiency.
Transporting a Bridge Framework. The modern motor vehicle is often called upon to carry loads which could not very readily be transported by any other means, and it is an almost daily occurrence in certain spheres of activity to find large-capacity petrol vehicles and steam wagons engaged in heavy haulage
tasks of this nature. Structural engineers and bridge builders often invoke the aid of the motor vehicle for carrying girders and the like to the scene of operations, and such a task is being performed by the Republic lorry which is shown in the picture on this page.
The load consists of a steel framework for a bridge, and the work of transporting it, from the Standard Ironworks at San Diego, California, to a district in Southern California, where a new bridge was being erected, was entrusted to this vehicle.
It would have been possible to have transported the various parts of the framework to the side of the river which was being bridged and to have assembled them on the spot, but -by erecting the framework complete in the shops of the manufacturers much saving of time was effected. The -load, of course, had to be carefully balanced to ensure its safe transit.
Wild-Barfield Furnaces.
Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., of 173-175, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.1, inform us that in order to meet the increasing demand for largesize Wild-Barfield patent electric furnaces with internal heaters, they have made arrangements whereby all such furnaces above 25 kw. will in future he designed in conjunction with the Electric Furnace Co., Ltd., of 17, Victoria Street, -London, S.W.1. The former company will continue to manufacture and sell all Wild-Barfield automatic hardening furnaces with magnetic detectors and the internal-heated type of furnace up to 25 kw.
A Surrey C.C. Inventory.
The surveyor to the Surrey County Council has recently prepared an inventory of the mechanical vehicles in the service of the authority. The vehicles owned by the council comprise steam and petrol types, under the former heading being three 5-ton Fodens and two 5ton Claytons, whilst in the latter category are to be found three Dennis 5-tonners, two CalecIon 5-tonners, a 5-ton Berne, an 8-ton roller, several Ford vehicles, and a Fordson tractor and attachment.
Tractors in Portuguese East Africa. •
The use of tractors in Portuguese East Africa has, until recently, been almost entirely confined to the larger estates, particularly those cultivating sugar. Hitherto large steam-driven types have predominated, owing to the high cost of petrol, but the development of the cotton plantations has radically altered this situation. This crop seems able to bear the original capital investment required for petrol-driven tractors, as well as the
relatively high cost of the necessary mechanical skill to keep these machines in operating condition. A number of such tractors has lately been purchased from agents in South Africa, whilst two American makes are locally represented.
Atterbury Lorries Wanted.
We know of a company who are anxious to obtain particulars of any Atterbury lorries which may he for sale. There are a few of these vehicles in various parts of the country, and the -company concerned are desirous, of getting into touch with those users or others who wish to dispose of them.
The Driving Age.
Adelaide Corporation is considering the amendment of by-laws to provide that the minimum age at which persons may be licensed to drive motor vehicles -plying for hire' be reduced from 21 to 18 years.
Dust Vans for Rural Districts.
In his annual report the medical officer -of health for Hertfordshire decla--es that difficulties in connect'on with scavenging work in some of the larger villages ce-ald be overcome by the employment of motor dust vans..
Buses for Glasgow.
The first of the 14 motor omnibuses ordered by the tramways department'of the Glasgow Corporation was delivered a few days ago, and on this occasion it was arranged that the vehicle, which was a 30-seater Commer Car, should be demonstrated to the Works and Stores Committee.
The party lunched at' the St, Epoch's Station Hotel, and thereafter set out on a run on the vehicle through Coathridge, Whifflet, Bellsbill, Motherwell, Hamilton, East Eilbride, Jackton, Eaglesham, Clarkston and Thornliebank, and thence back to St. Enoch's Square. The vehicle was supplied to the corporation by the Norfolk Motor and Coach Works, Ltd., of Glasgow, who are the Scottish concessionnaires for the manufacturers.
The performance of the vehicle on this trial was highly commented upon, and in view of the nature of the test, which was over some of the worst roads in the south of Scotland, its running was considered most meritorious.
Fire-engines in Australia.
Much 'progress has been made in the use of mechanical vehicles for fire-fighting purposes in this country during the past few years, and that this progress is to be recorded in other parts of the world is shown by the number of appliances which is in use in some of the largest. centres of the Australian Com monwealth. In Sydney, for example, 42 motor fire-engines are in use and three 87-ft. turntable ladders, whilst 23 such machines are in use in Melbourne, three in Brisbane, three in Perth and one in Adelaide ; with the exception of one of these places, the authorities snake use of motor turntable ladders.
