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A Representative Gathering of Goods and Passenger Vehicles, and Fire-engines, Staged Either by Their Makers or Northern Agents.
LA.ST Friday marked the opening, by H.R.H. the Duke of York, of the 21st Scottish Motor Show, which will, close its doors next Saturday, February 3rd. Its importance, so far as this journal is concerned, lies in the fact that considerable space is allocated to commercial vehicles and fire-engines, of which there are some 00 different makes on view. Apart from this, owing to there not having been a commercial vehicle exhibition at Olympia in October, this is by far the most important gathering of trade and municipal vehicles since the Scottish Show of last January.
Scotland is by no means far behind in the employ ment of mechanical road transport, and to many potential buyers this Show ranks far above that held previously at Olympia, chiefly for the reason that it is more accessible, but partly also because the Scot feels more satisfied when he is running things, as it were, on his own. Apart from its interest to those across the Border, the Shaw should make a strong appeal elsewhere, as no other opportunity will be given the buyer for some considerable time to make a comparison between the vehicles and makes exhibited ; also, prices have more or less settled down, and any considerable price reductions in the near future are most unlikely, if not impossible.
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. Stand 146.
The passenger vehicles exhibited by this company are of particular interest, as they embody the new 24 h.p chassis specially constructed for bus and coach work. The chief point a:bent this chassis is its speed-25 m.p.h as a 14seater coach on pneumatic tyre.s and 20 m.p.h: with 20-seater bus body and, lower-geared, final drive.
The 20-seater bus has a bent entrance at the near side, and also a door to the driver's seat at the off side
The side windows are detachable with their frames, thus leaving the vehicle open' except for its canopy.
The other passenger vehicle is the 14-seater c,eal'h, which is a fine-looking machine. with Dunlop disc wheels and pneumatic tyres, 895 mm. by 135 mm. twins at the rear and singles at the front.
Goods vehicles a4.0 represented by a handsome 30-cwt. box van on the 20 h.p. cha.ssis and a platform lorry on the 32 h.p. 3-ton chassis.
The van has pneumatic tyres at the front and twin solids at the rear, and embodies a fine cab with well-upholstered seat and back squab. At the back is a hinged step_ James Ross and Sons. Stand 143.
.As examples of sound British productions the three exhibits staged by this exhibitor are certainly in the front rank. All are of Harrier make, but most interest centres round the new H type, designed to carry 2-ton loads and to be especially suitable for light bus work ; with this in view great care has been taken to eliminate noise and vibration. The springing is particularly good, the rear springs being no less than 5 ft. between centres. Friction is reduoed by mounting the front wheels on Skefko ball bearings and the rear wheels on Timken 'roller bearings.
Special attention has been paid to the gearbox, and the control mechanism is attached direct to the box and not to the frame. Four speeds are provided, mid both engine and gearbox are mounted on the same sub-frame, which is three-point suspended.
A very unusual feature. is the anchormg of the foot brake on a separate crossmember amidships; this same member supports the centre bearing of the twopiece propeller shaft which has four Hardy flexible joints. A solid-forged pot type rear axle carries the overhead worm gearing, whilst the band brake acts on internally expanding shoes in the rearwheel drums.
The 16-seater coach has a 25 h.p. engine, four-speed gearbox, worm final drive with solid-forged axle, and right-hand control. The body has one entrance at the centre and hinged doors to the seat backs.
The largest vehicle is a standard 4-ton lorry.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. Stand 147.
The Thornyeroft stand, which occupies a corner close to the quarters of the Royal $cottish Automobile Club, provides space for four fine exhibits, comprising a 40 h.p. long-wheelbase chassis for passenger work, a neat 2-ton box van on a B.T. 25 h.p. chassis, a 20-seater open coach on a long-wheelbase B.T. chassis, and a 4-ton J-type lorry with hinged sides and tailboard.
