What the Associations are Doing
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How little has been achieved in most of the big centres, in replying to the railway propaganda, is the more notable by comparison with a direct response such as that arranged by the A.R.O. Potteries Sub-area in co-operation with the Association headquarters. The eveking newspaper that covers Stoke-on-Trent and the surrounding area recently carried a full-page advertisement, stating road transport's case. This was made possible by the support of local operators (60 of whom were listed in the advertisement) and the district has also contributed substantially to the A.R.O. national propaganda funds.
When the North Staffordshire people responded to a railway invitation to " see your newspaper to-day" they were able to learn some new aspects of the case! This convincing display reflects credit upon the A.R.O. district officials, who are hoping to provide a follow-up in the shape of a parade of 100 vehicles carrying placards.
"Inadequate Representation" on Wages Boards.
Consideration has been given, by the committee of the Manchester C.M.U.A., to representation on the proposed Area Wages Boards. A resolution has been adopted, voicing the opinion that the national transport owners' organizations are inadequately represented in view of the number of vehicles owned and persons employed by the members of such organizations, compared with other bodies granted representation.
Successful Year for R.P. and T.A.
The annual general meeting of theRoad Passenger and Transport Association was held at Dudley, last week, Mr. R. H. Hopton (chairman of the management council) presiding over an exceptionally large attendance of members, drawn from all over the West Midland Area. In presenting the balance sheet and statement of accounts for the year, the chairman called attention to the fact that the income derived from subscriptions had increased by £334, compared with the previous year.
Mr. D. E. Skelding (manager of the Association), in presenting his report of the actual work, opened by saying that the industry, although to a considerable extent a closed one, showed continued expansion on the part of existing operators. In confirmation of this, Mr. Skelding mentioned that during the year they had been successful in obtaining 28 additional vehicles on B licences, and 20 more on A licences. The refusals, he added, amounted only to 1.3 per cent. of the applications.
Alluding -to the Wages Act, Mr. Skelding expressed the hope that members would co-operate with the Association in ensuring that the wages which had been fixed were paid by all operators, and that any attempt to evade these regulations would be brought to the notice of the Association.
A member raised the question of the liability of the employer in relation to the acts of his employees. Mr. Skelding reminded the meeting that representations had been made in the proper quarter and expressed the hope that where it could be established that the employer has taken all reasonable precautions to to see that the regulations were observed, he should not be held to be guilty of an offence by an employee.
With the election of a new management council, and the adoption of a resolution that the Association seeks a president, the meeting concluded.
More Moves in Rates Task.
It is understood that the liaison committee of transport associations in the North-western Traffic Area has completed the examination of "conditions of carriage," submitted by the central liaison committee, which is functioning in London. Various alterations have been suggested and explanations have been called for in respect of certain points that require clarification. Mr. J. A. Wilson, of Lloyds Packing Warehouses, Ltd., is the chairman of the Manchester Area Rates Committee. AIMS OF NEW ULSTER ASSOCIATION.
The newly founded Mid-Antrim' Private Owners' Goods Vehicle Association represents the interests of the owners of 9,000 vehicles, and its aims are set forth in a seven-point programme, .The organization is to protect its Members in all matters pc-taining to the use of their vehicles and to oppose any legislation or restrictions that will, in any way, further increase their operating costs or difficulties. It seeks tosecure larger grants for thirdclass roads, to press for lower insurance rates on all commercial vehicles and for a reduction of the duty on petrol and for equality of petrol prices with Great Britain.
The following officers and committee members were elected:—.James B. McAllister, J.P., president; Robert Morton, vice-president; Robert Giffin, treasurer and secretary. Messrs. William Cameron, Robert H. Clarke, Patrick Murphy, J.P., J. J. McHenry, Alexander McGuckin, R. G. Nelson, comprise the advisory committee, and Messrs. Robert Allen, J. Adams, Junr., G. Chesney, H. A. Dunlop, Wm. Gregg, Robert' King, D. McCollom, Albert E. Perboli, S. Smith, J. W. Stevenson, the general Committee. The office of the Association is at 70-72, Wellington Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.
Rail Plea Supported by Nottingham Chamber.
MOTTINGHAM Chamber of Corn/1 merce last week discussed the question of road and rail transport. The traffic section reported that consideration had been given to communications received from the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, the Railway Companies' Association, the A.R.O., the C.M.U.A. and other bodies, on the subject. A resolution was adopted stating that the committee should recommend the Council of the Chamber to support the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, in representing to the Minister of Transport that legislation be introduced into Parliament with a view to ensuring that the railways may be placed on an equally competitive basis with other forms of transport, with a view to maintaining their efficiency in the national interest.
B.R.F. Road Model in Central London.
Through the courtesy of Rootes. Ltd., the B.R.F. is exhibiting its large road model at the Devonshire House premises of this company during the week commencing Monday, January 2. This is the model which attracted such widespread attention at the Federation's stand at the Motor Show this year, and it is now being shown for the first time in Central London. It should be of particular interest in view of the recommendations of the Bressey Report.