News of the Week
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SPEAKING at a luncheon given for him and other members of the Road Transport executive of the British Transport Commission by Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., the chairman of the Executive, Major-General G. N. Russell, CD., C.B.E., gave further details of the way in which nationalized transport is to be organized.
As regards road haulage, there will be a divisional organization; each division will be broken down into traffic areas with units working under them. These units should be of a size capable of being looked after by one man in
• respect of both traffic and vehicles, and he and his staff would be in direct contact with traders. The areas would be roughly the same size as the regions of the Licensing Authorities.
The Executive had not yet tackled rates, but he hoped that local unit controllers would be able to quote rates without reference to a higher authority. He looked for flexibility and personal service. Rate competition between each other and the railways could not be permitted, but there would be competition in the giving of service, and in this respect...units might be permitted to overlap.
One member of the Executive would be engaged in looking at the whole picture, and it is intended to give an
overall service to the public, in which road transport, its vehicles and the roads would play a large part.
He hoped it would riot be long before he could bring forward something more concrete. At present it is " planning " time. INTERNATIONAL ROAD TRANSPORT UNION
ANEW international body to represent the road transport federations of 13 European countries and the U.S.A. has been set up as the International Road Transport Union, with English and French as its official lan7 guages and a head office in Geneva.
As already reported in "The Commercial Motor," it will be governed by a general assembly made up of 24 representatives of each nation associated. Of these, eight are selected from and by the national organization of road hauliers. .eight from that representing ancillary users, and eight from the passenger vehicle operators' body. This assembly will meet every two years. For administration there will be a council and an executive committee.
BODYBUILDERS STRIKE OVER XECUT1VES of the Vehicle Builders' Union and the Amalgamated Society of Woodcutting Machinists decided in Manchester, last week-end. that their members should return to work on Wednesday, April 28—the day on which their claim for an increase in wages of 3d. an hour was to be investigated by the Arbitration Tribunal.
COL. A. JERRETT was last week re-elected president and chairman of the Traders' Road Transport Association. At the Association's annual general meeting it was stated that membership had practically doubled since the end of 1945.
5,860 VEHICLES EXPORTED nURING March 5,860 British corn
rnercial vehicles were exported, equal to 255 per working day. Shipments represented about 48 per .cent. of production and were 4 times higher than the 1938 monthly average. THE THREE Fs
QPEAKING in London last week, Mr_ OC. W. H. Sparrow, chairman of the Metropolitan Area of the Road Haulage Association, suggested the motto, "Fight on For Freedom "—based on the initials of Mr. Frank F. Fowler— as the guiding principle for hauliers. He was speaking at a dinner and presentation given to Mr. Fowler in recognition of his services as chairman of the
R.H.A. Metropolitan Area. .
-Tributes to Mr. Fowler's energy, tact and judgment were paid by .Mr. Sparrow; Mr. B. G. Turner, chairman of the R.H.A.; Mr. H. T, Duffield, chairman of the National Road Transport Federation; Mr. H. H. Crow; Mr. Eric R. Taylor, and Mr. H. Norman Letts,
Describing Mr. Feiwler'S career, Mr. Sparrow recalled that he founded the Short Distance Hauliers' Alliance. The Alliance was amalgamated with the original R.H.A. During his career Mr. Fowler has also held important posts in A.R.O. and the C.M.U.A., and he is deputy leader of the employers' side of the Road Haulage Wages Board.
• "MIDLAND RED" ON THE AIR NAICROPHONE interviews with Mr. IVID M. Sinclair, general manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., and with the chief
• engineer, traffic manager, staff manager and chief statistics officer, will be included in a broadcast from the company's Bearwood headquarters, in the Home Service (Midland Region) programme at 7 p.m. on May 7. The broadcast will be the second programme in a new series entitled Closer Inspection." LONDON TRAFFIC SURVEY TO facilitate investigation of certain I long-term proposals to relieve traffic congestion in London, a survey is to be carried out at seven key points on roads approaching inner London. The days chosen will not be announced, but each investigation will last two hours (from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.). Drivers of goods vehicles and private cars will be asked by the police to pause and give their next points of call, with the name of the road or the locality. No other information will be required.