The coach admirably fulfils the growing demand for the smaller-type vehicle and comes within the limitations imposed on passenger-carrying vehicles in many parts of a fine-looking machine, with a tapered bonnet merging' rito is V-scuttle dash with V windscreen; the chassis is 2i ins. lower than usual and the rear springs are5 ft. 3 ins. between centres.
The B.T. van is built for a Glasgow baker; it is fitted inside for carrying tins of biscuits, and a high rail is fixed round the roof.
The Vulcan Motor Co., Ltd. Stand 126.
Amongst the goods vehicles the one of particular interest to Scottish visitors is the fine bread van on the 30-cwt. chassis. This van holds 700 loaves., arranged in tiers of trays. The second goods vehicle is a 20-25-cwt. tradesman's van • en the new Vulcan chassis and fitted with pneumatic tyros. . Of the passenger vehicles the more interesting is the new one-man-operated bus, to seat 20 passengers, on the 2-ton chassis. At the left of the driver is a lever, which not only shuts the door and locks it, but also eauses the lower step to fold up.
The seats are in pairs and an emergency door is provided at the rear.
The 20-seater coach is a fine example of -Vulcan bodywork, and it is provided with a novel airangement of side curtains, which open with the doors. Access to the penultimate row is permitted by a hinged part of the seat back in the row in front.
We have previously described the 20-25-cwt. chassis. This has an engine of 80 mm. bore and 130 mm. stroke' Ferodofaced cone clutch, four speeds and worm drive. A deviation from Vulcan practice is the right-hand change.
,Bryson Bros. (Motors), Ltd. Stand 140. One of the most luxurious lorries which we have ever seen is the 4-ten G-type Leyland, made for Brisbane and Seattle's Dairies. Shawlands. Glasgow. It is finished in wagon red and equipped with electric headlamps.
Of great interrat, on the same stand, is the new 20-25-cwt. Vulcan, which in this case has a large van body with double rear doors and enclosed cab, also with drop windows. Next to this is a 12-cwt Belsize van, with unit construction of engine and gearbox, four speeds Hardy joints, bevel drive in vertical banjo axle casing, and both brakes on rear sheets.
The latest 11-2-ton De Dian is also shown carrying a large ran body in polished wood. The chaasis is model HO, with cylinders cast in pairs, plate clutch, four speeds, and the usual Be Dion drive by short cardan shaft and internal gear. IAA but not least, is a sturdy 3-type Thornyeroft platform lorry, a chassis which is known the world over.
H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd. Stand 165.
The well-known Burford vehicles are represented by a 30cwt. stripped chassis and a 4-ton open-sided. orry. The chassis,has a four-cylinder monobloc engine, with centrifugal pump water circulation, a tunnelled fan, and gilled tubular radiator. The gearbox, which provides three speeds, is built as a unit with the engine, and the drive is conveyed through a two-piece propeller shaft with one flexible fabric joint and two enclosed star joints with a centre bearing on a dropped cross-member, to a dual-type axle.
The chassis of the larger vehicle closely resembles the smaller type, except that a neat foot brake of the loc,o type and acting through the transmission, is situated in front of, and anchored to, the load-carrying member of the rear axle.
Light Vehicles, Ltd. Stand 128.
The L.V.L. 25-30-cwt. chassis is a new production, which made its bow to the public a few months ago, and is now shown for the first time. It is asimple and efficient machine, which should have a good future, it is represented by two chassis, one carrying an Eagle end-tipping body with single screw gear, and the other a 14-16-seater coach body painted brown and trimmed in antique leather. The power 'unit is a four-cylinder Dorman of 20 h.p. with impeller type pump, .B.T.H. magneto, and Zenith carburetter.
A fabric-faced cone clutch conveys the drive to a fourspeed gearbox with right-hand change, and a tubular propeller shaft, with Hardy disc joints, continues the drive to the overhead worm in its pot-type axle.
General Motors (Glasgow), Ltd. Stand 129.
The &sottish agents for the well-known Commer Car chassis exhibit two types, one of which is the new 30 model, which we described in detail in our last issue.
