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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of the paper only and typewritten by preference. The right of abbreviation is reserved, and no responsibility for views expressed is accepted.
A Congratulation on Our Coal-gas Propaganda. The Editor, THE COMWERCIAL MOTOR.
[1526] Sir,—I congratulate you on your foresight in regard to coal-gas propulsion, and the energy and persuasiveness with which you have pressed it on the motoring public. We know by experience how difficult it is to get John Bull to take out his spectacles, put them on his .nose, and look at anything, which calls on him to change direction in the. slightest degree. It ii only "dogged as does it," and you have been showing the real holding-on power of the dog persistent. You are now beginning to get your reward.
I feel that it has been too readily assumed that the gas-bag applies only to the great omnibus or wagon, and it should be pressed on those who have pleasure vehicles, or small vans, that they have in gas a sure -relief from the present stagnation of motor transport, not merely for public or commercial vehicles but for all and any,—Yours faithfully, J. H. A. MACDONALD.
[We hire, both by text and illustration, advocated the use of flexible holders on small vans. The public at ]arge raay have the wrong im pression, but not readers of THE COMEIERCEAL MOTOR.—Eo.]
Traction-engine Haulage and Road Damage.
[1527] Sir,—In your issue of the nd inst. 'Observer" writes concerning what he calls a record conveyance on the highway. I am of the opinion that your correspondents observations have been somewhat limited. He refers to two traction-engines, one marine boiler, one-load of coal and a sleeping van— three ordinary traction vehiclesproceeding with a boiler from NeWeastle-on-Tyne to Southampton. He also' states that the road was damaged by this enormous weight on a gigantic wagon. He is entirely wrong in stating that nothing, of course, dare be mentioned as to the weight of the boiler," as the weight was actually marked on the boiler. He isalso at fault in stating that it was an ." excessive load." As a matter of fact it was only a small load consisting of p. medium-sized boiler, when compared' with many other similar loads that have been 'hauled in this district. The whole point is.that there is a short piece of road between Neville's Cross, in the direction of Sunder-land Bridge, which has been in a very had state of repair for the last three years. It is simply flooded with tar and left unsuitable for any vehicle or pedestrian to passover. We have always had trouble here with the numerous loads which we have conveyed over this road ; id fact, on one Journey we had to engage a local engine to assist us over this short distance, although over the whole of the remain-,
der of our journey, viz., 300 miles, we had not the. slightest hitch. We never have any trouble in negotiating Ferry Hill, Sunderland Bridge, and
Bottle Bank, Gateshead, which are three of the most -dangerous hills, whereas, on the piece df road referred to, ire have considerable trouble.
Owing to the war the roads have been used for national service to a much greater extent-, and they have now found the folly of roads being made of unsuitable material, instead of water-bound macadam, and where -necessary sprayed with tar (not flooded with tar) and left in a. bad condition., Where would. England have been to-day had it not been for traction engines, when the railway companies failed to convey the traffic, and it was impossible -to shipoby water owing to the submarines? Instead of complaining, " Observer " should be thankful that there was such an alternative as a. traction engine'. to enable these heavy loads to be conveyed across 'England and Scot land. . •
It will surprise " Observer " to know. that the famous H.M.S. "Queen Elisabeth" and " Malay " armour plate was conveyed over these roads, lieside25 numerous other urgent Government transport The part of the road referred to by your correspondent is
Just 11k-e a sponge during. the hot weather, owing to
the tar... Had he gone a little further on, to the waterbound macadam, no traces of the engines could have
been found. We use two engines in, conveying these loads solely owing to the bad state of this road, as previously stated.
" Observer " is evidently one of -the persons who appears to 'be unaware that the war den:lands inune diate transport of urgent war materials, which can
not be removed by any means other than by traction engine. If he would meet us we would be pleased.to
show him photographs of loads that have been Con veyed from Sunderland, Hull, Newcastle, Southampton, Gretna Green, Fleetwood, Bristol, and Barrow,
and other places too numerous to mention here, without a single complaint.. We may say that loads twice the weight of tho boiler which Observer " saw beinghauled, have been conveyed over this road.
It is now time for the road surveyors in England to wake up and make-the roads suitable for all traffic. of the industrial world, instead of criticising the heavy haulage contractor who is doing his best to convey these loads with the finest spring-mounted tackle that can.be obtained.--Yours faithfully,
Manchester. .NOWNIAN Fox, LTD.