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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points (wising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
Knighthood for General Atkins.
Major-General A. R. Crofton Atkins, C.B., C.M.G., Director of Supplies and Transport, War Office, has received pro. motion in the Order of the Bath, with the rank of K.C.B. from the 21st Janie ary. General Sir A. R. Crofton Atkins now has charge of a special department. at, the new M'nistry of Supply and hes taken over from the.Surplus Government Property Disposal Board the sales management of Government motor vehicles. It. is stated that the makers are to have an opportunity of repurchasing vehiclee of their own make, and those that are not so sold will be offered to the public. The inability /of the Disposal Board to deal with the unserviceable veh'cles that. have been placed in tleeirthands during the past few months has resulted in mulch injury to tbe vehicles and waste of public money.
Petrol Control.'
The resignation of Sir Evan Jones, Bart., M.P., from the position of Controller of Petrol has now taken effect.
During the continuance of the issue of licences for motor spirit under the Finance Act of 1916, the work will lei caeried on at 19, Berkeley Street, London, W. 1. by,Mr. P. G. L. Webb, C.B.
Since the Withdrawal of the restrictions on the use of motor spirit, there have been a large number of applications daily for new licences and for increased allowances to existing licence holders, particularly for motor vehicles for commercial purposes ; these applications, and those for private uses, total about 7000 daily, and the pepartment endeavours to deal with them with the minimum of delay.
The County Council Association has asked a sub-committee to report on the recommendation of the Departmental Committee on Read Locomotives and Heavy Motor Cars.
The County Council of Middlesex has adopted the letters M.D.as an index mark in connection with the registration of motor vehicles, in addition to the letters H, MX, and MC.
Resettlement of Service Men.
We are requested by the Director of the Demobilization and Resettlement Department, 8, Richmond Terrace,Whitehall, London, S.W.. 1, to remind employers that there is no more urgent task following upon the demobilization of the Forces than the resettlement in civil life of the soldier and sailor. The machinery for this resettlement exists, and intending employers and employees should 'endeavour to take full advantage tor it. The employment exchanges, assisted by the local advisory committees are carefully organized with increased strength and adequate staffs, and branches are being set up to deal with discharged men only. The work being supervised by men in the same position as those whom they are helping back to civil employment, these is every facility for rapid C24
and sympathetic handling of the available talent, and particular attention is given to the needs of men who are in a measure disabled. Particularlyshould employers do their beet, to help those men who have sustained serious bodily injuries, which, however, need in no sense unfit them for successful life as civilians.
Tanks for Sale.
A number of obsolete Tanks are to be sold by the Government. The intention is that they should be broken up and the material, including engines and gears; used for industrial purposes. Inquiries in connection' with the matter should be .addressed in the first instance to the Secretary, Committee on the Utilisation of Surplus War Material, Room 211, Armament Buildings, Whitehall, S.W. 1.
The Government "Joint Roads Committee" is being asked to receive a deputation from the County Councils Association with reference to the way claims in respect of damage by extraordinary traffic are being dealt with.
The CountyCouncils Association, which urged that road control by Government departments should_ new cease, hats had an answer from the Ministry of Reconstruction to the effect that none of the rights, powers, or duties of Local. Road Authorities have in any way been ahvogated by any of the Regulations made in the Defence of the Realm Act, except in cases where roads have been taken over by the War Office under Regulation 5 A. The Ministry adds, on the subject of material for roads, that it is recognized that such control during the period of readjustment of normal production is beneficial to prices and transportation.
Road Transport Control,
The National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated) has unanimously adopted the following resolution in respect of the contemplated Ministry of Ways and Communications, which it is proposed to place under the control of Sir Erie Geddes as Minister "The National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association (Inc.), having considered the proposal to place the control of (a) roads and road transport and (b) railways under the same Ministry, is of opinion (the interests concerned being seldom identical and sometimes conflicting), that housing and other national reconstruction programmes and developments of industrial and agricultural road transportation are likely to be retarded finless such control be entrusted to distinct and separate. Nnistriee, or guarantees of like effectiveness be provided by the Government in any new Departmental organization." Captain F. G. Bristow, the general secretary of the Associution, has been • instructed to communicate the resolution to Rfr, E. S. Shrapnell•Smith, C.I3.E., ,chairman of the Standing Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport Associations, with a request that the affiliated societies shall be consulted.