The engine, which has its four cylinders cast in pairs, is of 115 mm. bore and 140 mm. stroke, developing 40 b.lnp. This unit is three-point suspended, and drives through a leather-faced cone clutch to a patent four-speed gearbox, in which all the changes are effected by dog clutches.
The 20 chassis carries 2-24 tons, and resembles the 3P model (not shown) in many ways. It has an engine of 100 mm. bore and 120 mm. stroke, a three-speed gearbox, and short propeller shaft .leading to a shaft: enclosed in a stout torque tube, the front end of which has a spherical bearing in a crass-member. Final drive is by overhead worm.
Rennie Motors, Ltd. Stand 141.
Fire-fighting equipment, including complete engines and parts, of Dennis manufacture, form the sole, but very interesting, exhibits staged by this company. One of the engines is the light type, 40-45 h.p.with multi-' stage, centrifugal, high-pressure pump delivering 300-350 gallons per minute. The power unit has four cylinders of 115 mm. bore and 150 min. stroke, east in pairs and provided with pressure-fed lubrication. The gearbox provides four forward speeds, and the final drive is by overhead worm gearing. The pump is of a patented type, which was described in i detail n this journal a few months ago; it has two 'single acting exhauster pumps, which give a vertical lift of 25 ft. to 26 ft. in 30 secs.
Another interesting exhibit is the 200-250-gallon turbine hand or trailer-drawn fire-engine, which is eminently suitable for the smaller municipalities which cannot afford the larger models. This engine embodies a smaller edition of the patent pump.
Mackay and Jardine, Ltd. Stand 152.
This company are the makers of the Clyde commercial vehicles, and they show two complete buses and a stripped chassis.
The Clyde is built to carry 30 cwt. It has a four-cylinder power unit of 3i-in. bore and 5k-in. stroke of monobloc construction and three-point supported in the frame. The threespeed gearbox is built as a unit with.theijengine, the casing also enclosing the multiple dry-plate clutch. The long propeller shaft is tubular, and has star-type enclosed universal joints at each end. The final drive is by overhead worm in a pot-type casing. One of the buses is a 14-seater with entrance at the rear near side; the seats are in pairs across the bus.
The other bus is fitted with front entrance at the near side, and with standard super-cushion tyres at the rear,and Dunlop cord tyres at the front.Tho solo concessMnnaire.s are Andrew M. GoMit> and Co., Airdrie.
James Martin (Kirkintilloch),,Ltd. Stand 153.
Three vehicles of different makes are to be found staged on this stand. One 'is a 20.1 h.p. 30-cwt. Vulcan generalpurpose lorry, the chief feature of which is the new venetian or roll-top desk type bonnet sides, which can easily be slid up or down to any convenient position.
Next is a 4-ton Leyland with a body built for carrying petrol cans. Theichassis is the G type with a 36 h.p. engine, four-speed gearbox, and double-reduction spur and bevel-type rear axle.
The third vehicle is a 20 h.p. 30-cwt. Albion general-purpose lorry with detachable sides and tailboard.
F. D. Cowieson and Co. 'Stand 167.
Three exceptionally fine vehicles are, to be found on this stand, all with bodies made by the exhibitors. In the centre is a 40 h.p. Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric saloon bus to seat 30 passengers, and built for the Scottish General Omnibus Co., Ltd. It is adapted for one-man operation the single wide entrance being at the near-side front. As: emergency exit is provided at the back. All the seats and back-rests are upholstered. At the left of the stand is a striking 14-seater Guy coach on Michelin wheels and pneumatic tyres.. There is a nearside door to every row of seats, and a bridge-piece across the near-side rear wing forms a step to assist access to the door over the wheel arch.
The third vehicle is a 22.4 h.p. Renault carrying a Cowieson St. '.Andrews ambulance body of a new and very handsome design. It will carry one stretcher case, and seats are provided for an attendant and nurse, whilst four or five sitting patients are accommodated by a lon.g seat at the near side. The attendant's seat folds 'down and forms two steps.
