New Coating Process for Britain• T HE Kanigen process of chemical
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nickel plating will be available in the 'United Kingdom —next :year. Albright and Wilson, Ltd, 49 Park
I :Inc. London, W.1, have been anpoMted sole licensees for Kanigan for the U.K., Eire and Denmark by tLii Cieneral American Transportation Corporation, who developed the process.
kanigen plate is a new . material which, it is claimed, can he applied to metal, glass,' Plastics and ceramics; and provides a uniform, hard,non-porous coating on components. of any shape. I t is a nickel-phosphorus alloy containing approximately 8.5 per cent. phospherLis.
Components coated with Kanigen plate will be exhibited by Albright and Wilson at the British Trade Fair at Copenhagen, from September 29October 16, MAINTAINING OIL ENGINES
A NYONE concerned with the servicing and maintenance of oilengined road vehicles will find "Diesel Maintenance," the fourth edition of which has just been published by Iliffe and Sons, Ltd.. an essentially practical nienual. As the fuel-injection equipment is the heart of the oil engine, the aifiltor has rightly devoted half of the book to it, treating the subject in great detail. The price is 12s. 6d. or I3s. by
I. o. T. MEETINGS-' , A SYMPOSIUM on the effects of IA winter conditions on transport operation is to be held by the Metropolitan Section of the Institute of Temsport on November 7. At the meeting on March 5, the section will hear a paper on modernization and development of roads in the United Kingdom, be Mr. David Rehton, QC., M.P.
A N electrically heated, thermostatiPA catty controlled container for use with all standard suction-feed spray . guns has been produced by Flo-Rite, ltd., 57 Haymarket, London, S.W.1, at £12, The hot-spray cup, as it has been termed, will bring cellulose or synthelice to a working viscosity in 5-7 iiiinees, and heat is retained for 45 nullifies.
NEW OVERDRIVE UNITS AND AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS riVERDRIVE units for inclusion in the vehicles of two large British companies are to be made by BorgWerner. Ltd., in a new ilm. factory at Letchworth. The corner stone was laid last week by Mr. Robert S. Ingersoll, vice-president of the Borg-Warner Corporation of America. The Warner Gear Division of the American company has produced more than 7m. of these overdrives. The new British factory will rapidly employ about 1,000 people, of whom 600 are already available.
Later, some of the manufacturing capacity will be switched to Borg • Warner automatic-transmission units. for which a large, demand is expected. With an auxiliary gearbox, the automatic transmission can be made suit. able for vehicles up to 2 tons gross load. A new design for vehicles with a gross load of 20 tons is under test in the U.S.A.
A THREE-SPEED hand drill, provicling speeds up to 1,400 r.p.m., is now being distributed in this country by the Industrial Chain Supply Co., Ltd., 625 Fulham Road. London, S.W.6. it is the Peugeot Model 314 and will take up to .1.-in.
All the spindles are mounted on ball hearings and as the gears run in an oillight case. the drill requires little effort to operate. The price is 13 12s. 6d.
By use of a special stand the breast drill can he adapted as a very serviceable bench drill with sensitive feed. The weight of the drill alone is 3/ lb.
THE first six of a fleet of 39 I. Mercedes-Benz oil-engined buses have been delivered to Lima municipal transport undertaking. The vehicles, which are 40-seaters, arc fitted with Kienzel Tacographs, which automatically record, with a time check, the speed of the vehicle, the number of stops and other operating details.