ASPECIAL resolution expressing concern at the difficulty experienced by traders in obtaining vehicles to replace those worn out, was adopted at the April meeting of the Halifax
Chamber of 'Irade. The resolution asked the National Chamber of Trade to make representations to the Government that the allocation of 50,000 goods vehicles for the home market was totally inadequate
POOL BOARD GOES ON JUNE 30 A LTHOUGH the Petroleum Board is P-1 to be dissolved on June 30, branded products will not be introduced for at least six months. the Board announced on Monday. Two advisory committees have been set up by the oil industry to provide contact with the Government. A conciliation committee has also been formed to maintain progressive conditions of employment.
AS from May 10, eight passengers will be allowed to stand in buses during peak periods or when undue hardship would be caused if the extra passengers were not carried. The Minister of Transport made this announcement in the
House of Commons on Monday. •
ROAD-BUILDING EXPERIMENT DART of the Lowdham-011erton road. in Nottinghamshire, is being used by the road research laboratory of the Department of Seienrific and Industrial Reseacb in an experiment to ascertain the most economical type of road to be put down on different kinds of soil. The Ministry of Transport and the Cement and Concrete Association are connected with the experiment.
THE sole main distributor in the Republic of China and the Crown Colony of Hong Kong for the products of Specialloid, Ltd.. and certain of those of the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., for which the former company holds the agency in China, is Yangtze (London). Ltd., Imperial House, Regent Street, London, W.1, a subsidiary of the Yangtze Development Corporation. 346, Szechuen Road, Shanghai, China.
300 JOIN NEW BUS UNION nUR1NG the past month more than 300 Lanarkshire bus workers at three county depots have become members of a new organization, the National Passenger Workers' Unioit They were formerly members of the Transport and General Workers' Union. The new union is for passenger workers only. It has no permanent officials and it is non-political.
L-1. A BILL aimed at the nationalization of transport within three years has been passed by the West Punjab Legislative Assembly. The Government maintains that transport services in the province have not provided adequate and satisfactory facilities to the public, and that so long as they remain in present hands, there is little likelihood of road transport being developed on progressive lines.
The Government considers that the best method of nationalizing transport would be to set up a statutory authority to be known as the West Punjab Transport Board. This will be entrusted with the operation of all passenger services in the Province and such goods services as the Government thinks necessary.
in connection with the Bengal Government's scheme to augment the bus services in Calcutta, orders have been placed by the Transport Department with a Calcutta concern for 100 single-deck buses. These are expected to be introduced at the rate of 20 a month, beginning in May. For the time being, the vehicles will be operated by the Government, but when the company which is eventually to run the buses is formed, it will take them over. The Government, which plans to put about 400 buses on the road, is also trying to obtain double-deck oilers.
EIGHT Bedford 30-seater coaches, for use as staff transports and for passenger conveyance in the Middle East, have been specially built for B.O.A.C. to comply with the Egyptian Construction and Use Regulations. The main departures from normal British practice are the interior height of 6 ft. 3 ins, and the provision of left-hand drive. Coachwork is by Churchill Constructors, Ltd., of Norwich.
The new vehicles have been built for operation in tropical climates and the wooden floors are covered with Instal board, treated with a preparation to resist white ants, linoleum being laid on top of this boarding.
EXPORT sales inquiries for A.E.C. vehicles should now be directed to 7, Chesteriield Gardens, Curzon Street, London, W.1, where, on Monday, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., opened a London office and overseas sales department. Mr. J. M. E. Fell, the company's overseas manager, and his departmental sales staff, have offices at this new address.
Mr. P. Rackham, divisional manager for North London and the eastern counties, and Mr. P. J. Arrow, divisional manager for South London and the sash-eastern counties, are also installed at Chesterfield Gardens.
