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Locals campaign to raise bridge

2nd September 2004
Page 19
Page 19, 2nd September 2004 — Locals campaign to raise bridge
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LOCALS HAVE stepped up their campaign to increase the height of a railway bridge in Leicestershire after the roof of a truck was sliced off.

The incident happened at around 9pm last Monday (23 August) when the truck smashed into the Lime Kilns railway bridge on the A.5; the fifth time in seven years a truck has become stuck under this bridge. Campaigners want the headroom to be increased from 4.6m to the motorway standard of 5.1m to allow larger trucks to pass underneath safely.

A Highways Agency spokeswoman says it is looking at potential schemes, but warns: "Some of these will cause major disruption if given the go-ahead so we need to weigh up the pros and cons carefully. In the interim, we will improve warning signs to highlight that the bridge is not suitable for high trucks.

The number of bridge strikes in the UK has doubled over the past eight years to almost 2,000 a year. Network Rail is currently recording more than five incidents a day, of which 88% involve trucks or plantit has published a handbook on the risks and consequences of bridge bashing (CM15 July).