Passing Comments American Makers May T" possible trend towards Use
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Much Mo4-e the employment of more Light Metal . . . light metals in motor vehicles
is shown by recent remarks made by an executive of the Kaiser-Frazer concern of America, although he dealt with cars. He says• that what has been learned about light metals is undoubtedly more important than the number of substitutions made so far, and that if fabrication costs and those of steel continue to rise, as is expected, aluminium and magnesium will continue to play an increasingly important role. The company is going into production on an aluminium petrol tank, and it is testing a magnesium wheel which weighs 8 lb. compared with the 181 lb.
for the corresponding steel type. Parts of door frames will be die cast, and much of the detail construction may eventually be in aluminium or magnesium. Incidentally, the aluminium tank will reduce the weight of this already light component from 28 lb. to 11 lb.
An Extensive Library A PART from the many of German Technical (-1technical reports concernInformation . • ing German and Japanese
inventions and processes, distributed through H.M. Stationery Office and circulated to libraries and scientific institutes throughout the country, the Technical Information and Documents Unit of the German Division of the Board of Trade maintains a large library of original German documents, treatise and research reports. These are at its headquarters, 40, Cadogan Square, London, S.W.1. The documents are available for inspection, and facilities are provided for having copies made in microfilm, microfilm print or photostat form at the cost of reproduction. There is close co-operation of the British unit with its American counterpart, the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington. As a result most of the material concerning ex-enemy countries listed in the American Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports under P.B. numbers, is available in London.
Two More Points nUR1NG a discussion at a Which Make for Safe L'recent technical gathering,
Driving emphasis was laid on the need for the width of a cab to be the same as that of the body. This was put forward as a safety point. Apart from the question of giving signals, such a construction makes reversing much less difficult. It was also suggested that all hand brakes should be of the pull-on type.
Good Vision as a nRIVERS' vision as an Factor in Reducing 1–'important factor in road
Accidents safety is receiving attention in various countries In Britain. an applicant for a driving licence is required to state that he can read a number plate at a certain distance either with or without glasses, but in New Zealand an amendment to the regulations empowers local
authorities to nominate opticians to conduct eyes igh t examinations and issue certificates of visual fitness to drive. In America over 30 states impose eyesight tests before issuing licences, and in one the 1.1spectors concerned are given special lectures by an optician
Care ;or the Driver WE were puzzled recently Carried to Great while making an inspec
Lengths lion of a foreign-built coach, when we noticed eight large holes in the back of the driver's bucket seat. 'the need " for these was found in the disposition of a heater, which was situated close behind. It, therefore. seems that the holes were a precaution against the driver suffering from lumbago or, at least, chills in his back. Incidentally, the squab was arranged with vertical channels so that the warmth could ciretiliire.