WE regret to announce the death of MR. WILLIAM B. NEVILLE, LP., who was a part-time member of the London Passenger Transport Board from 1946 until the London Transport Executive was formed on January 1 this year. He was 64 years of age. NEW THORNYCROFT COMPANY A NEW company, under the title of PITransport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., is to be formed to take over the commercial-vehicle manufacturing interests of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. The new company will be a wholly owned subsidiary of the Thornycroft parent concern. Application was made on April 22 to the Capital Issues Committee for permission to form the company.
TO counteract a campaign which is being conducted by private hauliers in Eire, Kerry employees of Corns lompair Eireann have formed a Staff Protection Association. All traders in Trace are to be asked to support C.I.E. and are to receive calls from four deputations appointed for different areas. A close watch will also be kept on competitive vehicles.
AN order for 40 single-deck buses for use in Mdmbasa and Nairobi. Kenya, has been received by Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton. Thirtytwo Guy buses are already in use in Kenya, and a recent order for a further 23 is being executed. When the latest contract is completed there will be 95 of these buses in service in Kenya.
IN police court proceedings concerning a load of cloth and rugs valued at £4,316, alleged to have been ;tole]) through a return-load trick from the Milnsbridge depot of .loseph Hanson and Son, Ltd., Huddersfield, two men were remanded for eight days at Huddersfield on April 23. One of the men. a lorry driver charged with stealing the load, was refused bail; the other man, accused of receiving a quantity of :loth. was allowed hail.
A police officer stated that the driver had also been charged at Aberdare with stealing from a factory radio sets valued at £19,559, and the other accused had.been charged at Nottingham with receiving radio sets valued at 075 4s. Sixty per cent. of the cloth and rugs and 90 per cent, of the radio sets had been recovered.
The officer said that men who called at Hanson's Milnsbridge depot with van stated that they came from a haulage firm in the south of England, and asked whether there was a load that they could take back As their credentials appeared satisfactory, the van Was loaded with textiles for transport Hanson's London depot, but the goods were never delivered. The radio sets were taken from Wales in a Similar way.
BOARD OF TRADE REPORTS ON ARGENTINA replace the pre-war "Reports on
Economic and Commercial Con ditions," the export promotion &par: inent of the Board of Trade is preparing a new series of publications entitled "Overseas Economic Surveys." 'I he first volume is " Argentina, Econon* and Commercial Conditions. 1947" and is obtainable from the Stationery Office at 2s. 6d.
Belgium, Turkey, Brazil and France will be covered by reports to be published during the next few months. Surveys of a number of other countries. including Canada, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden and Persia, are beim! prepared.
AN assurance from the Board of Inland Revenue has been obtained by the Road Haulage Association that where an undertaking acquired under the Transport Act falls within section 21 of the Finance Act, 1922. the Board will not regard the provisions of that section as applying to the period immediately before the date of transfer, if the company concerned distributes as large a part of its income as has been regarded as reasonable for the purposes of that section in previous years,
The R.H.A. points out that the shareholders of an acquired undertaking may have to put the company into voluntary liquidation. Under section 31(4) of the Finance Act, 1927, the whole income to which section 21 of the Finance Act. 1922, applies, of its final trading period ending on the date of resolution for winding up, falls to be treated as shareholders' income for surtax assessment. The reply from the Board makes it clear that only a reasonable part of that income will be so liable.
ACCUSED of illegal use of petrol obtained from scrap vehicles. Robert Forrest, vehicle dismantler, of Dick Lane, Bradford, told the magistrates at Keighley Police Court on April 22: " I have in my yard at least 100 vehicles, many of them ex-Army trucks, and when I receive them there is anything between five and 20 gallons in the tanks. I have no storage for the petrol,
• and I cannot sell it I cannot even pour it down the drain without committing an offence."
A Petroleum Board official said the regulation was that petrol could be used only in the vehicle for which it was allocated, but he would not care to give a ruling on the use of petrol obtained from the tanks of dismantled vehicles.