David Carlaw and Sons, Ltd. Stand 142.
Three G.M.C. vehicles, all embodying the 30-cwt. K16 model, are staged. They comprise two capacious baker's vans, one with a roof rail and steps for access to it at the near side, the other built more on the lines of a private car with domed vans, etc.
The third vehicle is a saloon bus with the entrance at the near-side front end.
The K16 chassis has an entirely new four-cylinder mono. bloc engine with separate cast-iron-cylinder liners. .
Taggarts (Glasgow), Ltd. Stand 151.
ALI three exhibits on this stand are of Link make. They consist of a fine 14-seater open coach, a 30-cwt. stripped chassis, and a similar chassis carrying a special van body built by Chas. Glasgow, of Paisley. The coach is a neat and handsome vehicle of more or less standard construction. It is provided with side wings to the vs indscreen and domed mudguards.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd. Stand 145.
By far the most striking exhibit on the Halley stand is the huge 7$ h.p. six-cylinder fire-engine built for the Glasgow authorities. This is a very handsome machine with its long, polished aluminium bonnet and radiator. It is provided with a Drysdale centrifugal pump. ..Next in interest is the 2.2k-ton overtvpe vehicle with a cab which will easily accommodate two °raillery men. The third exhibit is a 2-ton bread van on the new 25 h.p. four-cylinder model With worm final drive and four-speed gearbox. Last, but by no means least, is a six-cylinder P-type chassis carrying a platform lorry body and fitted with a totally enclosed cab with drop windows in the doors.
Perk Motor Co., Ltd. Stand 149.
A most handsome and well-finished single-deck bus to seat 36 passengers and provided with rear entrance at the near side is the outstanding exhibit staged by the Scottish distributing agents for A.E.C. vehicles. The body is built chiefly of teak and finished in the natural wood.
Of the other two vehicles one is a three-way hydraulic tipping wagon on the A.E.C. type 5 chassis, and the other is a flat platform lorry on a similar chassis.
Another interestime exhibit is the new model 5 engine; this has a bore of 120 mm. and a vtre,ke of 150 min, and develops 45 blip. at 1,000 r.p.m.
Leyland Motors, Ltd. Stand 148.
The largest vehicle shown by this company is a 42-seater single-deck bus, with the driver accommodated alongside the engine. The chassis is the 03.7 type with 36 h.p. (R.A.C.Y engine, four-speed gearbox and double-reduction spur-andbevel rear axle.
Metre is a smoking compartment with saloon type seats at the rear end, whilst the front seats face forward.
Of particular interest to Scottish users is the 23-seater coach on the '2-ton Al chassis. This has doors to etch row of seats, and the body is made 1 ft. narrower than usual, so that it comes within the limit made fer some of the narrow roads in Scotland.
Another of the vehicles shown is a lorry built for the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., to carry tins of petrol.
The final exhibit is a 2-ton lorry with platform and Cab.
Guy Motors, Ltd. Stand 168.
The three exhibits staged by this company on their own stand are a 30-cwt. chassis carrying a 14-seater one.manoperated bus body, a 25-ewt, end-tipping wagon of the runback type, and a 21--ton polished chassis.
The bus has a folding door at the front near side, operated from the driver's seat. The bus chassis hits unit construction of engine and gear box, and open propeller shaft drive to an overhead worm carried by a horizontal banjo type axle.
The 2,2t-ton polished chassis presents a very fine appearance and kinks a thoroughly sound engineering job. ft has a fourcylinder engine with inclined valves, centrifugal water pump, cone clutch, four speeds and totally enclosed universal joints. The foot brake is close in front of the rear axle, which is of
the bevel-and-spur double-reduction type.