These axe, in addition to the C.M.U.A. :— The Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association, Ltd. The London and Provincial Omnibus Owners Association (Inc.). The National Motor Cyclists Fuel Union. The National Union of Horse and Motor Vehicle Owners Associations.
The National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association.
Royal Agricultural Society of England. Showmen's Guild.
The Steam Cultivation Development. Association.
Gems of Inaccuracy.
Someone in the H.M.T. Depot of the R.A.S.C. has been tracking down little gems.. of inaccuracy on the part of the women card clerks. Not kind, of course, but the result culled from "Rich Mix ture "is funny enough for frequent reading. We reproduce it:— 1. 'Wire Cable, j in. by 5 in. by 6 iii., loopedfat both ends for holding armoured lollies.
2. Carburettor Instruction Pipe.
3. Endless Bolts,
4. Front-Spring EyeBrush.
5. Sight,Feed Ass. 6. Bearing Cupboard Complete. 7. Platinum Contracts for Electric Horn.
8. Screw for Attaching Hand to Body.
9. Preserve Pump. 10. Tool-kits minus Books with Tunnels complete. 11. Needless Preps. 12, Pump, Fire. 13. Conclusion complete with Screws for attaching. 14. Wormhole Drive Gear.
15. Pins, Joke. 16. Shops for securing Curtains when rolled up.
Guy Motors Profits.
The reports and balance sheets of Guy Motors, Ltd., for each of the twelve months ended 30th September, 1916, 1917 and 1918, none of which has been _previously submitted to the shareholders, have now been issued. Provision has had to be made for the estimated amount payable for excess profits duty, and at the end of the period a balance of £32,057 'ermine, which the directors recommend shall he applied as follows; Dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum en the crdinary shares, absorbing £5200; dividend at the rate of 5 per cent on the deferred shares, absorbing £181; carried to reserve £10,000, and carried forward a balance of £16,676. The directors announce their intention to issue a further 100,000 £1 ordinary shares, thus raising the capital to £200,000.
Scottish Transport Developments.
The question of transport is receiving ranch attention in almost all parts of Scotland, and in numerous instances definite steps are being taken in the way of devising ways and means.
At a meeting of Kincardine Parish Council, Perthshire, it was decided to petition the Board of Agriculture and the Perth County Council with the view to a regular motor service being established, or a light railway constructed, betweati Stirling and Port of Menteith. The distance Is 15 or 16 miles. 'The-proposed route would be by way of Drip Bridge, Coltioch, 'Thornhill and Ruskie. The Parish Council point out that the lends of Thornhill may be . formed into small holdings for soldiers and otbeis; and that their proper development would be greatly facilitated by a well-planned system of road transport. A special committee of Lanark County Council is working on similar lines. It is under the chairmanship of the convener of the county, Sir Robert King Stewart, and is now in a position to stibmit certain proposals. The original idea was to form "alight railway along the Clyde Valley, but the scheme fell into disfavour when the advantagea`of motor transport came to be carefully considered and fully recognized. The committee recommend that liberal services,of motorbuses and motor lorries be established in various parts of the ,county. It is further suggested that lighs railway he constructed between -Strathaven and Glasgow, passing through Chapelton, East Hillarides and Carniunnork, with a branch line from Strathaven to Muirkirk. Another proposed extension wonld run from Chapelton timughBilsby to Eaglesham and Mearns in Benfrowshire. The combined schemes are intended to help in developing both the apiculture' and miueral resources of the districts to be tapped. Messrs. Warren and Stuart, C.E., have been instructed to accompany the committee in an inspecting tour of the several routes.