The defence quoted a decision by the Bradford Stipendiary Magistrate (Dr. F. J. 0. Coddington) in 1944, that petrol obtained from dismantled vehicles could be used but not sold. The fuel, it was pointed out, was not acquired against the surrender of coupons, and there was Inothing in the Control of Motor Fuel Order to prevent petrol from being transferred from wrecked vehicles.
The summons was dismissed.
WHITEHAVEN magistrates have now given their decision in a case, reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week, in which the manager of the Agricultural Plant Hiring Co., Ltd., Michael Hankowski, of Holmbrook, was charged with aiding and abetting the use of tractors for a purpose for which they were not licensed. He was fined a total of £30, with £10 10s. costs.
It was stated at the previous hearing that the tractors had been used to take equipment from the atomic site at Winscales to a nearby housing site. They were taxed at Ss. and the defendants contended that, as the tractors were hired to the Ministry of Supply, they were exempt from tax.
The magistrates decided, however, that the plant was hired for use only A30
HOT MEALS IN COACHES AFLEET of 26-seater coaches having pantry and cloakroom accommodation, and on which hot meats will be served, is to be run in South Africa by the Public Utility Transport Corporation, Ltd. The vehicles will be used on 14-day tours and each will carry a hostess.
An interesting feature is an illuminated map, which, when a button is pressed by the driver, shows passengers the point reached on the journey. The coaches are air-conditioned and have sloping floors, so that passengers' vision to the front is not obscured. At each seat there is a press-button to summon the hostess. A reading light is also provided for each passenger. Apple. green Venetian blinds are fitted to the windows.
Eventually the coaches will be used on services from Johannesburg to the Victoria Falls, Kruger National Park, Lourenco Marques and along the Cape Garden route. The first service will be a tour of Natal.
FREE service will be given by Halls (Finchley), Ltd., to any operator of a Perkins-engined vehicle who sends it to the company's service station at Arcadia Avenue, Church End, Finehley, London, N.3, during the week begin
ning May 3. No labour charge will be made for minor adjustments and tuning, but operators will have to bear the cost of replacements.
Halls (Finchley), Ltd., is holding a special Perkins oil eng ne service week, and the London area engineer of F. Perkins, Ltd., and his assistant will be available to give advice.
SO far this year, R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., has exported more than 40 per cent of its total production of trailers. Machines have been sent to the following 16 countries:—Uganda, Palestine,
Burma, Ceylo it, India, Sumatra, Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran, Tanganyika, Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Borneo, Czechoslovakia and Eire. Most of the trailers have been designed and built for specialized haulage.
THE Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society continues to buy coachbuilding interests throughout Scotland, thereby implementing the intention of acquiring a chain of service facilities. The latest purchase is that of Ashgrove Coach Works, Aberdeen, formerly owned by Mr. William Walker. This business was started 28 years ago, and has done a large amount of work for Aberdeen Corporation.
NAERGERS of associations in the 1V1industry involved the risk that a single body might be set up as an instrument of large operators, of meddling officials, or of the Government of the day. said Mr. F. J. Andrews, chairman of the Birmingham section (West Midland Area) of the Hauliers' Mutual Federation, at the section's annual general meeting.
Mr, A. Lawrence, national chairman and acting general secretary of the Federation, referred to certain sections of the industry which appeared to he voluntarily abandoning freedom and
supporting the Government's nationalization plans
Mr. Andrews was appointed chairman of the section for the ensuing year, and Mr. T. H. Gair vice-chairman.
TRANSPOKT operators will have an opportunity of recruiting labour from the secondary schools in Glasgow when the Careers Council—a body organized to show secondary-school pupils the openings available to them in the area—stages its annual series of carters meetings. On May 12, Mr T Irvine Kinley, M.A., C.A., A.Islinst.T., deputy manager of Glasgow Transport Department, will outline the opportunities for juniors in transport.