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THE MOST Excelleait Order of the British Empire has been instituted bY his Majesty the King in recognition of the manifold services, volwatary ind other, rendered by British subjects and their kllies in connection with the war.
There are in the first lists of appointments six manee of interest to the motor community: The Hon. krthur Stanley, C.V.O., C.B., M.P., is appointed a ['blight Grand Cross. Mr. Herbert Austin, • Dr. Dugald Clerk, and Mr. Alfred E. Herbert are apaainted Knights Commanders, and Mr. P. L. D. Perry Ind Mr. Harry T. Vane are appointed Commanders. Ube Order ranks next after the Royal Victorian Order Ind laefore the DiStinguished Service Order. To all he recipients of the honours mentioned above we exend hearty congratulations.
The Hon. Arthur Stanley, C.V.O., C.B., M.P., filled he chair of the Royal Automobile Club -(then the kutomobile Club of Great Britain and-Ireland) from [905 to 1907, and from April; 1912, to the presentday aith conspicuous suecess.• He is one of the trustees )f the -Motor Museum, and he takes a keen and active
nterest in its future welfare. His control of the British Red Cross movement has been so masterly as e be above .honours, for it has unquestionably effected nore•for the recuperation of the man power of the lation than any other influence.
Short rather than tall ; broadly built, with a genial 2ountenance anda brusque wanner, Herbert Austin gives one the idea of the typical Englishinan. Somea-hat hasty and impetuous perhaps, his doctrine is ' Right's right," and his policy to see a thing through. Re is a born organizer-for production, and a remarkably able engineer where the design of machine took, or special work is concerned. He was one of the first :o foresee the future of the motorcar, and Was responsible for the Wolseley cars until he founded the kuatin Motor Co. for the manufacture of the Austin ?ars. His opportunity tame with the declaration of ovar and the call for munitions, and his groat atgandzng ability has been seen in the building up, in less ,han three years, of a gigantic factory employing some '14,000 hands and covering close on 100 acres of ground, this remarkable achievement being that. for which he has now been deservedly honoured.
, Mr. Alfred Edward Herbert, trained as an engin?.er, early saw the field presented by the manufacture of • machine tools, at the time almost entirely al the hands of the Americans and Germans, and iOrne 30 years ago he started a factory in Coventry !oir the manufacture of tools. He was not many years
a in estahlishing the business of Alfred Herbert and Co.; Ltd., on .a'firra footing, and earning a world-wide reptstation for the quality of his product. When the , Ministry of Munitions was established in the iiiitninn Of 191:5, he placed his wide knoWledge 'of machine . tools and of the /machine tool trade of the world at the.disposal of the'Government, and was .appointed Director-General of ,the Machine.. Tool Department at the Ministry of Munitions.
Dr: Dugald Clerk is universally recognized as the greatest exponent of the theory and practice of the internal-combustion engine in this country. His experience eatery:IS back to the earliest days of the adop: tion of the gas engine for power purposes. Since then he has been Continuously at work on gas-engine rra search, testing and development. His work has proved of the greatest value from a practical point of view. He is held in high estimation by automobile engineers, 'and has contributed numerous papers anct delivered many lectures on the subject he specializes in. He is the author of standard works on gas, petrol and oil engines. MS' high .scientific attainments are evident in the fact that he is a D.Sc., F.R.S.; M.Inet.C.E., F.C.S., and, in addition, is 'a member • of many technical societies. He is also a past-president of the Institution of Automobile Engineers.
Mr. Harry Tempest Vane passed from the manage merit of the London branch of the Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd., to the secretaryship and later a direatorship of S. F. Edge, Ltd. When Mr. Edge severed his connection with the business in December, 1212, Mr. Vane became managing director. In the following year the businesses of D. Napier and Son, Ltd., and S. F. Edge, Ltd., were amalgamated, and Mr. Vane's responsibilities increased. Since war broke out, it may be-said, without disclosing matter of in terest to the enemy, that an entirely different industry has been built up at the Napier works.
Mr. Percival L. D. Perry came to the front many years ago as one of the partners in Messes. Perry, Thornton and Schrieber, Ltd., agents in this country for a ear which then differed materially from British ideas of a perfect Motor vehicle, to wit, the Ford. Mr. Perry; besides being a clever business man, is a witty writer and speaker. He is a trade leader, and ha's certainly contributed to the SuCcess of 'the Motor Trades Association. His recent work in connection with the provision of agricultural implements and in the 'production of food is yet, in detail, too little known to be appraised.