An interesting transport proposal is that which is, to link Ardnamurchan-the most weeterhe point of the Scottish mainland—with dlenfinnan on the West Highland Railway. The distance to be
traversed is about 40 and the region embraces the wiIcleand romantic country of Prince Charlie, Iran ore and other mineral deposits are abundant in the neighbourhood of Ardnamurchan Point. It is stated that mines may shortly he sunk, and, in that event, a light railway will be selected as a mode of transport. In any case, it is proposed to arrangeiimmediately for a good motor service, and public mettiogs are being held to push the projects forward.
A Petrol Substitute.
Johannesburg Municipal Council reports that an alcoholic substance known as pertrol has recently been introduvd as a petrol substitute. It has properties similar to petrol, and the storage will therefore requiretto be controlled, in the same manner as petrol storage is regulated The death took place in Edinburgh last week of Mr. John Hamilton Buchanan, proprietor of the estate of Leny, Callander. Mr. Buchanan was the last surviv ing member of his family and the repreeentative of the ancient family of the Buchaeans of Leny which goes far back into Scottish history. Mr. Buchanan was well-known in busineris circles. He was a director of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, and the Commercial Bank ot Scotland.
• Char-a-Bancs Tours. .
As we expected, the revocation of the restrictions on the use of petrol is resulting in a development in motor char-a banes services.
We have received from Messrs. Chapman and Son a pamphlet dealing with. their char-6,-bancs tours and giving a practical programme for the whole of the summer. The first tour starts on the 21st April and covers a period of six days, the district being North Devon and the Cornish coast. Thia tour, as with all the others, starts from the Grand Hotel, Charing Cross. Eight tours to this district will take place during the summer, the fare, inclusive of first-class hotel accommodation, being eight guineas. A six-days tour is also arranged for Mid-Wales, the Wye Valley, Aberystwyth, and Bettws-y-Coed, commencing on the 5th May. Eight of these will be run during the summer at the same, fare. Eight tours are also arranged to cover the district of-Land's End and the Cornish Riviera. There also are six clays tours at the fare of eight guineas. A 13-days tour from London to Oban, via the English and Scottish lakes, takes place on 23rd June and the three subsequent, days, at a fare of 17 guineas.
These tours are thoroughly well worked out; the pamphlet issued in respect of them gives a complete timetable and itinerary, and sets out the conditions under which accommodation may be booked, all bookings having to be made to Chapman and Sons, Victoria Place, Eastbourne.
Returned Army lorries recently sold by auction in London fetched the following prices: 38 h.p. 5-ton Laere, £372; 4-ton Leyland, 2330 15s.; 2i-ton Harrier, £189; 2-ton Albion, £110 Es. No report is obtainable as to the condition of these vehicles.
Delivery has just been received by the "klaidstone Borough eheatrician of a Z+ ton electric vehicle equipped with the Wilkins patent unloading gear which was described. in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR a few months ago. A 3-ton load of ballast has been discharged in 40 seconds by this device.
Dunlops in Dublin.
Dublin has had a noted addition to the city's business premises in Dunlop House, Lower Abbey Street, the new headquarters of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., in Ireland. It is a tesbiroony to the ever-growing popularity of the Dunlop products that this fine building has been called into existence, and the dignity of the structure is in keeping with the prestige of the well-known tyre firm, which, it should be remehibered, was originated in Dublin. The building has handsome showrooms on the ground floor and spacions office accommodation. The entrance hall and staircase are beautifully finished.
Motors for the Road Programme.
In undertaking the great road fepair programme local authorities throughout the country will inquire large numbers of motor vehicles. Even the Urban District Council of Heston and Ldeworth estimates that saii steam lorries will be required for the local road scheme.
The Industrial Reconstruction Council.
The third lecture of the series arranged by the Industrial Reconstruction Council will be held in the Saddlers' Hall, Cheapside, E.C. 2, on Wednesday, 5th Febru • ary. Theichair Will be taken at 4.30 by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, and a lecture entitled "The Industrial Awakening" will be delivered by Mr. Ernest J. P. Bean, chairman of the council.
