Railways as Local Carriers.
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It is reported that an intensive houseto-house local carrier service is to be brought into operation by the Great Western Railway Co., at towns and villages where the company's motor vehicles are now utilized in the collection and delivery of railborne traffic. It is expected that within the next month or so the new services will be in force throughout the whole of the compa y's system.
American Army Demands New Motors.
Declaring that the number of complaints with respect to unsatisfactory vehicles, purchased during the war, increases annually, the QuartermasterGeneral of the U.S. Army states in his annual report that the maximum transport efficiency of the Army cannot be accomplished with vehicles bought in 1917 and 1918.
A motor-vehicle replacement programme, which would be completed over a period of years and involving an expenditure of several 'million dollars, has, therefore, been strongly urged upon Congress by the Quartermaster-General.
A Self-contained Neon Sign for Commercial Vehicles.
Neon signs for commercial vehicles are an innovation now marketed by the Riverside Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Crisp Road, Hammersmith, London, W.6. The advertising value of this type of sign is widely appreciated, and the apparatus. produced by this concern enables owners of commercial vehicles to enjoy the combined advantage of the flashing sign and the mobility of the vehicle as advertising media.
The mechanism employed—deseribed by its maker as the working unit--is compact and housed in a neat metal case. Its cost alone is £3; complete with wet or dry battery, the figures are £4 10s. or £3 12s. 6d. respectively. The sign--designated the Blue Train-which is supplied for use with the 'working unit, is stated to be inexpensive, but prices cannot be quoted as they depend on the wording employed. Contained in a steel casing, it is strong and light, and is provided with suitable fittings for attachment.
We understand that the consumption of electricity is low, that the apparatus, if prefeered, can be worked from the existing battery, that the timing of the flashes can be regulated, and that the wiring is extremely simple.
• New Commer Distributor.
We are advised that Claud Hamilton (Aberdeen), Ltd., 254, Union Street, Aberdeen, has been appointed the distributor of Commer products in the shires of Moray, Banff, Kincardine and Aberdeen.
We.steliff Bus Company's Profits.
The annual report of Westaliff Motor Services, Ltd., for the past year shows a net profit of 14,373, after meeting all expenses and providing for depreciatiou, After adding the balance brought forward, the total available is 16,732. The directors recommend the payment of a dividend of 31 per cent. (less tax), which will account for £3,583. A balance of £1,586 is to be carried forward. The revenue of the company showed an increase of £10,127 as compared with the previous year's figures.
The Two-cycle Engine.
Recently published at 15s. by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., London, a The Two-cycle Engine," by Mr. C. F. Caunter, deals in treatise form with internal-combustion engines operating on the two-stroke principle and makes special reference to the application to road vehicles and aircraft, whilst it covers both oil and petrol engines.
Part I gives historical notes and information of the commercial development of the two-cycle engine. Part H covers the technical aspect, explaining various forms of engine and their characteristics of performance.