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Driver faces summons

2nd September 2004
Page 16
Page 16, 2nd September 2004 — Driver faces summons
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A DRIVER whose truck crashed into the living room of a Northumberland house on the main road to Scotland has been summonsed to appear in court for careless driving and having a defective tyre.

Shane Truckel, from Blackpool, was driving a 44-tonner for Pollock (Scotrans) at the time of the accident, in April; it is understood that he has since left the company.

The truck smashed into the home of David Harrison, a retired teacher who lives in Powburn, nearAlnwick. It is the third time in seven years that Harrison's house has been struck by a vehicle. "I've lived here for 30 years, so I don't want to move and the accidents have only started happening in recent years," he says.

Harrison had a lucky escape: minutes before the accident he had been sitting in his living room before going upstairs to change his clothes for a round of golf.

Locals have repeatedly called for a speed camera in the village, which has several bends in the road.

Truckel, who is due to appear before magistrates in Alnwick on 3 September, cut his head in the accident and was helped from his cab by locals.