Still Running !
The Christmas card of the 2nd Divisional M.T. Company of the Royal Army Service Corps took a novel form, showing a Commer lorry which has been with the unit and in daily use since August, 1914. When taken over on the outbreak of the war this lorry was working for the
"Johnny Walker" people and it, still has their trade-mark painted on its side. The majority of the lorries with the 2nd Div M.T. are Ciminero.
We understand that the Associated EqMpreent-Co., Ltd., have acquired the contract for the Liverpool Corporation's fleet of single deck buses. Other corpoiations are negotiating with them for omnibuses and ehars-a-bancs.
Mr. Richard J. Howley, M.Inst.C.E., has resigned his position as j&nt _manager of the British Electric Traction Co., in order to take up private practice. Mr. Howley will continue to ect.as chairman of the Potteries' Electric Traction Co,, and of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., and in an advisory capacity to the Brit's!' Electrical Federation.
Lancashire Transport.
With reference to a paragraph appearing in our issue of the 16th inst. dealing with transport in Lancashire, in which we referred to the fact that Masers. H. Viney and Co., Ltd., claimed to he among the oldest of motor haulage contractors in the North of England, Mr. Richard Allen, of Holton View, Widnes, Lancashire, reminds us that he took delivery of his first steam wagon, a Foden 5-tonner, on the 6th May, 1902, and that he has now been in the transport bush aces wall over 16 years.
Municipal Steam Wagon Costs
In a paper read at a meeting of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers on road work during the war, Mr. J. 0. Haller,County Surveyor of Nottingham, said, owing to the scarcity of horses, hired mechanical haulage had to be resorted to, but with the high prices which soon began to prevail for any kind of tractor or steam wagon, it was clear that to carry out the work the County Council must purchase its own haulage plant. A five-ton steam tipping wagon was therefore purchased from Burrell and Co., Ltd., Thetford, in November, 1915; which, with two trailer tipping wagons,' cost 2800. This proved so satisfactory that in July, 1916, another steam wagon with trailers was obtained, the makers being Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., and the wagon was fitted with mechanical tipping gear, the total cost 13eing 2850. A third wagon has just recently been obtained, and this was also supplied by Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd.
These wagons were an undoubted aimcess. Figures quoted showed the costs to be as follow : Burrell 21 14s. a day its 1916-17 and 21 15s. 9d. per day in 1917-18; 3s. per mile and 3s. 10d. per mile for each year ; 4.65d. and 5.09d. per ton per mile respectively for each year.
Clayton and Shuttleworth: 21 fis. 40. per clay in 1916-17 and 21. 15s. 8d. per day in 1917-18; 3s, fid. per mile and 4s. ld. per mile for each year ; 4.65d. and 5.76d. per ton per mile resasectively for each year.
The Surveyor added that the cost of haulage per ton per mile was very, low, showing a considerable reduction on the cost of hiring in 1914-15 of mechanical transport, which averaged 100. per ton per mile.
Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., advise us that they are exhibiting their general purpose tractor at the Lyons Fair in March next.
Italy's Motor Exports and Imports.
period of the two preceding years. From let January to 30th June, 1918, of 3904 lorries in the first six months of there were exported a total of 1628 lorries, htsing a total value of approximately £940,000, compared with a total 1918, compared with the con espouding falling off for the first six months of Italian motor lorry exports showed a 1917 and 2162 in the first six months of
1916. • Italian imports of motor vehicles were very low during the first half of 1918, the value being about 215,000 for 92 touring cars and one lorry For the corresponding period of 1916 the figures " were 178 lorries and 9 touring cars. The following are the detailed returns, the values being in Italian liras :— AUTOMOBILE EXPORTS FROM ITALY.
Six months ended 30th June. .
There appears to us as though a discrepancy. might have occurred in the figi.res given for the total value of imports, but they are reproduced as officially circulated from Turin.
The London Centre of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund hold their annual concert in the Great Hall, Cannon Street Hotel, on Thursday, 20th March. Sir Percival Perry will be in the chair.