Meeting the Builders' Needs.
The type of vehicle which usually best meets the requirements of the average builder is that which possesses a body incorporating at its front end a bolster on which long ladders or lengths of timber can be supported. This class of user, however, is sometimes called upon to carry loose loads, which it is found can be most conveniently discharged by the use of a tipping body with a high angle of elevation.
To meet these two distinct needs of an Askern builder, Guy Motors, Ltd., have recently constructed the 30-cwt. vehicle
which is illustrated on this, page. The vehicle is fitted with a tipping body which discharges its load within a few inches of the ground, and is provided with a detachable frame which can be brought into use when ladders and like loads have to be dealt with.
Motor Ship Progress.
Success continues to follow in the wake of every new phase in the development and application of the internal-combustion engine to ships. In the September number of The Motor Ship is given an authoritative and well-illustrated description of the highest-powered singlescrew motor ship.. Many other informative articles are contained in this issue and clearly indicate the remarkable progress that is being made.
Thornycroft Buses Doing Well.
A few weeks ago John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., supplied four 31-seater single-deck saloon buses, of the type illustrated on this page, to Morecambe Motors, Ltd., who, in a recent communication to the manufacturers of the chassis, are laudatory in their praise concerning the running of these vehicles. The users point out that the four buses cover a mileage of 3,798 per week, and that the petrol consumed amounts to 296 gallons of No. 34 spirit.. The average number of miles which is run to the gallon of fuel consumed is 12.82, and 950 miles are recorded to each gallon of
oil which is used. These figures‘have been carefully ascertained and are perfectly reliable, and, so far as the oil consumption is concerned, it includes gearbox and back-axle lubrication.
In closing their letter,. Morecambe Motors, Ltd., say: "The buses are giving every satisfaction up to date ; the springing and comfortable riding are everything that could be desired." The chassis used for these buses is the company's latest 35 h.p. Boadicea model, which was specially introduced for pas
senger service. Its main features include a 35 h.p. four-cylinder engine, a Ferodo-faced clutch of the cone type, a four-speed-and-reverse gearbox and a worm-driven rear axle.
Plymouth's New Prison Van. •
William Mumford, Ltd., of Plymouth, have just delivered to the Plymouth Watch Committee a new "Black Maria," to replace the vehicle which has ripne duty since 1916. The new prison van is a larger and smarter vehicle than its predecessor, the chassis being a Morris one-tonner, upon which Messrs. Mumford, at their 'Salisbury Road Works, built a body of very neat and workmanlike appearance. The van has been on view in the company's new showrooms in Old Town Street, where it has aroused considerable interest..
Motor Show in Yugo-Slavla.
An International Motor Show is to be held at Zagreb from October llth-15th, 1924. Space allotments will be made at the rate of 60 dinars per square metre in the pavilions and 30 dinars per square metre in the open.
Steam Trams to be Replaced.
At a meeting Of the Llandudno Urban District Counerl'the clerk to the council read a letter from the secretary of the Great Orririe Tramway Co., stating that the company were contemplatingdectri' lying or-suhstitating electric vehicles in place of steam n vehicles on the Great Orme tramway system. Before the cornpany proceeded in the matter they desired to know whether the council proposed to exercise the compulsory powers of purchase which, Ey the Act, it was empowered to On in 1926. The matter was referred to a special committee for consideration.
Road Vehicles Promote Carnival Success.
The value of road 'passenger serYices was admirably illustrated during the recent Carnival Week at Seaton Carew, the rapidly growing coastal resort in the Hartlepools district. Each day during the carnival motor vehicles of all descriptions transported numbers of pas sengers from all round the district to the holiday-making centre, and there were constant streams of vehicles conveying pleasure-seekers running daily in and out the town until a late hour.
It is perfectly true to state that by far a greater majority of the visitors patronized road services, and that but for this modo• of conveyance the carnival would not have been attended by anything like such gratifying results.
Making Reflectors Compulsory.
The Surrey County Council has expressed the opinion that all heavy motor vehicles should carry reflectors to enable drivers to see oncoming traffic. The General Purposes Committee accordingly inquired of the Borne Office whether it was aware of any existing by-law of the nature sugg,ested.