Hendry and Co., Ltd. Stand 150_
On this stand is the new 2-ton B.W. type Straker-Squire, priced. at £550. The engine is a four-cylinder monobloc -with all the valves enclosed at the near side. • The clutch is of the ordinary cone type and a curious double star type joint is provided between it and the fourspeed gearbox, which is also mounted at four points on the extended frame webs.
A long tubular propeller shaft, with enclosed' star type joints, conveys the drive to an overhead worm gear. The other chassis on the stand is a Graham Brothers with a standard Dodge engine and the same type of three-speed gearbox, which forms a unit with the engine, which has a bore and stroke of 98 mm. and 114 mm. respectively. The rear portion of the vehicle is made by Graham Bros. One interesting Dodge vehicle is a Screen van with wire mesh sides; this is used by American farmers for carrying passengers, sheep, fodder, etc. Roll-down waterproof covers are provided at sides and rear.
Robert Mitchell and Son, Ltd. Stand 163.
. The only electric vehicle at the Shari is to be found on this stand; it is called the Mitchell, but is actually a Garrett vehicle modified slightly to take a very large body for carrying bread. The two Guy vehicles are an 18-seater coach on the 25.cwt. chassis and a commercial traveller's van onthe 15-tut. model.
The coach is provided with side windscreens of glass in metal frames, carried by and pivoting on pillars fitted into special sockets. The traveller's vehicle has drop windows to front" and rear doors, and a capacious body with one permanent seat. The Delahaye is fitted with a large-capacity van body to carry one ton.
The South Western Coach Works, Ltd. Stand 130.
The four Fiat exhibits staged by the Scottish agents comprise two complete vehicles and two stripped chassis. Of the former the most striking is a 14-seater coach fitted with a winter top, both body and top being built by Strachan and Brown.
The door above the wheel arch has one step on the body and the other bridging the wing.
The other vehicle ia a neat 10-cwt. delivery van an the T.1 chassis.
The chassis are the 30-cwt. 15-Ter model With bevel drive and similar construction to the F.2 type; and the 31-ton. 18 BL model with enclosed chain drive.
Glasgow and Paris Motor Co„ Ltd. Stand 127.
Complete vehicles or chassis by three famous French makers form the fine display of exhibits on this stand. Occupying a central position is the 30-cat. Latil chassis, which is here shown for the first time in Britain. The particular feature of this chassis is its remarkably low frame. The casing of the intermediate drive and differential gearing is supported by two frame cross-members, and short c.arclan shafts, which pass through slots in the side-members. convey the drive to pinions meshing with internally toothed rings in the rear wheels.
Behind this chassis is a handsome baker's van on a 2-ton Delahaye chassis on pneumatic tyres_ A second in the form of a 15-cwt. traveller's brougham is also staged.
Berliets are represented by two vehicles, one a *ton platform lorry with large cab having high side doors, the other a neat 15-cwt. box van.
Peter Crerar. Stand 166.
The four exhibits shown by this exhibitor are a stripped Cottin et Desgouttes 2-ton chassis an 18-seater coach and a 20-seater saloon bus on similar chassis, and a 14-seater coach on a 30-cwt. S.P.A. chassis, which now makes its. first appearance in Britain. The final drive is by spur and bevel double-reduCtion gearing. Pneumatic tyres are fitted as standard. The S.P.A. chassis has a moriobioc engine dry-plate clutch, four speeds, and double-reduction rear axle with propeller shaft enclosed in torque tube.
Bath coaches are handsome, well built, and trimmed in real leather.
The saloon bus has domed back and sides, and windows which can drop into body. Seats are in pairs facing forward.
Macharg, Rennie and Lindsay, Ltd. Stand 164.
A very handsome Lancia coach to seat 18 passengers is the largest vehicle shown here, the ether two are an Overland light 10-cwt. van and an Overland traveller's brougham.
The Lancia coach has a 30 h.p. engine with pump water circulation, dry disc clutch' four speeds with central change and bevel final drive. It has a Covqieson streamline body trimmed in leather, domed wings, double running boards,and is equipped with Michelin wheels and pneumatic tyres.