Wanted Women Drivers.
The motor transport section of the Women's T.,egoii are sending out an brgent call for experienced drivers. The women will be attached to the Army Service Corps. end will be required for driving light cars, ambulances and box. bodyvans. Applicants must, have bad a certain amount of road experience. The pay is 38s. per Week, ancl,uniforin is provided. Application 'should be made to the Commandtint of the Transport Section of the Legion, 15, pall Mall East.
The First Motor-tab.
Someone has been keen enough to try to find out. when the firstpowerdriven cab was put on the roads, and has discovered a, reference to Hancock'e. steam cab. of 1838, in a paragraph in `the ;London, Standard," dated 23rd June of that ,year. It reads as follows :—
"On .Friday se'nnigl:t Hyde Park presented a more than usually gay appearance in consequence-of n crowd of fashionably; being assembled to witness the •trials of a newly constructed, steam cab. Amongst the many Splendid equipages were observed those of the Dowager Countess of Sutherland, the Marquis of Salisbury, the Marquis of Northampton, the Earl of Whichelsear the Earl of Warwick, Lord Howick, Lord Holland, and many4other distinguished personages. About three o'clock the object .of attraction (i.e., the steam cab) moved forward at a slow pace from the old foot guard barracks, Knightsbridge, and threaded its way through the various vehicles into the park, passing through the centre gate of the triumphal arch and making, in the open space opposite the statue, several turns within its own length. The vehicle was then propelled with apparent ease for three or four hours round the park, and from the slight noise it made the horses passing did not appear to be frightened. The average speed of the cab was about 12 miles per hour. The vehicle was guided by Mr. Hancock, the inventor."
War Motors for Village Services
In view of the urgent need of several villages be'ng linked up with Okehampton by a system of motor omnibuses the Town Council suggests that the Ministry of Reconstruction should provide the necessary means from the surplus stn.dc available at its disposal for the purpose.
" Punch " and its Skit on Dunlop.
a recent issue of " Punch " concerning a An amusing little article appeared in
Mr. D—, whose regular appearance is admitted by the genial old gentleman to render certain o our per:odicals more entertaining. Mr. D— is, indeed, "rapidly b,ecoming one of the best known figures in the British Isles and bids fair soon to be more familiar than ether of the Georges—Rex or Lloyd." Than this compliment from "Punch" no higher could be desired by the Dunlop Rubber Company's management, for. the Mr. D— is no other than the inventor of the pneumatic tyre as pictured by various artists. Mr. .13." opines that in years to come one of the tasks of ,ant:quaries will be to determine the body of myth attaching to Mr. D—'s personality. We do not think that any such investigation will ever become necessary. Dunlop tyres in some form or other will exist as long as wheeled locomotion, and, though the pneumatic is only some thirty years old, its exploits are already matters of history and the fame of its creator established.
Local Proceedings.
Dipton (Durham) Council is to consider the provision of an ambulance.
• Tottenham U.D.C. is to consider at an early date the question of extending its ambulance service.
Eaton (Yorks.) U.D.C. is to purchase a motor tireengine.
A motor transport service is being suggested for Millom.
Aldershot,Town Council has purchased a 60 h.p. motor fire-engine with a pumping capacity of 500 gallons per minute.
The Tramways Committee of the Southampton Town Council recommends application to the L.G.B. for sanction to borrow £7000 for the purchase of six motor omnibuses'which are badly needed to augment the tramway service.
Thos. Till'ng, Ltd., have made application to the Brighton Corporation for permission to extend their No. 7 service, which now runs .between Sussex Square and Brighton Station, on to Hove Station, via Terminus Road, Seven Dials and D'Av igdor Road.
Date of the Show.
The question of the date of the projected CoMmercial Vehicle Exhibition to be promoted by the Society of Manufacturers and Traders has been considered, but no decision has yet been arrived at. There has been a suggestion that no show is desirable.before March, 1920.
Mr. R. Barry Cole, of Caledon Motors, Ltd., has been elected a member of the Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M.