In due course . the, inquiry was answered by the Ministry of Transport, which stated :—
" It is understood that no local by-laws on the subject have been allowed by the HomeOffice, end the Minister is of opinion that it is desirable that a .matteeof this nature should be dealt with, if at all, by means of a
is20 general measure, and not by local bylaws."
As no by-law can apparently be made, the committee recommended that the council should urge for prempt legislation with a view to making it compulsory for motor vehicles generally to carry reflectors. The county council has carried this recommendation.
Illuminating Road Signs.
Surrey-County Council has referred to committee for consideration a report by the county surveyor with reference to the question of making direction posts and warning signs more conspicueus to road users after dark by means of luminous paint or some other method.
Municipal Vehicles in Adelaide.
The 1923 report of the city surveyor of Adelaide states that during the year three Thornycroft motor lorries, two Laffly street-sweeping and sprinkling machines, and two Ford one-ton trucks have been purchased.
The two Thornycroft vehicles are each of four tons capacity, with specially constructed bodies and hydraulic, tipping gear, and the other is of two tons capacity. These vehicles are now in use for general transport, and are a great aid in facilitating the increasing requirements of the service. They are also adapted for street-watering purposes.
The Laiily machines, it is added in the report, will afford a very necessary improvement to the scavenging work in the centre of the city, where street improvements are being effected.
Co-operative Motor Coach Results.
The receipts of the char-a-banes department of the Plymouth Co-operative Society for the 14 weeks ended June 7th were k2.392, an increase of £366 as compared with the corresponding period of 1923.
The Windhill (near Bradford) Cooperative Society received £127 in respect of its motor char-a-bancs services for the first half of the year, a decrease of £58 as compared with the corresponding period of 1923. The expenses amounted to £96, and there was a profit of just over £31..
Local Proceedings.
Hull. Corporation has purchased a For van at 'a cost of £205 for the water dertment. '
• Local authorities are conferring at Poulton as to a scheme for freeing the Penny Bridge from toll. _ , .
For the first half of 1924 the Surrey County Council has collected £290,110 by way of motor licence duties.
A committee of the Llandudno Councl reports•that itis not possible -to. arrange for parking motor vehicles at the tow yard. .
Worthing Corporation has authorized the. electrical engineer to obtain -quotations for the supply of a 1i-ton electric wagon.
'Llandudno Corporation has asked a sub-committee to report on a proposal for' the purchase 'of a light motor vehicle.
the 1923 report of the City of Adelaide emphasizes the need for the purchase of Motor fire appliances, and the sum of £25,000 is quoted for this purpose.
Hull Watch Committee has arranged for a deputation to visit London to obtain information as to the system in operation with regard to the licensing of omnibuses, etc.
Bombay Corporation has arranged for Leyland Motors, Ltd., to, fit,tankiodies, pumping apparatus, etc., to two standard chassis, to enable the vehicles to be used for' cesspool emptying.
Guy, Motors, Ltd, have offered to take a party of membersof the Ellesmere Porte.and Whitby Urban District Counto Newport in order to inspect the new motor. ambulance recently delivered to the guardians.
Luton Watch Committee has now agreed to permit Road Motors,Ltd., to ply for hire until December on the foilowing route in the town :—Manchester Square via Dunstable Road and Dallow Road to the Diamond Foundry.
Worthing Corporation has received a petition signed by 400 residents of East Worthing complaining of the high bus fares and urging for more penny fares. The protest has been sent to Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., for observations.
Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee has again considered tenders for the provision of motor chassis required for the fire-brigade authorities of Burslem, and has authorizedthe chairman and vicechairman to accept such tenders as they may deem advisable.
No Driving Licences for the Unfit.
Bournemouth Corporation has recently made a reguiation that it will require evidence that the applicant for a licence as driver of any licensed vehicle is physically fit to act in that capacity. and that a certificate to this effect signed by a qualified man must be produced when the application is made.
Eastbourne and Sunday Coaching.
Eastbourne Watch Committee has had a petition from motor char-a-banes proprietors, who-applied to be permitted to ply for hire for the whole period from
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. The request was not granted, but the committee gave permission to ply for hire on Sundays as follows, viz. :-10 a.m. to
11 ann., 2 p.m. to 3 p.m„ and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.