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Untaxed vehicle costs operator £1,300 USING AN UNTAXED vehicle has

2nd September 2004
Page 34
Page 34, 2nd September 2004 — Untaxed vehicle costs operator £1,300 USING AN UNTAXED vehicle has
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cost a Middlesex operator £1,300 in fines, back duty and costs.

Martin McDonnell, of Staines, pleaded guilty before Marylebone magistrates to having no excise licence or 0-licence and missing a two-yearly tachograph check.

Anthony Ostrin. prosecuting for the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, said when one of McDonnell's vehicle was stopped at a roadside check no 0-licence disc was being displayed and the tax disc had expired more than six months earlier.The tachograph calibration plaque had expired more than two years before the check.

For McDonnell, Jeremy Fear said he did hold an 0-licence but this vehicle was not included on it. That had subsequently been rectified.

"This vehicle spends most of its time on site work and therefore only occasionally runs on the public highway," said Fear.

The magistrates fined McDonnell £300 for using the vehicle without tax. He was also ordered to pay £600 back duty and £400 costs.They imposed no separate penalty for the other offences.